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Searching for: Posts from Jackmaster1324.
Posted: Sun, 15/12/2019 02:32 (5 Years ago)
Sounds good!, I'll notify you once one has hatched

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Posted: Fri, 13/12/2019 01:44 (5 Years ago)
How's about 5k pokedollar?

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Posted: Thu, 12/12/2019 17:46 (5 Years ago)
Username: Jackmaster1324
Why do you want to join?: to help other people get their dex complete
I have the Pokeradar
Starting shiny and number of slots: 3 and the pokemon i will hunt wailmer
Starting Pokemon Price: 50k or 50 electric gems or 50 nuggets

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Posted: Thu, 12/12/2019 17:14 (5 Years ago)

Title: Update!!!

-now selling wailords!!!!
-selling shiny wailmers too!!!

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Posted: Wed, 04/12/2019 14:17 (5 Years ago)

Title: fishing box list

Poliwhirl x5

Tentacool x41

Tentacruel x5

Cloyster x3

Horsea x3

Goldeen x24

Seaking x4

Staryu x4

Magikarp x15

Gyarados x1

Chinchou x4

Lanturn x6

Marill x5

Remoraid x13

Mantine x1

Azurill x22

Carvanha x2

Corphish x3

Feebas x1

Clamperl x2

Huntail x1

Finneon x2

Lumineon x3

Mantyke x5

Tympole x7

Frillish x7

Tynamo x10

Inkay x3

Skrelp x3

Clauncher x2

Crabrawler x1

Crabominable x1

Wishiwashi x3

Wishiwashi (School) x1

Bruxish x7

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Posted: Sat, 30/11/2019 14:46 (5 Years ago)
Username: Jackmaster1324
Request: own OC
Reference: My avatar
Tip?: 10k pd
Type (Fullbody, Headshot, etc.): Headshot
Have you read the rules: Halloween event
Password: Grubbin
Other: a little confused on the rules, for a headshot pose can you make him look like he's holding up a peace sign?

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Posted: Sat, 30/11/2019 14:36 (5 Years ago)
Hello! In this shop i sell Wailmer's for 750pd each! pretty good right?
i will also be selling stuff from my fishing box! everything from the fishing box is 500pd!(except Wishiwashi school form)
.Wishiwashi school form is a little bit on the pricey side though at a stinging 1k pd!
thats not all! when i reach enough pd i can buy the poke radar meaning that i could make shiny Wailmer's!(price will be determined).
so what do you say? want to buy somethin?

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Posted: Sat, 30/11/2019 14:24 (5 Years ago)
can you draw my avatar but better maybe in a different pose?

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Posted: Wed, 27/11/2019 00:47 (5 Years ago)
"thanks!" Jackson looked curiously at the amulet but also felt a lot of respect towards The Darmanitan.

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Posted: Wed, 27/11/2019 00:24 (5 Years ago)

Title: Sign ups

Username: Jackmaster1324
Name: Jackson
Nickname: jack
Pokemon: Torterra
Gender: male
Shiny?: N
Group: Alpha group
Other: none

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Posted: Wed, 30/10/2019 05:51 (5 Years ago)
oh right sorry!

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Posted: Thu, 10/10/2019 18:37 (5 Years ago)
"Akicho seemed to have a high interest in you so i decided to try to capture you to make him happy.And another thing who's this doctor you brought up?Can we meet him?

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Posted: Thu, 10/10/2019 17:44 (5 Years ago)
"I guess that would make sense." Jackson said that as if it was a normal everyday thing.

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Posted: Thu, 10/10/2019 02:58 (5 Years ago)
ok but ya know it will take a good while for me to restock.

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Posted: Thu, 10/10/2019 02:57 (5 Years ago)
Finally able to regulate his breathing Jackson spoke clearly "I'm Jackson Jackson the ...human i guess. Quite the introduction you made for yourself." Jackson giggled.

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Posted: Thu, 10/10/2019 02:49 (5 Years ago)
Jackson was out of breath So he decided to sit down *huff* Who are *huff* you?*cough*

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Posted: Thu, 10/10/2019 02:37 (5 Years ago)
"Get back here!"Jackson was really interested in why Akicho wanted her "I want answers!"

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Posted: Thu, 10/10/2019 02:31 (5 Years ago)
"Enough of this" Jackson Held one hand with four fingers out, a small vibration, Then a cage like structure made of rock appeared from the ground. Jackson then tried running after Synch to put her in the cage.

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Posted: Thu, 10/10/2019 02:25 (5 Years ago)
sorry Rileyimsong wanted them first but he didn't pay yet so instead ill auction them between you two highest bidder gets them.

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Posted: Wed, 09/10/2019 21:40 (5 Years ago)


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