Forum Thread
Pyre Pixels [Closed]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Pyre Pixels [Closed]Username: Sparky (you know very well) :/
Pokemon: Pikachu!
Trainer: HeartGold/SoulSilver male protangonist champion (3rd trainer)
PKMN Included?: (Y/N) Yes!
Extra: make its clothes color yellow
Username: T0xic
Base Pokemon: Charmander
Ref. Image URL:
Payment: 15,000
Extra: I would be doing this a lot, so I'm sorry if this will bother you a lot >.<
Username: Maguro
Base Pokemon: Garchomp
Extra: This time I wanted a fusion of one of my favorite dragon type :D
Base Pokémon: mega gardevoir (if you can’t do the mega version just the normal will be fine :3)
Second Pokemon:scolipede
Extra:could you make it shiny please?
Username: Hopelin
Base Pokemon: Chatot
Ref. Image URL: hope this is alright!
Payment: 20,000 PD
Extra: Thank ya!!

❦ Sʜᴏᴘ Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ! ❦

I'm sorry for the wait on this order everyone.
Getting back into the swing of things in the real world has taken a toll on me.
I'm very tired and not sleeping well. So forgive me if I don't seem "uppity" in any replies.
❧ New Rules added
Please make sure you read them before posting
❧ OC Section removed
I'm suspecting some issues with this section and will remove it to make it private.
Anything regarding making something an OC needs to be sent to me in a PM from now on.
❧ Closed Again
As mentioned above, I'm having some issues in the waking world.
I need to take some time to sort things out before continuing this shop.
I hope to re-open again soon, and possibly with new sprite ideas.
Thank you.

❦ Oʀᴅᴇʀ Uᴘ! ❦

❧ Pikochi


❧ BulbaForLife
Thank you


❧ PandoraDiskenth
Thank you for your kind words


❧ Sparky
I put up the new rule in my shop but since it was not there before you ordered,
you won't get a strike against it. But make sure to read it well. Demands like that are rude.
I am no longer taking demands like that. Keep it in mind next time.


❧ T0xic
That's a lot of scratching required for that sprite, so I'm denying this order.
Sorry. Please cancel the trade and take your payment back.

❧ 20BiTeen
Thank you.


❧ Maguro
Whoops, I read your order wrong. I thought it was an Advanced Fusion.
So for my mistake, enjoy a paying sprite sprite on the house~


❧ Sartor


❧ Ropets123
Randomly chosen was...


❧ arkidog
For your Surprise...
A Data


❧ FrozenHeroes


❧ Wolflesshowl
I appreciate if you do but please don't mention that you may or may not.
They made it seem like they tipped all the time, but they never did.


❧ Hopelin
Very cute Pokesona. It was a challenge but I hope this turned out alright.
If there's anything you want me to change to it, let me know~


❧ Miizyu
Randomly chosen was...


❧ Rocket-Dog
Randomly chosen was...


❧ jay_the_edgelord
I've changed the rule and how I'm working with OC Characters.
If you want this sprite as a character, please send me a PM.
Randomly chosen was...
