The hovering hunk of ice had been silent throughout the whole trip,
simply floating alongside. No sounds came from it, almost as if the
pokemon was still hibernating
The area seemed to have nothing, simply...a weird smell? It wasn't
a normal smell, it didn't seem to be like a normal felt
more like a presence than anything else, though Yoru could feel it
more than the others. "Quick, we have to find that clue before
someone finds us." Not that it would be that big of a deal, but the
commotion might slow them.
Yoru's nose twitched as she sniffed. "We'd better find out." Yoru
could feel the presence of the clue, and started to pinpoint the
smell. There was a slight trace of tainted water in the aroma.
There was something lurking around them. Looked around,
While still getting used to his new form, it wasn’t easy looking
around. Yet, he still couldn’t find much.
Suvansh reached it and examined it. What could it be? Is it....the
secret sword? He thinks about taking it out, but then remembers he
cannot use his volcanion legs to do anything like that. He thought
of using the tubes above him, but it couldn't be used like that.
At the words 'Secret sword', Yoru's ear twitched, and she trotted
over. "What's up? Did you find something?" She prodded at the
sword. It indeed looked like the secret sword, which belonged to
"No, it isn't. You see, the secret sword is how Keldeo learns the
technique to learn the secret sword move, which changes it's form.
That's keldeo's prized possession, you see." Yoru then lifted up
the sword.