Forum Thread
The Flightrising Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → The Flightrising ClubThis is whats left of my PH stuff to trade off. Everything is super negotiable:

- 3 million PD
- 4.2k nuggets
- Shiny Mega Luxray (Kinda on hold)
- Shiny Palkia
- 26 Star Pieces
Will gladly die for Treasure, Gems, and Bogsneak/Nocturne Eggs
- 4.2k nuggets
- Shiny Mega Luxray (Kinda on hold)
- Shiny Palkia
- 26 Star Pieces
Will gladly die for Treasure, Gems, and Bogsneak/Nocturne Eggs

I'll exalt her if not sold [just... don't offer fodder prices, please]
I also have this gen1 banescale that i'm selling, hatched her on my birthday and didn't like her colours, nobody wanted to trade for another on that day so i just bought one - so i'm selling her for decent offers.

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
People of Fontaine, your sins are forgiven."

Banner drawn by Hime-Nyan~
Two girls and two boys.
No rare eye types, just three common and one uncommon.
Let me know if you want any of them, they will go on the auction house for 10000 each at some time tomorrow.
Just put a new pair of dragons in to breed after I hatched my new Banescales and they produced my first nest of five babies.