Anthony startled as Barry stood up. "N- no, wait!" He tried to
catch the boy midway through the action, but failed, falling
backwards off his seat and hitting his head on the floor. He got up
and gently rubbed at it.
*James sized Holly up. He was half a head taller than her so she
had to look up at him.* What the hell are you gonna do about it
Holly? Huh? *James pushed Holly* Filthy half bloods can do crap to
me. *James looked at Luke* Tell me fish, are you pure or filth?
*Dylan shrugged and at that moment someone walked past the train
cabin and saw them. He spoke in a deep irish accent.* Wat are
you doin in ear? You need to be up there *He pointed towards
the school. Trinity embarrassingly smiled* I'm so sorry sir, were
leaving now. *Trinity grabbed her stuff and walked outside the
train. Dylan followed her outside to where they both saw a Thestral
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
"Half blood." Holly said. "Do you know what this is?" she points to
the crest. "Obviously you don't or you'd wouldn't be calling me a
half blood." she snarled. "You're as dim as the carpet stains in
filch's office." she said. "To not know and recognize this symbol."
His smile has a grip on me <3
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Dragini got in between James and Holly. "Guys, stop!" She said. She
wasn't the type to fight, but she was gonna do what she had to do.
"Just because some are Half-Bloods or Pure-Bloods doesn't mean they
don't have the same potential. Please, stop!"Dragini said.
*Samton walked in to see the commotion. He sighed.*
"Hey, James!", *he shouted,* "do you remember what Prof Flitwick
had told you? You'd better cut it out before he sees you at it
*Knowing James, Samton took his wand out, just to be safe.*
I might sould like a bot, but I'm alive P.H. Times
Suvansh noticed James from Ravenclaw bullying another first year.
He got up and readied his wand. "Hey James. Stop it. Why don't you
face an equal instead?"
Rohit went there too. He stood up beside Dragini.
"I'm a muggle born, and I prefer you call me that instead of
calling my blood dirty blood or mudblood." he says with more
confidence. He doesn't take out his wand or any weapons.
"Don't get me wrong Holly, I don't mean to underestimate anyone
else here. Its just I and James here have equal experience.
Actually, I have more, but still. Just lemme handle this guy. It's
his old habit. Anyways, I am the one in authority here. So back up
while I take care of him" Suvansh says
*James was enraged* The House of Black has been disgraced you
pilock. *James looked at Dragini* And same with you you muggle
lover. Your father and grandfather disgraced the Malfoy name so
while everyone might treat you like royalty, I'm my eyes *James put
his finger on Dragini's chest and pressed it.* your worse than the
half bloods that plague our race *Dragini then sat down*
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
"Don't talk about my family like that!" Dragini snarled. "My family
made some mistakes, yes. But it doesn't change who I am!" Dragini
begins crying a bit, hurt. Those words James said speared trough
her heart.
Anthony stepped foward, looking at James. "There are w-way more
worse things than being a muggle-born, or befriending them!"
Anthony stuttered, though he was confident in his words.
"EVERYONE STOP IT RIGHT NOW! And you James, what's your problem??
You are getting detention. I'll inform your housemaster and he/she
(idr rn) will inform you the details. Finite! Now move on! Dare you
do something like it again..."
"I'm sorry Suvansh. This is a fight I want to win for myself. And
my family." she says. "There's no problem, I don't want her getting
hurt or injured in any way." she says to Rohit. "I have nothing
against family members. Except maybe my parents." she said. "The
black family is centuries old, one small thing doesn't disgrace
His smile has a grip on me <3
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Luke feels much better that James didn't try to expose him and that
he was a muggle born. He goes back to his seat and he sits back
down and reads his book like nothing ever happened. He sighs as he
sits back down to read his book.