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Searching for: Posts from xRedacted.
Posted: Tue, 28/05/2024 14:23 (9 Months ago)
I do not have an Obsidianix pair up for sale

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Posted: Sun, 19/05/2024 17:15 (10 Months ago)
I dont have any Blaziken or Sceptile pairs up for sale at the moment @Mewtwo

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Posted: Wed, 15/05/2024 21:26 (10 Months ago)

Title: Paldea missing - X

Sprigatito - #906
Floragato - #907
Fuecoco - #909
Crocalor - #910
Quaxly - #912
Quaxwell - #913
Quaquaval - #914
Tandemaus - #924
Maushold (family of 3)- #925
Dudunsparce (3 segments) - #982
Kingambit - #983
Gimmighoul (chest)- #999
Gholdengo - #1000
Koraidon - #1007
Miraidon - #1008

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Posted: Wed, 15/05/2024 19:12 (10 Months ago)

Title: Hisui missing - VIIIIth

Hisuian Voltorb - #100
Hisuian Electrode - #101
Hisuian Typhlosion - #0157
Hisuian Qwilfish - #211
Origin Dialga - #483
Origin Palkia - #484
Hisuian Samurott - #503
Hisuian Lilligant - #549
Basculin (white-striped) - #550
Hisuian Zoroark - #571
Hisuian Braviary - #628
Hisuian Sliggoo - #705
Hisuian Goodra - #706
Hisuian Avalugg - #713
Hisuian Decidueye - #724
Wyrdeer - #899
Kleavor - #900
Ursaluna - #901
Sneasler - #903
Overqwil - #904
Enamorus (base and therian) - #905

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Posted: Wed, 15/05/2024 19:04 (10 Months ago)

Title: Galar Missing - VIIth

Galarian meowth - #52
Galarian Mr. mime - #122
Galarian Moltres - #146
Galarian Corsola - #222
Cramorant (Shiny Gulping + Shiny Gorging) - #845
Polteageist - #855
Sirfetch'd - #865
Alcremie(Not Ruby, mint, Ruby Swirl, Rainbow swirl) - #869
Eiscue (no ice) - #875
Morpeko (hangry) - #877
Dracovish - #882
Drakloak - #886
Zamazenta (both formes) - #889
Eternatus - #890
Kubfu - #891
Urshifu (both) - #892
Zarude - #893
Regieleki - #894
Regidrago - #895
Glastrier - #896
Spectrier - #897
Calyrex (formes + base) - #898

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Posted: Wed, 15/05/2024 18:55 (10 Months ago)

Title: Alola missing - VIIth

Torracat - #726
Brionne -#729
Oricorio (Pa'u)- #741
Salazzle - #758
Palossand - #770
Type: Null - #772
Silvally (all formes + base) - #773
Minior (All cores minus Indigo ) - #774
Tapu Bulu - #787
Nihilego - #793
Xurkitree - #796
Celesteela - #797
Kartana - #798
Necrozma (formes not base) - #800
Magearna (all formes) - #801
Poipole - #803
Naganadel - #804
Stakataka - #805
Blacephalon - #806

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Posted: Tue, 14/05/2024 02:40 (10 Months ago)
Hi, LeoRia,
Pokemons I would like to buy: Three Furfrou
Others: (here you can specify the gender you want if there's such a possibility) -
Everstone: no need
Payment method: Pd

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Posted: Tue, 14/05/2024 02:30 (10 Months ago)
Hey Noob I want some pokemon
Pokemon: This Machamp and this This Grumpig
Tips N/A
Note N/A

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Posted: Sun, 12/05/2024 00:49 (10 Months ago)

Title: Missing Kalos dex - VIth

Chespin - 650
Quilladin - 651
Braixen - 654
Bunnelby - 659
Pancham - 674
Furfrou formes (minus base, heart, diamond, and La Reine) - 676
Aromatisse - 683
Slurpuff - 685
Heliolisk - 695
Tyrunt - 696
Sliggoo - 705
Xerneas - 716
Yveltal - 717
Zygarde forms (minus cell and 50%)
Diancie - 719

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Posted: Sat, 11/05/2024 01:39 (10 Months ago)
Added a handful of new pairs

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Posted: Fri, 03/05/2024 23:41 (10 Months ago)

Title: Shadow OT dex needed

#122-Mr Mime

#201-Unown E
#201-Unown H
#201-Unown I
#201-Unown J
#201-Unown K
#201-Unown L
#201-Unown Q
#201-Unown U
#201-Unown V
#201-Unown X
#201-Unown Y
#201-Unown !

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Posted: Fri, 03/05/2024 22:52 (10 Months ago)
Username: xRedacted
Shiny you want: milcery
Breeder Username: Hawseentire
Have you read the rules and agree with them? Yes
Other: Thank you

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Posted: Thu, 02/05/2024 23:20 (10 Months ago)
Username: xRedacted
Shiny you want: Mareep
Breeder Username: SinnaStyx
Have you read the rules and agree with them? Yes
Other:Thank you!

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Posted: Thu, 02/05/2024 23:07 (10 Months ago)
I do not have a solar eevee pair

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Posted: Sun, 28/04/2024 15:12 (10 Months ago)
More pairs added!

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Posted: Wed, 24/04/2024 21:01 (11 Months ago)

Title: Fishing Trades to always take

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Posted: Mon, 08/04/2024 01:11 (11 Months ago)
Hello, I would like to apply for your shop!
Username: xRedacted
Can you shadow hunt pokemon they ask for?: yuh
What regions can you hunt?: Both
Are you usually on?: Yes
Anything else to add?: can obtain 3 per day (If no new dex entries appear)

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Posted: Thu, 04/04/2024 13:23 (11 Months ago)
Added new pairs for sale and rent!

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Posted: Sun, 31/03/2024 21:53 (11 Months ago)
Searched multiple pages and their offshoots and 2 site maps and couldn't find my gimmighoul for today

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Posted: Fri, 29/03/2024 22:22 (11 Months ago)
New pairs and now renting options

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