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Trainerlevel: 67

Trainerpoints: 12,931/13,533


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Ponyta10240 / 331
Roggenrola17365 / 678
Koffing11175 / 397
Zubat14572 / 631
Dottler14391 / 631
Yamper14182 / 505

Collecting Plushies

Collecting missing plushies!

Pokèsona Plushie Art @Akemie

Last Visitors

~SpiritBeholder~Wed, 10/Jul/2024, 10:44
Umbral99Wed, 10/Jul/2024, 04:12
DareniaWed, 10/Jul/2024, 00:03
curiousangelTue, 09/Jul/2024, 23:58
Asphodel~Sat, 23/Mar/2024, 03:37

Game Records

Trainer ID: #786850026
Registration: 17/06/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 2188:37 Hours
Total interactions: 390,049
Money: 1,917,944
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Lania hasn't posted any feeds so far.

About Me

Lania | Adult | Flighty

I come and go. Hey.

Avatar and About Me Art @Mimpii
