Forum Thread
Protect the Star [Accepting!!]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Protect the Star [Accepting!!]....
Maeve only fights harder to try and kill the worms. She uses multiple shock waves to do splash damage. Unfortunately it means shes quickly tiring out
Lance has finally reaches the star. He quickly places a shield over it
Eve flew above the mass of fighters and worms, summing giant venus flytraps to take a large handful out at a time. "I think we're winning!"
Finn held his hand up, a ball of fire started to form. He threw it down and completely burned a lot of the worms to a crisp. The fire was special, and the worms didn’t regenerate.
the moment he tried to keep his balance that was it, he went tumbling to the ground as his stilts splattered and the ice sword fell away from his side from the impact.
he growled as he propped himself up, glaring up at Lilith as he tried to force her down to his level.
he soon seen Suzan cut his arm to give him blood and manipulated it to where it flew into his mouth and drank it.
once he drank the blood, the cut on his back healed and a sudden force waved over the facinity he was in, forcing Albin and Lilith both down with ease as Travis stood up, healing his hands as he grinned.
''thanks Suzan'' he called up to his brother.
Freya jumped at the fire but watched as the worms that were burnt away didn't come back.
she took this chance and followed the path into battle, going straight for where Travis was.
Maeve glances around, surprised to see a lot less worms. She decides to save her power since there wasn't too many left
Lance sits on top of the dome, waiting for one of the brothers to eventually come. He looks bored
problem with being a canine was that she didn't have the proper padding to being able to run on ice properly.
Travis looked down at Lilith and smirked, bringing her up to stand while keeping her immobile, taking her chin with his thumb and index finger to force her to look at him.
''not so tough now are ya...? you just got a lucky shot in with that sword'' he said, chuckling as he released her face, suddenly back handing her and sending her towards where the star and Lance were at.
Kendo jumped off the boulders, The worms had turned around and were headed for Lilith. “We need to go protect the star. They have it covered here” she said to Fredrick. She used her water to propel her and slide across the ground.
Seeing that Kendo and Fred were gone Maeve goes back to killing the worms
Eve saw Suzan fly off and flew after him, her wings flapped furriously as she followed behind but not too closely. Eve summoned vines to make webs in Suzan's path, they reached out towards him like tennicles. She knew he'd break them of course, but that's what she wanted; once broken they'd latch on and hopefully slow him down if not hold him.
''i'd love to see you try sweetheart! you know your not going to be able too'' he yelled, throwing his arms up to mock her from her previous attempts before looking to Albin now.
he formed a new blood sword and lifted Albin off the ground, pointing the blade at him as he grinned cruelly.
''now what shall i do with you...?'' he asked, tilting his head.
Fredrick launched into the air and flew towards to star to help Kendo protect it.
Kendo stopped herself as she slid near the star. Glad to see nobody had touched it.
Finn threw himself onto the ice, and slid. Picking up Freya as he slid. “Come on comrade dog! Let’s enjoy this slide together!” He cheered
"Why don't you pick on somebody else for a change?" Shay grumbled after watching Travis backhand Lilith. "We get that you have serious suppressment issues after practically living in your-- more competent, more powerful brother's shadow your whole life, but you should really try to switch things up for a change, pal."
"That seemed a bit-- cold, even for you." Mack commented towards Shay as he continuously flicked his hands as he blasted the worms. Shay cocked her head without turning back to the male. "I like it hot." she retorted, mimicking Mack's trigger for his powers in which she flicked both of her hands outwards. Immediately following, the hand gesture activated the female's pyrokinetic abilities with a line of blue fire igniting in front of Travis in an attempt to distract him.
As the flames ignited, Mack scanned the surrounding area noticing Suzan headed in the direction of the star with a few of the others following him. "He's definitely gotta be after the star." Shay mentioned. "Not if I can help it-- You're good with keeping Travis at bay?" he asked Shay, preparing to dash. "Protect the star. I'm not worried about a whiny little boy whose only personality trait is not being able to tie his own shoe without his brother holding his hand."

Eve flew in front of the trap and tilted her head to the side in admireation for her project, she straghtened up and grinned proudly, all that work really paid off!
he jumped back as the fire appeared and snarled, keeping the sword pointed at Albin while trying to force Shay down, the focus on keeping Lilith pinned disappearing, which meant his blood marionette at the moment was limited to 2 since he needed most of his focus on Albin.
Fredrick soon flew at Suzan and threw one of his legs out, hoping to land a kick on Suzan and to knock him down to the ground.
Freya yipped as she was picked up and blinked, feeling her face heat up at him holding her and embarrassed at him calling her dog.
Kendo assisted Fredrick by blasting scalding water around the back of Suzan.
Finn held Freya in his arms as they slid. Soon the ice ended and he put her down. “It’s been fun my furry friend. But you should leave before you get hurt” he said to Freya as he patted her head. He was unaware that she was a human.