Why do you want to join?: I enjoy breeding/shiny hunting!
I have the Pokeradar
Starting shiny and number of slots: Spheal (Rarity: Medium), 5
Starting Pokemon Price: 50k
Other: Nuggets, Any gems or any mystery items!
Username: Jackmaster1324
Why do you want to join?: to help other people get their dex
I have the Pokeradar
Starting shiny and number of slots: 3 and the pokemon i will hunt
Starting Pokemon Price: 50k or 50 electric gems or 50 nuggets
Username: Immortes
Why do you want to join?: To make some friends and hunt at the same
Starting shiny and slot number: Sneasel / Weavile (most popular one
on my poll after all) and 4
Other: chicken nugget
For some reason i don't see the actual form on the front
Username: Immortes
Why do you want to join?: To make friends and to get to know other
people better while doing a hunt
Have the Pokeradar: yes
Starting shiny and number of slots: sneasal - 4
Starting Pokemon Price: medium rarity price
Other: I had chicken nugget(s) for lunch