A fury of wind flies out of Lilith's palm. She doesn't even need to
point her palm outward as the wind hurdles down the tunnel. Tiny
shards of ice follow the pursuit. She glares down the tunnel with
hatred. She stands up slwoly, her back sore from slamming into the
wall. She's about to follow Travis when she sees Fred and Kendo
jump down into the tunnel. She stops the wind and ice and allows
them to pass. Once they pass her she begins to chase after them,
moving much slower than them. Her body screams at her to stop. When
this is all said and done, she probably won't be able to move for
Mack gasped as he was slashed by Gaelos, luckily only
finding the slashing to occur on across his upper arm near his
shoulder. He swore under his breath some as he clutched the gash
with his other hand.
Shay winced as she felt her arm pull itself behind her as a result
of Travis's power, though she didn't let it stop her from following
behind Lilith, Fred and Kendo down the tunnel. She smirks as
Lilith's power creates ice shards behind the gust of wind, about to
add her own power before seeing Lilith stop. "Need a boost?" she
asked the other female as she squints her eyes, telekinetically
allowing Lilith to move with the assistance of her own power. "I
need to Astral Project, I can telekientically assist you as long as
my body isn't harmed while I'm unconscious." she explained to
Lilith. Before giving her a chance to respond, she closed her eyes
as she dropped to the floor. Seconds later, a red outline of Shay
appeared in front of Travis and Suzan, the outline filling in with
her consciousness immediately following. "Going somewhere?" she
Now that the hole was almost closed up she doubted that Shay would
be attacked. Still, she felt bad leaving Shay's unconscious body as
she continued to run. Shay will most likely be a great distraction
for Travis and Suzan, this'll buy her time to catch up.
Gaelos, seeing Suzan leave for the now closing tunnels, quickly ran
towards it hoping to get inside. He slid around Mack, attempting to
get in another strike with his dagger before continuing to run.
Eve managed to get to a safe spot and laid Maeve down there, she
tapped a finger on the blue rose in her hair and two petals fell
off. One for herself and the other for Maeve. Eve put one in her
mouth and it desolved into a sweet tasting powder that melted on
her tounge, she then put the other petal in Maeve's mouth. The
powder on their tounge desolved and fully healed then, but as a
conseqence they couldn't use much of their power. Eve at least knew
that much forherself but was uncertain about Maeve.
Fredrick's nose scrunched at the scent of the blood, covering his
nose a bit as he looked around a bit.
''honestly....? no, this is nothing but a death wish.... these
tunnels have become a burial ground now'' he said, trying not to
seem blunt about it even though it was true.
Travis stood among some of the carnage, licking some of the blood
off his hand as he gave a psychotic laugh at the villagers
''they really should have put up a fight.... this was so pathetic''
he said almost boredly, though he jumped and stared at Shay with
wide eyes when she made an appearance.
he growled and bared his fangs at her, not exactly happy to see her
Mack winced some, moving around to scan the surroundings to
see everyone retreating into the now-closing hole. He snapped his
neck, feeling Gaelos's presence grow nearer. Seeing the male inch
closer with his dagger, he growled as he let go of his initial
wound and flicked his hands. "I've had enough of you." he barked as
his Molecular Combustion triggered. In his current state, the blast
was only powerful enough to merely send Gaelos flying back a few
feet or knocking him on the ground.
The male decided to slip into the hole and follow the other, seeing
Shay unconscious on the ground as he entered it. "That
necromancer'll probably just slice and dice her up if he sees
her..." he muttered to himself, removing his shirt to wrap his
wound though leaving the rest of his upper body exposed.
Gaelos hissed as he was flung back, his dagger sliding to a stop a
foot away from him. He staggered to his feet, and cast a quick
glance to the closing tunnel, unsure if he could make it now. He
huffed, scanning the area for any dead he could use, keeping a safe
distance on Mack.
Lilith pauses her pursuit when she spots Kendo and Fred. She puts
her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. "Shay should be
distracting them" she informs them. "We'll need a plan if you want
to stop them" she adds. "We aren't getting anywhere with mindlessly
attacking them"
Maeve's body starts shaking. She quickly sits back up, she starts
to dry heave until bile falls out of her mouth. She sits there
coughing and hyperventilating. "What the- what the Hell?" She asks
between breaths. "I... Thought.... I died?" Her skin is deathly
pale and she is shaking from the heavy bloodlost she just took, but
fortunately she is alive
Avery sighed as she casually jumped down the hole. Before doing so,
she looked at Madrix, basically asking him if he wanted to come. Of
course, he did. She fully closed up the hole with the dust from the
previous fight. Once she arrived to the fight scene, she rolled her
eyes and groaned. “Oh please, just get this over with.” She turned
all the dead bodies to dust.
Madrix ran to get to the fight, staring in shock at all the corpses
laying around. Yeah, he might’ve liked to see this, but he wasn’t
on Suzan’s side anymore. At least, not for now. He growled and
glared at Suzan and Travis. This needed to stop.
Suzan laughed, “You all are just more to add to this room! Let’s
paint this whole tunnel red” he yelled. He seemed different. Like
his personality shifted.
"Down" she commanded. Suzan was forced down to the ground, although
it wasn't nearly as powerful as Suzan could do. "Suzan and Travis.
You've both done enough. What do we have to do to get you to stop?"
She asks. She turns to look at Travis. "Is this who Suzan really
is? A murderer? A theif? Is he really this cruel?" She asks him.
"Don't let fall down deeper into this pit of insanity" she has no
idea what she is talking about. All she's really doing is guessing
the situation, hopefully it's enough to shake one of them into
"What-?" Maeve asks Eve. She can't stop shaking as she remembers
the distant feeling of her life literally draining out of her. "I
can't believe this" she whispers as she shakes her head. Tears fall
down her face. "Thank you for saving me"
Travis turned his attention onto Lilith and raised an eyebrow,
allowing her to ramble on as a sick smile slowly spread across his
blood splattered face with each word she spoke.
''Lilith, we're both murderers, there isn't anything you can do
about it.... insanity is our new best friend'' he said, though he
stood protectively near Suzan, now keeping an eye on Admin as he
forced him to lower his spear away from him and his brother.
''Kendo, i'm getting you out of here and reunited with your
grandfather.... we aren't staying any longer'' Fredrick told her,
grabbing her hand before he led her away from the carnage and out a
different exit to try and leave the tunnel system with Kendo.
Suzan struggled a tiny bit, but started to stand up. Even as her
power pushed against him. “You’re proving to be quite troublesome.
Maybe we should end you right here?” He said while walking slowly.
“Storm of daggers” he said. A portal appeared in front of him, and
hundreds of blades started to shoot out.
Kendo ran with Fredrick, not objecting to the idea.
(Btw, Ik he seems pretty powerful but I’ll make sure you guys can
attack him)
Avery was already getting tired, her fingernails were already
dusting off. She gritted her teeth, surprised at how many surprises
Suzan had. She couldn’t keep up this attitude without making a
rookie mistake. She thrust her hand forwards and turned most of the
knives into dust. She knew she would have to restrain herself, or
she would suffer the consequences.
Madrix dodged most of the knives, but one stuck itself in his left
eye. He yelled out in pain and put one hand on his face, and the
other on the knife.
The invisible pressure Suzan is feeling disappears as she quickly
summons some wind to blow the knives back towards thee portal.
Suddenly the tunnel turns ice cold. Frost starts to form in the
area around them. A wall of ice forms behind both Travis and Suzan.
Blocking them from getting the star. They can break the wall, but
it'll hurt and take awhile. She lets an annoyed groan. "Do you
really think a knife is strong enough to kill me? Do you know how
many assassin's tried to kill me with knives!?" She demands. "Tsk
have you forgotten you chose me for a reason? Because I was
strong?" Suddenly she takes off running at them. She hugs the side
of the tunnel to avoid the knives. She hurtles shards of ice at
them as she runs.
As Suzan called the storm of daggers, Shay was forced to
revert her consciousness back to her own body. She gasped as she
regained consciousness in her body, startling Mack in the process.
"Who the hell are you?" she asked Mack, sizing him. "I-
Macksmillian, but everyone calls me Mack. I saw you uh-- laying
there I figured I'd try to protect you..." he introduced. "Well,
thanks. I'm Shay." she said nonchalantly as she rose from the
ground to dash towards the rest of the scene. Figuring she'd taken
on a new leaf, she assumed saying "I can take care of myself."
wouldn't have been the best option.
Shay rearrived at the scene, Mack seemingly had followed her as he
stood behind her. (Assuming the storm of daggers is still
happening) Shay raised one of her palms and pointing them in front
of her face, deflecting the daggers from her body as they grew near
with her Telekinesis. Mack on the other hand extended both of his
fingers on each of his hands and kept them raised, freezing the
molecules of the storming daggers whenever they came within a few
feet of him and continuously doing so.
"Shay, attack the ringleader dude. I can hold off the knives." Mack
told the woman. "Are you sure?" Shay asked, Mack nodding before
twisting his right wrist, causing all of the already-frozen daggers
to drop instantly on the floor before him. "I'm sure." he
Avery looked over at Madrix and gasped. My God was that horrifying.
Well, it wasn’t as horrifying as Suzan, but it was decently close.
She winced before running over to him and grabbed his shoulders.
She couldn’t destroy him and rebuild him, it would destroy her, and
mass him up too. He a.ready lost too much blood for her to work off
Madrix couldn’t keep the knife in his eye like this, but he would
lose too much blood if he pulled it out. His shaky hands managed to
tear a large piece of his shirt off. He folded it a bit, tied it
around his face, then yanked the knife out. He screamed in pain
before fumbling to pull the cloth over his eye. “S-she’s right...”
his shaky voice managed to say. “You shouldn’t mess with the people
you chose and taught yourself...” He straightened himself up before
glaring at Suzan. “You really should know better than to think you
can kill everyone here with those knives...” He added a bit of his
power in there, but he didn’t intend on manipulating Suzan yet. He
just wanted him to listen, wanted him to understand.