Forum Thread
The Legendary RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Legendary RP

"you were too correct"

"you were too correct"
Archion remembered he was given a room, and headed toward it. He felt oddly at home here. But then, he had spent a month working here. But now he was in his own head. He didn't know if the others noticed him gone, yet, but they probably would think him a traitor after this.
Arriving at the room, Archion settled down on the bed. It had been left unused for a while. He took time to reflect, he was here, actually doing something. He felt so brilliant, no one would suspect him, because a far as they knew he was one of them. In his own mind, luck was on his side, but he knew he would have to get something out of this before he was considered successful.