Anger fueled Lilith, making her unable to think clearly. Her mind
was focused on one thing and that was to destroy Travis. The ice
she used to trip Travis suddenly starts cracking. Tiny shards start
breaking off. Wind and ice work together in a dangerous
combination. Lilith isn't even sure herself on how she is doing
this. She forces the shards to circle around Travis. She snaps her
finger. At first there is nothing. Then suddenly the peices
suddenly fly towards Travis.
Eve gave a starlted yelp and ducked at the sudden blast of water,
she glanced down at Keno and Fredrick.
Poppy and Gris finished off the last of the worms and made their
way to the star and cheif, or at least Gris did. Poppy followed her
original ice trail and found her sister. "Eve! You okay?"
Shay couldn't help but wince as she felt Travis's power
begin to force her down. She allowed it to slowly make her lower
her stance with her head drooped some before chuckling and looking
directly at Travis. "Is that all you got, wannabe-voodoo-master?"
she snootily questioned. Shay then squinted her eyes, focusing her
telekinetic abilities to resist the effects of Travis's power,
raising up a bit though not nearly as fast as she lowered.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, breaking her focus and falling to the ground
at the hand of Travis in the process. She craned her neck to look
in Travis's direction and smiled. "I think I have the perfect
thing!" she grinned before her eyes closed and her smile quickly
faded. The woman then projected her consciousness in her astral
projection, a red outline of her body appearing in front of hers as
she did so as she filled it in with a corporeal body. "Think you
can use your little parlor trick on something that's not an
actual body?" she challenged, watching as the ice shards created by
Lilith hurled towards Travis.
Mack grunted as he chased Suzan through the woods alongside almost
everyone else present. Without thinking, Mack flicked his fingers
outward to trigger her Molecular Immobilization on Suzan to try to
freeze him, though he figured the most it would possibly due to a
being that powerful would make them appear in a slow motion-like
Fredrick cursed under his breath as he tried to kick Suzan in the
head, even though he knew it wasn't going to work since he knew
Suzan would expect it.
Travis flinched when he felt something slice past his arm and
looked, seeing that something cut his sleeve and skin before
feeling his back get pelted, hissing in pain as he endured the ice
shards pelting him.
once he felt the pelting stop he pricked his fingers on his free
hand and started blasting blood bullets back at Lilith, keeping his
back from bleeding now.
Freya huffed when he sat her down and patted her head, a flash of
light engulfing her once more before she stood at her full height,
which was still fairly short compared to him, as she stared up at
him with her icy eyes and a face a bright red from
''the name is Freya....'' she grumbled.
Suzan grabbed Fredrick’s leg, “Not so fast hot shot” he said as he
threw Fredrick back. Kendo caught him in her water. But then, Suzan
felt something different, he felt slower. But it wasn’t time
slowing down. He was confused.
Finn jumped in surprise at the transformation, and ran behind a
tree. He poked his head out, examining Freya.
Lilith had expected this and had already prepared her
ever-so-famous ice spike to rise from the ground. She hides behind
it for a moment and tries to clear her head. He'll certainly kill
her if she continues to mindlessly attack. But she can't stay
hidden for too long or he'll immobilize her again. She'll have to
keep him distracted somehow. She smiles when she hears Shay's
voice. She'll be the perfect backup. She breaks off some ice and
then leaps out from behind the ice spike. "Enjoying yourself?
Because I sure am" she tells Travis as she hurtles the ice chunk at
him. She doesn't intend to hit him, but if he can focus on her then
Shay can help attack Travis from behind.
Lance looks at the sky. "What is taking them so long?" He asks
outloud. Were the citizens actually defeating the two? He conciders
checking it out but then decides to stay by the star
Fredrick had expected to get caught but didn't expect to be thrown,
but was relieved when Kendo caught him.
''thank's Kendo'' he said, laughing a little bit.
Freya watched his reaction to her transformation and stared at him
for a moment, soon covering her mouth as she laughed, a soft almost
delicate laugh, finding his surprise funny.
Travis gave a bit of a sly grin as he shot a collective amount of
blood bullets at the shard of ice she launched at him, knocking it
away before he went to try and fire more at her.
''of course i'm enjoying myself, why wouldn't i?'' he questioned,
launching another assault of blood bullets in her direction.
While she was able to block a few by quickly summoning a ball of
ice she wasn't expecting the second attack. She raises her arms to
block her face and prepares for the assault. The bullets were much
sharper than they looked. She let out a pained breath bringing her
arms down and resting it against her shirt. She forces more shards
of ice to rise around her. She stupidly allows the shards to
levitate for a moment before they snap towards Travis. While he is
busy dealing with that she freezes her forearms, crying out in
Suzan shook it off, and turned around. He started to fly towards
the star, or at least that’s what he thought he was doing. Mack’s
power made it so that he was moving in slow motion, and he wasn’t
Kendo smiled at Fredrick, “Go get him, Before it’s too late. I’m
going to find my grandfather. Stay alive!” She commanded him. She
disappeared into the brush. Trying to sense the star.
Finn slowly came out of the treeline, and examined Freya. “This
makes no sense, You were just a doggy” Finn said with a confused
Shay's demeanor quickly changed upon hearing Lilith's
voice, smiling at the female's comment towards Travis. Without a
second thought, Shay quickly repositioned her Astral Projection to
project behind Travis. With a loud "Hi-ya!", the female aimed a
blow directly for Travis's hip. Without waiting to see how he
reacted with her un-amplified kick, she spun around to gain
momentum into her backhand, aiming for his face.
Mack slowed his pace upon seeing Suzan being effected by his power,
flying in a slow-motion like state. He panted as his running now
became a light jog. "At least it kind of worked..." he muttered to
himself, exhaling deeply afterwards before sprinting towards the
star again in order to get ahead of Suzan. He knew the freeze
hadn't worked to its full effect therefore it would more than
likely break soon.
Fredrick grinned and nodded as Kendo went off, now launching back
up with his fire before he went to chase after Suzan.
''i'm a weredog with the ability to change into an actual dog at
free will, sorry if it surprised you that much'' Freya said, still
giggling a little bit at the fact she made such a tall person
scared over a simple transformation.
Travis growled and cut his arm, creating a shield out of his own
blood now as he blocked the large chunks of ice the best he
''hah! did my blood bullets actually get you Lilith? another score
for me!'' he laughed, letting the blood form a sleeve once he had
an opening and continued his assualt of blood bullets, though it
was starting to strain on him a bit as his eyes started to gain a
faint red glow, this glow being more obvious with his white iris,
which meant he needed to feed at some point.
then he felt a kick to his hip, letting out a bit of a yell in
shock and a bit of pain as he stumbled a bit, turning just in time
to see a foot going for his face.
he froze, hesitating just enough for the kick to make contact and
actually send him tumbling a bit, his hold on whoever he used blood
marionette on disappearing and the blood sleeve splattering just
like the stilts did.
Shay gasped, realizing Travis's power had now deactivated
with the blood sleeve splattering. She quickly returned her
consciousness to her body, inhaling deeply as she reentered and
rose. She noticed Admin approaching, though pushed him aside with
an "Out of my way." While Travis was recuperating, Shay used her
telekinesis to levitate herself off the ground while spinning
vertically, aiming a kick directly for his chest.
Lilith had to dive to the ground in order to doge the bullets.
Although a few managed to hit her back and shoulders. she managed
to rise back into her feet just in time to see Shay kick him. "Nice
shot!" Lilith tells Shay. She glances at Travis, holding no pity in
her gaze "heh, you may have gotten all the 'points' but where does
that leave you now?" She asks. She ignores all the pain she is
feeling as she races towards him. She stops running when Shay kicks
As Shay lands on her feet and brings herself upright, she
tosses her ponytail behind her shoulder as she exhales. The female
then turned to Admin before turning back to Lilith. "Fire and Ice?"
she said, suggesting Shay use her own power with Lilith's to give
it an extra kick in order to attack Travis. Considering the hell
Travis had put Lilith through, she didn't mind beating him up a bit
and letting Lilith do the finishing blow, but that didn't mean she
wouldn't give the assault everything she's got.
Travis had managed to get sat up and aimed at all three of them,
using his blood marionette to stop them before they could all hit
him and sent them flying away from him. i'm not getting killed now! he thought, healing his wounds
with his own blood to keep from bleeding out.