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Pokeheroes Wiki
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I found it on Bulbapedia as a Glitch Egg xD
I would post it myself, but I'm not much of a coder and when I tried to make an account, it wouldn't log me in xP
(I found out how to make a gallery, so I can add one if anyone needs help with that!)
I finished the page for Honey, including a gallery of the images that appear when you find the seven known Pokémon! I might work on another page, now that that one is done!
It's been a while since I posted here...
But is time for some updates & announcement regarding the wiki.
The last time I posted there was only one rule, but now we another one:
Rules for Making/Editing Articles:
• You are not allowed say anything about how to adquire badges because they are spoilers and it's against the rules and norms of PokéHeroes.
• Do Not Post the images of the current events/Distributions. It's ok if you upload the egg sprite, but not the hatched one! When the distribution is over you can put it on the event database.
For now these are the only ones, but new ones will be added.
Please respect these rules, i'll be watching every new or edited article to see if they meet them.
Some suggestions for new articles:
You don't have any idea of a new helping file for the wiki?
Well, here are some suggestions that you can use for creating an article!
(Click on the link in order to go to the page to start making it!)
As you can see the wiki is pretty new, isn't it?
So we want to make this more public and we need your help!
I have made some Banners for these users who want to help this wiki! And if you have made one and want it to be here, just send me a PM with the code of the images c:
Max here!
I just want to point this out, so you can make this to stop happening.
I think this one should be deleted, too.
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Anyways, I sorta forgot about this, but I'm currently updating my newbie tutorial and also the making a Game Center page!
like a starter in auction goes for about 5000-8000 poke
i would need help valueing some pokemon or rarites but i hate it when i see over priced pokemon :|
So I wouldn't like to see those kind of threads/guides around here. It's just my opinion, though,