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The Legendary RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Legendary RP
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 13:40 (5 Years ago)
"Well, I'm done talking." Cathair said, "Let's go."
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 18/08/2019 14:50 (5 Years ago)
"Whatever." Spiri says, leaving the room. It was so typical of Archion to leave with no warning, but why now?

Flick glared at the spot where Spiri had been seconds before, feeling a mixture of confusion, anger, and just plain hurt.

Archion continued down the hall, ears open for any conversation that would be of use. He had a story, if anyone asked him why.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Mon, 19/08/2019 07:27 (5 Years ago)
Aquamarine fell asleep and she had given up on trying to get out. She woke up and looked around, hoping that she had escaped but she found herself in the prison.
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Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Mon, 19/08/2019 22:39 (5 Years ago)
It finally occurred to Archion that maybe some of his friends had been trapped. He was at the base, why couldn't he visit them (And maayyybe help them)? "Why didn't I think of that first." He muttered, mentally slapping himself. "I know where the prisons are, and no one's doing anything worth spying on right now." He made his way to the prisons.

Making her way to the other side of the building, Spiri saw all the remains of the battle that had happened. By smell, she could pick up scents and evidence of the fighting that happened before. She realized that while most of them disappeared, Aquamarine's in particular had a scent trail. She followed it, it was mixed with a scent that was chillingly familiar. The black Mewtwo! He existed. On the bright side, he wasn't Flick, but she wasn't sure if that was better or worse. On one hand, another enemy, on the other, maybe Team Rocket would be less keen to capture Flick in particular.

Flick turned his head away. He could hide his emotions, he had done it for years. Besides, he had a group now, and it looked like he was the only one fit for the position of leader, however much he may not like it.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2019 23:39 (5 Years ago)
Shay gets up and walks out of the room, remaining quiet
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2019 23:43 (5 Years ago)
Archion tiptoed his way down to the dungeons, keeping extremely quiet.

Meanwhile, a cat-like legendary was not-so quietly pulling a cart with a cage on it, the cage had a tarp over it so no one could see what was inside.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2019 23:55 (5 Years ago)
Shay moves quietly around the base

Necro keeps eatting the lights from the corridors
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 00:54 (5 Years ago)
Making his way to the dungeons, Archion passed Zeta, the cat legendary, but decided to ignore him, moving back down the hallways, he passed the others' rooms.

Zeta flicked a glance at Archion, but continued his way to the office, not knowing how long his tranquilizer would last.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 01:12 (5 Years ago)
Necro sighs as he finishes eatting all the lights in a hallway. "Now what to do?" He mutters bored
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 01:16 (5 Years ago)
Zeta passed Necro, almost at the end of the hallway.

Archion makes his way through the halls. Why is this hall way so long? I don't want to run into anybody... He kept walking
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 01:27 (5 Years ago)
Necro notices Zeta, saying nothing.
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 01:31 (5 Years ago)
Zeta keeps going, eventually reaching the office door and knocking.

Archion passes Shadow Mewtwo's room and aimed for the end of the hall not noticing anyone near him as he was lost in his own thoughts
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 01:38 (5 Years ago)
(Sorry if I'm pretty bad at this I have no understanding of the roleplay at all so and sorry for not posting I was busy also she is with the group that time travelled

Enid walked outside with a few books
Sat near a tree and grabbed one of the books
The book was called "The History Of Legendary Pokemon"
"This seems quite interesting" she said with as she opened the book and started reading
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 01:46 (5 Years ago)
Darkrai was stalking around the base. Then his gaze fell upon Shaymin. ".....You."

There was 100% Malice in his voice.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 01:49 (5 Years ago)
Hearing the voice, Archion stopped dead, even knowing it wasn't directed at him, he shivered at the tone. Turning his head, but not his body, he looked at Shay.

Zeta knocked again, growing impatient as cats often did. Also because he could hear stirring from the creature inside his cage.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 02:05 (5 Years ago)
Shay jumps alittle, flowers wilting slightly. She says nothing though, looking at Kuma.

Necro watches
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 02:20 (5 Years ago)
"You have exactly 4 seconds to give me a reason to turn you into a grease spot on the floor!" He growled out, a shadow ball forming
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 02:22 (5 Years ago)
Crap! Archion stared, watching Kuma charge his shadow ball. "What do I do...?"

Clink! The creature was waking up. "Come on! Anyone in there?!" His voice was an irritating yowl.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 02:46 (5 Years ago)
A voice came fro, inside the room "I was in the back, it's unlocked, no need to knock it down."
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 02:50 (5 Years ago)
"Oh it's fine." Came the purr. It was what one one describe as 'a snake's voice'. Zeta turned the handle a rolled the cage in, by now the creature could clearly be heard inside. I should have grabbed more traqrilazers...

Archion still didn't move, hoping Shay would just get a move on.