Gaelos moved faster to meet up with Suzan, his undead horde slowly
trailing behind him. He heard a shout and ran over to the source,
the undead moving to match his speed.
Travis perked up and swiftly stood in the way, bringing his arms up
as he blocked the water from hitting Suzan so he didn't get
Freya shifted and quickly lunged, snarling as tried to bite down on
one of Travis' arms.
Fredrick shot a large blast of blue fire, hoping to miss Freya.
Maeve shuts her eyes. Her body physically relaxing with relief to
see everyone here. Although she is still stuck under Suzans power.
She doubts she'll be a target now.
Lilith raises an eyebrow at Avery. "Need something?" She asks.
“Ah...” she growled as she looked at Travis. He looked familiar,
but then again, the group had just attacked them. She got ready to
scream so she could contribute that to her sound wave, almost like
Canary. She tried to calm herself to maximize the effect, but she
never did well under pressure. Why was she even doing this?
Avery kept staring at them, trying to figure them out. She wasn’t
sure if she should talk with them or not.
“Reflect” Suzan muttered. All of the magical attacks reflected back
towards who sent them. The physical attack from Freya wasn’t
stopped though. Susan’s power wore off of Maeve.
She gasped, but ready for this. She got to the ground and made
herself as small as possible, then proceeded to make a small
barrier around her of vibrating air. The more she used her power,
the more sluggish she was.
Fredrick ducked down and gritted his teeth, watching to see if he
could get an opening as Freya sank her teeth into one of Travis'
arms, gaining a loud shout of pain as he stumbled back and fought
to keep his balance when Freya started shaking her head
''how come your reflect didn't retaliate the physical attack!?'' he
snapped, trying to pry Freya's mouth open.
“Because it’s a physical attack, that one was meant to be used
against powers” he said. Suzan should be fine in a minute or two.
“Get back” Suzan said as he coughed. Freya was flung backwards.
She got up and looked at Suzan. She glared and growled, having the
full intent on killing him no matter what it took. She ran at him
at full speed, building up energy in her fist, giving it enough
power to cause a minor earthquake. Of course, she wasn’t
technically using her power, just giving herself a boost
from it. She knew the risk of doing this, Suzan could easily
overpower all of them in a single snap if he needed, or so it
Travis did as he was told as he pulled back and Freya was ripped
off of his arm, yelping in surprise as she hurtled towards the
other's and slammed into Fredrick, the both of them tumbling
backwards away from the alleyway.
Travis hissed in pain and gripped his arm a bit, mostly out of
surprise as he glared murderously in the direction Freya
''she's dead.... she is so dead...!'' he growled, soon sprinting
forward to go after Freya in pure rage.
Maeve had stood up to analyze the fight. She decides to race after
Travis sice everyone besides Freya was focused on Suzan. She was
slower now that she wasn't using her ability, and much weaker. But
pure determination forced her forward. She lowers her shoulder like
a football player and rams it against his side. The impact of her
hitting him tossed her back a bit. This time it takes her longer
than normal to get back on her feet
The sound of sharp sound waves alarms Lilith. She shakes her head.
"Well finish our conversation later" she tells Avery sarcastically.
Using the wind power, she once again rises up from the ground. She
flies a bit unsteady towards Suzan. She floats above the group
trying to pinpoint a way to attack Suzan or Travis without
endangering everyone else
Travis soon used his own blood as a shield, sending it up as a
barrier to block the electricity before he shifted his attention to
he side stepping the side kick before he sliced the spearing in
half as it grazed his side.
''sloppy, utterly sloppy....'' he spat, poking a little spot on his
thumb before he started shooting blood bullets right at Admin and
Gen both.