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Remodify Bill's words for MissingNo. quest

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Remodify Bill's words for MissingNo. quest
Trainerlevel: 115

Forum Posts: 1,139
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 20:51 (8 Years ago)
Then say so, they are the adults and they will do as they please while in their house. Live under their roof? Their rules plain and simple. You can protest you case but it's still their rules. Until children move out into their own home it's up to the children to live under their parents rules.

PH has no control over what parents deem safe that is up to them. But this is getting side tracked.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 21:02 (8 Years ago)
Lindsaybug, I get the mindset you are coming from, but the facts that have already been stated are enough for me to disagree. "Damn" is not a word I'm fond of, nor do I encourage it being said. Yet, I have to agree that Riako would not make a "mistake" like that. He knew perfectly well what he was doing. He probably debated putting it in, and came to a conclusion. He may of even asked the mods opinion first, heck if I know. Although, considering one time the user base got "beer" changed to "lemonade" upon extreme amounts of request, I can't say it won't change with enough support.

Edit: Just want to clarify that I couldn't care less if it is changed or not. It wouldn't hurt to have to changed, but I personally see no reason to do so.


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Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 384
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 21:58 (8 Years ago)
Sen, I know you're one of my good friends on here, but the new rules state that swearing is STRICTLY forbidden and it wouldn't make sense that there's one swear word on the site, even if a NPC says it.
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And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I agree with you and thank you.
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Mon, 19/12/2016 05:33 (8 Years ago)
Quote from Rules1.1 PokéHeroes should be a friendly community-based browsergame for every age. To ensure this, it is forbidden to use offensive swear words or to make any statement that is inappropriate for any age, or to provide links to any material [e.g, images, videos, audio] that contains inappropriate content and/or language. It is likewise forbidden to deliberately cause trouble or to discriminate other users in any way. This is valid for the whole site - including the forum, private messages, the pal pad, the chat, your 'about me', your user statuses as well as the nicknames of your adoptables and your own username.

Can you please point out where it explicitly says swearing of any kind is forbidden?
Keep in mind we're talking about the minor, non-offensive cuss word, 'damn'.
Trainerlevel: 122

Forum Posts: 386
Posted: Thu, 22/12/2016 17:00 (8 Years ago)
By definition, it IS a Swear Word. And if you're going to base your opinion on what the rules specifically state....Well...I rarely swear because I find ALL swear words offensive. As do MANY, MANY people on this site.

-It does NOT matter if it's not considered a swear word in other countries
-It does NOT matter if many children say it nowadays
-It does NOT matter if you do not find it offensive, because nearly ALL of your older players DO.
-Many people on this site use "Wtf", "FML", or "FUUUUU" on this site. We all know what it means. And if you consider "****" as offensive but not that when it is THE EXACT SAME THING, then your opinion is illogical and invalid.
-You do realize that there are MANY people on this site who were raised PROPERLY by their parents and who abhor cussing, right?

The fact that you are using the improper parenting of other people to justify your desire to swear and cuss is abhorrent. There is NEVER an excuse or reason to cuss. One of the reasons why children do cuss nowadays is because in addition to their parents not caring about their future, it's gotten to the point where not even their teachers can correct them without repercussions.

So why don't YOU make the first move?

BAN ALL SWEAR WORDS ON THIS SITE. Take it into your own hands to teach the younger generation what their parents don't care to teach them.
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Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Thu, 22/12/2016 19:30 (8 Years ago)
damn is not a swear word

case ended
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 517
Posted: Thu, 22/12/2016 23:04 (8 Years ago)
No support for stated reasons.

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Trainerlevel: 113

Forum Posts: 1,048
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 00:28 (8 Years ago)
Hm. I don't believe it's a "swear" word, tbh.. :S

But, I know that "that word" means "curse or condemn" though. c:

But, I don't like it when a certain word is used in an "offensive" way, obvious or not.. like, it's "attacking" a person on purpose.

Now, that's an awful "swear" word. A big no-no.. :/

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Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 384
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 00:57 (8 Years ago)
Guys can't you just see what FireWolf is trying to say?

@Soviet It says swearing of any kind is forbidden, and that includes the minor ones, so case closed.
I'm awesome!
And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I agree with you and thank you.
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 427
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 01:32 (8 Years ago)
"1.1 PokéHeroes should be a friendly community-based browsergame for every age. To ensure this, it is forbidden to use offensive swear words"

It says offensive swear words, not swearing of any kind. That's what Soviet is saying, so I don't understand where you are seeing "swearing of any kind"

Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 1,652
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 01:36 (8 Years ago)
lets talk google into this yo :0

in this definition i dont see ANYTHING that says that it's a swear word :v

its like hell ya know

people tell ya not to say it

but its mentioned in holy things like the bible for example

it expresses anger or surprise :v

so i really dont see why they need ta change it lol

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Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 737
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 01:47 (8 Years ago)
Well... According to this link in the rules, damn is a swear while hell isn't.

But personally, I think damn is pretty mild so no support.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 03:22 (8 Years ago)
Lets be honest here

damn and hell arent swear words

you gotta be glass-levels of sensible if your offended with that

even when they arent directed at you (they CANT be directed at anyone)

Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 04:53 (8 Years ago)
I bet those parents that doesn't let their kids do what they want and get mad at the slightest curse word also doesn't support vaccines because they want to stay old-fashioned and it's 'too risky'. Now, this may be quite the assumption but it's to match your assumption.

Generations change, things change.

Cursing doesn't change anyone, if they want to be punk or 'hip' and think cursing is cool, that's their problem and decision to be like so. PokèHeroes doesn't even promote these offensive cuss words to be said on this site. Damn is a word used to express anger but also considered a swear in the old times. Let me remind you that way back many things have been changed. For the good.

Parents need to change, their parenting methods may make it seem like they're doing their best to raise their child but things still happens. Kids are growing up to be however they want even with proper parenting. 90% of my high school doesn't respect their teacher because they want to be 'Cool' and because of what kind of friends they have [subsequently, they cuss a lot in chinese and broken english]. It's their choice to do so and bad parenting isn't the problem. I've seen a father bring a wooden slab infront of the school and shout+hit his child right infront of other parents just because he had chosen to be friend with the wrong part of the crowd. No one did anything. Parents are humans too, you guys aren't perfect and your methods varies, not all parents would agree with one thing.

Humans are also fragile organic life matters that have emotions. Swearing has been scientifically proven to reduce your stress and compress a strong, negative emotion. Someone that cuss when in pain feels a bit. Now that is a reason to swear. Subsequently, it's to show someone's displeasure, which is perfectly fine.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 677
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 06:28 (8 Years ago)
As some people said before, if a user was warned for the word "Damn", then I should be removed, else it would be a double standard as the user is warned for using a word, and the same word appears in Game Dialogue.

EDIT: Also the site linked to check for swear words (http://wordsafety.com/) also says that it is a swear word, and PH goes by the site. So, I think it (the word "Damn") should be removed.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 713
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 10:20 (8 Years ago)
No support at all.

I've never considered "damn" even close to a curse, but that is my opinion. Riako runs this website, and if he thinks it is okay, then I suppose it's alright. Riako does know what he's doing, after all.

Besides, as many have already stated,

Quote from rules1.1 PokéHeroes should be a friendly community-based browsergame for every age. To ensure this, it is forbidden to use offensive swear words or to make any statement that is inappropriate for any age, or to provide links to any material [e.g, images, videos, audio] that contains inappropriate content and/or language. It is likewise forbidden to deliberately cause trouble or to discriminate other users in any way. This is valid for the whole site - including the forum, private messages, the pal pad, the chat, your 'about me', your user statuses as well as the nicknames of your adoptables and your own username.

"Damn" is not offensive, and shouldn't be considered as such. It is a minor swear, not major. I learned this swear when I was 7, and my parents did not care about hiding me from it. Besides, children nowadays probably know much more than just "damn", considering today's slang. They will learn one way or another--it doesn't matter. If the child tells their parents about the swear, there is nothing the website (PH) or Riako, himself, can do about that.

I rest my case.

Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,335
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 12:56 (8 Years ago)
Hahaha, well damn. :v

While I agree damn is a really minor swear word, it is clear that it is not offensive at all. As many users stated before, the rule clearly says that only offensive swear words are not allowed. Honestly, if the word from Bill's dialogue would be replaced or removed, it wouldn't affect me and probably it won't affect 90% of the userbase. When I was little, my parents swore a lot, I honestly didn't like to swear but you know, it happens when you are in pain or feel horrible, most of the time to reduce the pain...But going back to what most people said, it is not really considered a swear word, just like hell...
Ah, also I've seen that

Ah and one more thing...The root of this word is from the Latin word ''damnare'' which means "damage, ruin". I mean, yes, it has a theological meaning but the word itself is from the Latin language.
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 14:49 (8 Years ago)
I used damn[and other minor cuss] many times in my feeds when I rant. I remember when users was warned (and locked), users posted feed saying that it's unfair, even some moderators agreed from my memory. I'm sure that the moderators are not warning anyone else about that anymore. If you apply that incident as an argument point, it's like saying that revealing how to obtain badges is against the rules even though you can only do it if an user explicitly asked for it.

Quote from PkmnTrainerVEDIT: Also the site linked to check for swear words (http://wordsafety.com/) also says that it is a swear word, and PH goes by the site. So, I think it (the word "Damn") should be removed.

The website also says that Cake sounds similar to a swear sword that should be avoided to be said. So now let's warn users for that and remove the word cake in anniversary gift page as 'Choose your favorite flavor of food made of mixed sweet concoctions. Now with layers!' That page, while listed damn as a cuss word is a website for the general idea of what is a cuss word. It's a direct match for a cuss word, best not use it- but it didn't say anything about it being offensive, did it?
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 862
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 18:37 (8 Years ago)
This suggestion is Hilarious

Quote from FireWolf1117You do realize that there are MANY people on this site who were raised PROPERLY by their parents and who abhor cussing, right?

Just saying, i got raised in a familly that didn't accept any bad words, and i ended saying a lot of them, especialy right now, this is not a question of how you got raise but of personality lol.

You must be extremely sensitive if you cry for the word "damn"

And oml the site that they use for know if a word is bad or nah is absolutely not working for french and it's hilarious

Just get over it, no one is never really polite especialy in palpad
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,640
Posted: Fri, 23/12/2016 18:55 (8 Years ago)
"Bad words" aka offensive swear words are looked at on a case-to-case basis. There are [internal] criteria we use to decide how "bad" a reported case is and which actions need to be taken.

Also, the linked site is used as a guideline, not as an end-all conclusion. We know the site isn't perfect, which is pretty much why we don't follow it blindly. It's useful to some extent, which is why we share it. If common sense says one thing and the site says something weird, we follow common sense :p

In short, Bill isn't offending/attacking anyone with the language he uses, so I see no reason to get it changed. If Riako feels differently, he's free to do so, of course. To me, the votes speak for themselves, with over 80% voting against the suggestion.

[And just a small correction - it is possible to direct them at someone, it just isn't the case here]

//Locking and rejecting this.
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