Forum Thread
The Everything Arts Club (Accepting!)
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → The Everything Arts Club (Accepting!)I definately agree with this.
I especially agree with the critique part. I often hate admitting it, but I can seem real narcissistic or attention-seeking when it comes to art. I hate my art, and I often seek critique to feel better about it. Just hearing "that's great" while others get super long critiques just... it hurts, honestly. I sound like i'm attention-seeking, I know, but I really don't like how it happens, it bugs me. Getting critiques makes me feel better, and drives me to improve, and later on, I don't want to look back at my art and see the same style, I'd honestly like to see improvment.
it'd also be great to start from 0, with an active owner and active mods. Kitsu was more active before, but now timezones and school is really getting in her way, and it bugs all of us
But this discussion seems to be more important than i thought.
First: I can understand all of you very good. I watched this Thread for a longer time as a silent stalker, because i was too shy to join, till i finally jumped over my own shadow and joined anyways.
Uh... It more seems like there are talking only the same group of poeple and other are just...there and get ignored. It scared me really much to join, not only because i rarely get any critique or compliments for my art. I appreciate both when it's helpful and not rude or anything. I want to try to get better. Esp. with shading and eyes. But hey... Here it really seems to be like the others noticed. Thats why i started to slow down any comments here and unsubsriced that thread. I don't want to to show my art when the most will ignore it (like with others) anyways.
This thread should be supposted to show your art, to encourage other artists, and to also give them help and advices how they can improve slowly. But only talking in a specific group and letting others left behind hurts me a bit. Every artist (and no, i don't speak of me, i speak of the ones that surely got ignored) deserves attention on his or her art, now matter how bad it might seem. Everyone started to draw, so we should try to help the ones who are unsure about their drawings. That should be supposted to be going on in this thread.
This whole situation is sad, yes. But i don't think they did that on purpose. I more think the most didn't realized that it bugs some people to get ignored. I don't think anyone here made that with a bad purpose. :'> There is just a bit of planning missing here.
I don't mean to attack or offend anyone here. I just wanted to say that i understand the thought of everyone here right now.
The idea with a new start would be a great idea. And no, i don't mean to attack Kitsu either. I think it should be more of an...relieve? Or something? I dunno.
I would be very happy when there would be changes in any form, and even when it's just a little.. <3
*hops away* Sorry for bothering and my bad english. ( ; v ; )
Yeah, I think you should do it. You are great at your art (luv it) so you should be able to do it. But I wonder, do we transfer the current mods that we have here (the active ones) over to there, or do we pick some new ones?
Not trying to be selfish, but I really enjoy my place as a mod. I think I'm pretty active, so I would be sad to see it go. If yes, then I will accept it like a Primarina.
This club has been through many months, and now we just await Kitsu's decision. She has told before, but she doesn't have internet only with her grandparents or something, so we have to be patient for her.
Yeah! Go state your opinion, don't be afraid to stand up for it! I really enjoyed reading through that, actually! You should never be afraid to state opinions, because other people like me find that you are incredibly inteligent and should be allowed to stay here in sociaty, like everyone!
Thanks for your input!
Note: The approval comes from mods firstly then the creator. But as the creator is inactive and busy
And just to put my opinion on a fresh start here too - I completely agree, it would make things alot better in general.
Hell, this has been happening for quite a while now. I'm proud of you who stood out to spit out the words loudly. No offense to anybody, but? The mods aren't really doing their job, alright? I'm not pointing out Ray, because she has a reason. Pop is also a bit inactive overall now. Honestly, are the others here just as some decoration? Accepting people isn't your only job, you know? Kitsu is fairly inactive, and she also has her reasons. Apart from that- salt? Foxly? (Also- I looked at the old mod list, sorry if some of you aren't mods anymore?) This is not a personal attack, it's far from that, but mods should be people who.. are more active. Salt, you confessed it yourself. You're just quietly looking at it all, but doing nothing? Foxly, you're posting art, but I haven't seen much mod-job with you, if that's how one would describe it? We need mods who are active, friendly and who are willing to actually spend time on helping. What would PH look like if e.g. Kou (sorry, you're the first one who got on my mind) would literally just sit by his screen and admire that pretty mod banner? Nope, that's not the point. Honestly, I'm getting a feeling you're mods to seek special attention. I don't want to brag right now. I, as somebody who's on a lot, applied for a staff job. "No, we don't need anyone currently". You don't? Well, there aren't many of us who's doing what they should, no? I will talk to Kitsu, Pop and some others who are active about remaking the club. I don't want it to die, understood?
Phew, I'm done now-
yep yep now i gtg suffer in school
so good luck people uwu!
Nickname?: William
What kind of things you do: Pixel Art / Traditional
Have you read the rules and follow them: Yes
Anything Else: I'm not too active here anymore due to school. ^^ I might post more than one thing at a time too.
Oops. ^^ I guess I should have checked more recent messages before posting. :)
Though I can also relate to the first topic on how not many people comment on art and ignored, which I've had done to me many times, and I'm fairly active if I'm not piling on exam work and such.
But here is a lil Fnaf Foxy for you all-
Sorry I don't post very often here, I don't ever have ideas for art and I honestly don't really like my art that much :p. But, I might try to post here more often
But I will say that, as a new member, I have tried to compliment everyone else's art and help with things like Foxly's pixel question (just to be told "Oh I already know that", no offense, but that kinda rubbed me the wrong way?), yet my art does just get kinda tossed aside. Eh. I have another site that I actually get attention on but I enjoy engaging on more than one tiny community? Just my two cents.
Also @Zoroark
Nice piece ya got there! I love the background, looks like a fancy musical or something xD
Also a nice piece~ I really like the glow in eyes against the black background, creates a neat contrast :D
It seems I have started a revolution, oh my.
But see these reasons everyone stated are why I left too. This thread needs re-done (with an active OPer), and that's why Akiruru, Girafarig and I are going to re-do it. We already are working on plans, and coding.
We don't need any one else to re-do it. We don't need kitsu's permission for this. There is no reason to ask kitsu because she's not the one we want to re-make it. What's the point in getting an already mostly inactive user to post another one?
We only need a moderator's permission and I am currently getting that permission. (The mod seemed for it).
As for the moderators of this thread, the mods will not be transferred. There will be all new mods in the new thread. (There have been complaints about the current moderators here so there's no point in transferring, better to start 100% fresh).
I hope that clears up some plans/ideas for you all.
Awesome, I hope the new thread gets accepted and I plan on transferring if/when it does! Thanks for doing this!~ ^^
Nickname?: just call me Winter
What kind of things you do: Mostly draw while listening to remixes or something.
Have you read the rules and follow them:yes :)
Anything Else: I dunno, that's it 4 for me
I sketch. Mostly things from video games.
I draw all kinds of fandom trash.
Here's an example of Toriel from Undertale here:
Yes, I know it's slightly blurry :(