Forum Thread
The Legendary RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Legendary RP

"you were too correct"
"Escaped the attack, or captured. We'll have to wait and see if they come after us, if not, we're going back to team Rocket."
"Fine by me." Fyssi sat back.
"Thank you, Winter." Spiri began to stir.
Archion decided to rest awhile, he wasn't getting any information now anyway, maybe later. He certainly wasn't in the mood to get up and spy now.

"you were too correct"

"you were too correct"
Flick turned. "That was sudden."
Spiri sat there, breathing hard. "Why didn't you wake me?"
Meka looked at her. "We tried-well, I tried, anyway. You wouldn't wake up."
"Uh, whatever. You're awake now, so who cares?" Fyssi straightened into a more comfortable position. " 'sides, sleeping would be more time-passing than waiting for nothin."
Archion was fast asleep now
Bi flies up. "Are you guys ready?"

"you were too correct"
"The others to get back. We've decided to wait a few days before going to team Rocket to try to find them." Flick explained, he sat back a let himself get lost in his own thoughts.
The others stayed silent for a while until Meka perked up. "Has anyone seen Archion?"
Archion slept until the afternoon, until he forced his eyes open. "Boy, I needed that." He stood up and stretched, yawning, then put on an aggressive mask and walked outside the room, his thoughts hidden behind his harsh look. Perfect spying material, or so he hoped.

"you were too correct"
"He might have tried to find the others." Meka suggested
Fyssi got up, tired of the solid wall against her back. "Unlikely, he knows the others are gone. He'd be back by now if he went to look."
"On second thought, I'm not sure which I hate worse, the dream world or the real one." Spiri grumbled.
"Well that hurts. What about those of us who tried to help you?" Flick protested, genuinely offended.
Archion was lost in his own thoughts as he aimlessly wandered the halls. Why had his memory come back so suddenly? And why did he think that meant, 'time to spy'? Idiot, stop acting without thinking. His voice was a mix of his own conscience and a memory of Spiri. He didn't notice as he passed by the rooms of some of the other evil legendaries.