Forum Thread
Pyre Pixels [Closed]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Pyre Pixels [Closed]
❦ Sʜᴏᴘ Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ! ❦

❧ Re-Opened
Sorry for the long wait everyone.
Things in the real world got in the way and I lost enthusiasm to do sprites.
But things should be back in order and I should be okay to sprite for a while longer.
❧ Order Limit
I've added an Order Limit to the front post.
Sort of like a waiting list and so I don't have to break my back to work on 12+ orders at a time.
Any orders after the limit get a mini-strike, so be warned!
❧ Striken Items
Items with
It's mostly to prevent me from getting burned out on a certain type of sprite as well.
Order one of these when the form is closed and you will be instantly banned!

Base Pokemon:noivern
Second Pokemon:Zoroark
Extra:WELCOME BACK!!!! I hope you had a nice break!! Also could you use shiny zoroark’s colour scheme??

❦ Oʀᴅᴇʀ Uᴘ! ❦

❧ Roshi-JOAT
Thank you.


❧ SammyP_113
Thank you for the plushie~


❧ FrozenHeroes
There wasn't much I could fuse here but it turned out interesting.


❧ 20BiTeen
So, I attempted it but it did not turn out good.
Zorua is a small sprite while Entei is fairly large.
So most of any body parts couldn't really be put on Zorua, too big.

❧ Rose~Kitty
I hope you meant you only wanted the blue ribbons to change and not all blue.
Like the eyes and ears. If you want any other changes, let me know.


❧ AquaDiamond12
The order limit is 5.
You have one mini-strike.
You quite literally have the internet at your fingertips to spell check.
Just an FYI.

Username: Beckysh92
Pokemon: Swinub
Extra: Thank you
Username: YungRover
Pokemon: Lucario
Season: Winter
Extra: Thank you!

Do you mind if i ise this cutie as a pokesona?