Seeing Callabri on stage Lost stands up and walks over to her. She
seems small compared to the older girl, like a mouse sitting next
to a lion. She peeks towards the crowd, ignoring Callabri for a
moment. When she glances at Callabri she gasps in surprise and then
hugs the girl. Immediately feeling bad for her
“Hmm?” She looked down at Lost, shocked at the sudden gesture. She
smiled and looked back at the crowd, surprised not a lot of the
performers were on stage.
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
A part of her wanted to leave the stage and lock herself in her
room and never come out, but the crawling excitement in the back of
her mind kept her from doing so. She smiled and bowed, signaling
the start of the show. The crowd grew silent as their attention
turned to them.
Lost walks offstage and waits for her cue. She'll be one of the
last acts, the thought of making her walk onstage suddenly freaks
her out. She starts shaking uncontrollably. 'Whats wrong with me
today?' She thinks to herself as she presses a hand against her
Skyla scrubbed her hands clean until no trace of blood could be
found on her hands, when she finished she laid on a spare bed in
Maddy and Talla's shared room. Maddy stroked Skyla's hair making
her smile a bit.
Callabri looked back and saw Lost shaking. She frowned before the
music started to play. She plucked the fire rods dropped down from
the air and immediately started spinning them around, making a
beautiful but dangerous pattern.
Skyla felt the weight of the bed shift a bit before feeling Maddy
hold her close. Skyla smiled a bit closed her eyes and let herself
enjoy Maddy holding her close. There weren't many times they could
enjoy a moment of peace like this, so they learned to take the time
they got moments like this and keep them treasured.
After all was done, the audience stood and applauded. The cheers
echoed all around the ring, making the world around Callabri sound
like a wild party. She had her arms spread above her and her back
arched proudly. The faint smell of smoke still hung in the air, but
was mostly filtered out by the smell of snacks. She smiled in the
spotlight as she waited for the Grand Master to dismiss them. Man,
she hated that guy. He made the battle between herself much worse,
like he was encouraging the fight, or he was the one behind it.