Forum Thread
Design a Character For the User Above You! (V3)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Design a Character For the User Above You! (V3)edit:
What I'm mainly looking for(but basically anything is okay):
Mega Audino x Mew
A creepy/horror-themed pidove
Based after a music instrument
Skyrim themed
Assassins Creed themed
Gen 8 spoiler
But there are more on my Whishlist.

edit- actually really proud of how this turned out (swsh spoilers ig)
could i just get any kind of mew?? could be a fusion, themed, etc. im just collecting mews aaaa
if you don't want to, any kind of sylveon, audino, minccino/cinccino, or meowstic also works uwuwu

A mew made of water. I went back and fourth in making the water blend, and decided this looks really cool, so I did it this way. I hope you like it!
I also have a ToyHouse if you could credit me. I’m Honorchior over there too. :)
I will put most wanted on top. Gen 8 spoilers will be in spoiler tabs, don't worry.

Pastel themed Indeedee with a tiny
splash of neon. Think the opposite of this
Milcrey/Cosmog (or any of their evolutions) fusion
Milcrey/Cosmog (or any of their evolutions) fusion
A ice Cream inspired eevee
A cosmog with your choice of base fusion
A flying type eeveelution
A dandelion seed (wish flower) inspired flababae.
Grass / Ice Espeon design
Ghost / Fairy Vaporeon design
Plague doctor Sylveon design
Pastel punk Umbreon design
Scolipede x Wurmple
Vaporeon x Gastrodon
Fairy/Dragon Latios or Latias design
Grass type Yveltal design
Yveltal x Shiny Ultra Necrozma
Yveltal x Shiny Primal Groudon
Pokemon (Your choice) x Pyukumuku
Houndoom x Pokemon (Your choice)
Gen 8 spoilers

Scolipede x Snom
Mega Salamence x Dragapult
Paladin Zamazenta Design
Mightyena x Grimmsnarl
Sylveon x Indeedee (Male)
Pastel punk Dracozolt design
Male Dragapult Gijinka
Female Frosmoth Gijinka
edit- not sure how well it represents grass or ice type but i still like it aaa
gonna copy paste from my last post
could i just get any kind of mew?? could be a fusion, themed, etc. im just collecting mews aaaa
if you don't want to, any kind of sylveon, audino, minccino/cinccino, or meowstic also works uwuwu
Please credit to my toyhouse ( Edennightmare )
Mega Blaziken + Reshiram (Base)
Reshiram (Base) + primarina
Silvally (Base) + Lampent
mega Audino + Noivern (Base)
Crawdaunt + Scolipede (Base)
Any Dark lugia / Reshiram / Sillvally / Marshadow Fusion
edit- actually like this one :0
-any kind of mew, can be fusion, theme, etc. (mew as base)
-any kind of minccino, cinccino, sylveon, audino, emolga, or meowstic, can be fusion, theme, etc. (listed pokemon as base)
-any kind of hanahaki pokemon with pastel colors (some color palettes in wishlist)
-any kind of lovecore pokemon (honestly go crazy aaaa go stupid for this one, im looking for a really extravagant/crazy design on this one, would prefer to stick to only shades of red/pink)
Edit: Mew x Clefable
Clefable designs (literally anything, fusions, retypes, etc.)
Tsareena x Pheromosa
Gen 8 spoiler:

spoilering for gen 8 spoilers opps-

-dessert themed Appletun/Eevee fusion (most wanted lmao)
-Hydreigon/Vanilluxe fusion
edit- okay so originally it was meant to be appletun but i hekcked it up and it literally just looks like a dessert eevee hsdfjskld i still like how it looks but hsdfkjsldk sowwy
any kind of pokemon with the following themes (preferably something small/cute hslfjsd and pls no inanimate object/bug/"creepy" pokemon) (theyre in order of most to least wanted)
-pastel hanahaki
Edit: Sent to them :)
An animal to be his friend uwu
(Feral not anthro pls)
anything with flower aesthetic
Sure i'll take Woof instead so everything keeps on going :">
Hope you like it
Please pick one of the listed pokemon as a base!
You can pick a theme if you'd like but basically go wild with ANYTHING listed here-
you can do things such as these:
fusions,pokemon drawn on one of the themes or whatever you come up with! go absoutely wild
Sorry, but after looking through your account, you're not allowed to participate in this thread. As stated in the rules, you have to be three months or older to be able to participate in this thtead.
Sorry but you may have to claim woof post, not Voll due to them only being a month old account.
gen8 spoiler
What I'm mainly looking for(but basically anything is okay):
Maybe a fluffball creature? Maybe a furret and/or mareep fusion? With a little snom? :D
Gen 8 spoiler
But there are more on my Whishlist.

edit- idk if i did it right but hslfjsd
species: mew, minccino, cinccino, sylveon, eevee, alolan raichu, skitty
themes: fusion, dessert/food/drink, flowers, pastel, witch
go crazy aaaa go stupid
what im looking for pokemon-wise:

- kitsune zorua/zoroark
- steampunk/clockwork - chatot/murkrow/skitty/dedenne/zorua or zoroark
- plague doctor - chatot/zorua/zoroark/skitty or dedenne
- tribal/runes - chatot/murkrow/skitty/dedenne/zorua or zoroark
- steampunk/clockwork - chatot/murkrow/skitty/dedenne/zorua or zoroark
- plague doctor - chatot/zorua/zoroark/skitty or dedenne
- tribal/runes - chatot/murkrow/skitty/dedenne/zorua or zoroark
gen 8

steampunk/clockwork - rookidee or
evos/skwovet or evo/nickit or evo/yamper or evo
plague doctor - rookidee or evos/skwovet or evo/nickit or evo/yamper or evo
tribal/runes - rookidee or evos/skwovet or evo/nickit or evo/yamper or evo
plague doctor - rookidee or evos/skwovet or evo/nickit or evo/yamper or evo
tribal/runes - rookidee or evos/skwovet or evo/nickit or evo/yamper or evo
what im looking for animal-wise:

birds or dogs with these:
dull/dark colours
plague doctor
different coloured eyes
accessories when it fits (earrings, bracelets, etc)
dull/dark colours
plague doctor
different coloured eyes
accessories when it fits (earrings, bracelets, etc)
and just in case--
colours i like:
- dark
- pastel
- dull
- neon if its only one colour like blue or green (for rune markings or something)
Edit: Kitsune Zorua :3

Shiny color seems to work perfectly
good! PM me if you want normal one ^^

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Clefable designs
Tsareena x Pheromosa
Spoiler gen 8: