Forum Thread
Partner Pokemon
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Partner PokemonI love that my starter pokemon is up there, but truth be told, i'd be much happier with a pokemon I actually like, since we don't have a choice on what starter we get, just the type? iirc? (i don't remember tbh, it's been so long since i registered lol)
I'd love it if i could switch it out to my mascot, a shiny audino, or something like that, wouldn't see any harm in it as nothings gained from doing it, aside from people being able to click on it from my profile, as opposed to my storage box when it's in there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think there's a guide somewhere which tells you what answer gives you which starter Pokemon, but don't quote me on it xD I'll have a look and link it if I find it.
This should've helped you if you wanted a specific starter Pokemon. But, it's a tad bit too late now. But, I think, I gives you the link whilst you're making your choices. Whether that's a recent thing or not, I'm not sure.
But yeah, like Kindred~ said, I've not seen many people with their starter's in their party's. Including myself
Maybe we could still keep the starter Pokemon thingy, as, from time to time, I like to check on my starter. And then we could have partner Pokemon below it. I don't know, it's just a suggestion. Or, maybe a separate, single party box, specifically for our partner Pokemon so it'll always be showcased on our profiles, rather than just having a link to it?
99% of us basically have one or two pokemon that we always keep in our parties - that one pokemon we love. I'd love to be able to take out the random meganium on my profile and replace it with Aurora ^^

Art credit: gelatin
I like my starter being on there because it was the first Pokemon I got on here, and it's special in that way. And I never have t in my party, so that little icon there is basically the only recognition it gets, which is why I want it to be there as well.
So I think both would be nice, instead of just one. uvu
At first thought I love the idea of having your favourite mon displayed on one's profile; on the other hand it probably is (almost) all the time in your party, for all to see and associate with you.
To side w/ most, keeping the starter and adding the valued pokemon sounds like a neat addition in the end, but I doubt its usefulness (other than personalisation).
I'd be for some changes on the "Game Records" widget in general, if that's related (e.g. removing the battle stats, adding other more valuable information).
Wouldn't be it nice?
It could look like this:
In case the
pictures don't load: here are all pics
(Edit: now I think I agree with Random~Mew and *muddyunicorn*)