Forum Thread
The Everything Arts Club (Accepting!)
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → The Everything Arts Club (Accepting!)I felt bad when i posted my stuffs and it got ignored, i also talked to somes others members and i can tell you i'm not the only one who feel like that.
i could add stuff, like the fact that some peoples got kinda yelled at for being "out of the subject" by the friend group, yet some of them are often getting out of the thread subject and its fine.
Also your art level isn't counting, Good and okayish artist are getting ignored and it's sad.
Sorry for my english i'm tired
theres no point of having a club if only this certain friend group is complimenting each other and giving each other attention
why not just keep that in a seperate group chat or something
people love attention, and if they dont receive it they feel sad and angr
the staff doesn't really uphold that whole no out of subject rule too, and honestly this clubs pretty toxic
i'll try to speak to kitsu about this next time she's on, and that could be at any time. thank you for understanding.
..also, if you want critique, just ask for it. I tend to feel that, if someone doesn't ask, they don't want any, and I should therefore refrain from giving it--
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
I agree about the whole frend group thingy and it annoys me aswell but
Well, i dont mind it that much that i'd leave, atleast not yet.
I has no best art but uh
Have the ones that i think are kinda good
That's all i have till now rip
And we have to draw cans and shoes and that for this extra stuff...
And yea, i heard alot of people are leaving, i left for the same reason a while ago, but came back to just post my art. irc if anyone notices it anymore.
You know what, im gonna draw bunny chaild dressed up as all/most of the undertale characters XD
Most of my best stuff I have already posted but ok
That includes some of several of my styles
My art teacher expects me to do extra stuff too lol
But I brought it upon myself and I usually want to do more, like right now our project is to illustrate a short manga :D
Mine is gonna be like twice as long as the requirement xD
I am so sorry for everybody leaving, and you should not feel pressured to stay in the club just because of my text here. You can do what you want, and you are free to do so! If you want to re-join the club, because you weren't sure, then feel free to! We always love to see members come back again, just to see all the cool art they can make.
To the whole 'friend group' thing.. Well, you guys are always welcome to message one of us moderators about it! We will try to do as much as we can about it, and try to make this place a nicer one for you to be in and feel nice in. I have not rechieved any of these, but I don't know if the others have. I haven't seen anything like the friend groups, so maybe I am just too stupid to realise them going on? If that is the case, then I am truly sorry of not seeing this later. It's heartbreaking to see people being ignored, so that's why I always try to compliment even those who do not get alot of attention. If I have not reached you yet, I am deeply sorry. I promise you though, I have seen it, and I think it's amazing. Like all art is! We created this group for people to share their art to others, and see the amazing art back.
I will try to reply to some people now, to see if I can help!!
It would be a great idea! We just need kitsu to come on and make it, so we can all move over there like "yo, this is our place simba"
I'm sorry you feel that way! I think your art is amazing, and it's sad to see you feel that way.. I always try to compliment you on your art, but I'm sorry that I was not capable of being there when you needed it.
I'm so sorry you feel that way! I always try and stick on the rules, but I bet the staff has their own points of why they are off-topic. We had this earlier, and it's saddening to see it's wet feet come here again! I will defiently try and stop this, and I hope the others will too!
I'm sorry that I am not so much online! I have school, and that is pretty much keeping me away from here. I am sorry that I have not felt my place in the staff team as I should, But I will try to do better now!
Sorry to hear you say that! I strongly hope you post here again, as I will defiently look forward to seeing it! I love your art, my dude!
I'm late on this drama, I understand.
but really, I'm not sure how to feel about the drama in itself. We could just make a new club to be honest...? the main mod/owner is rarely on anymore, so...
I try to critique. but I've been having trouble due to the fact that I can't get on after 3:40 or 4:00 cali time, because my computer at home is monitored and I don't like being watched while on PH.
and as for art I'm most proud of or whatever, look in the spoiler for almost nothing.
I dont want to post art here since at times I get ignored.
We shouldn't have only ONE moderator that's a main, since as we're seeing, she's never online, I mean common, last time she was online was 6 days ago.
There are tons of cluttered posts in the thread from users that aren't active or even abandoned their page.
There should be a vast amount of mods but not too much either, any friend groups should be less frequent since all artists deserve critiques, I think its unfair and I completely support the users that are leaving because of this, I barely joined and its a toxic community as others have said before.
This thread is supposed to help people, take me as an example:
I HATE my art, but I really like hearing compliments about it even if I have my auto esteem to the floor, I thought that in this thread I would receive good compliments and helpful critiques to improve like every artist needs to, the first days were okay, but tbh I felt ignored later on and I felt smaller than I would use to, causing my depression to increase
I don't want to feel more toxicity than I usually hate IRL