Forum Thread
Who are in my BlockList
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Who are in my BlockListAs you all are aware of the new feature 'BLOCKLIST' introduced by our admin Riako, i just wanted to know in the name itself it says List, but there is no way by which we can see the list of user who we have added in the blocklist.
So my suggestion is this in FriendList page under Community a blocklist tab should also be there where we could see the list of user who are in my Blocklist. Like this:-

If you blocklist them it simply means you don't need to have any more connections with them you are totally free from those users.
Sorry but no suppost from me either...
My Name is Optimus :3
The Job is Crime (>.<)
Commit it to memory i am Optimus Crime
Also, if it was an innocent message (such as a trade request) sent out of forgetfulness, I don't think that should be enough for a warning.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
direct me to a suggestion where blocking a user really blocks them and I'll vote for it.
@ This topic: I completely DISAGREE with having the list added to the site in a visible way. Honestly, if you use the list as it's supposed to be used, you should never have a lot of users on it. That should make it easy for you to keep up with, yourself.
That aside, the solution to your problem, without creating a page for the blocked members, is to have a warning show up on your page if you try to pm a blocked user. "You have added this user to your blocklist. Please make sure you really want to send this message before you continue."
This way there's not the option of a trigger, and if you ever interact with someone you have blocked, you have a warning that you're about to do it before it happens. That way you can either unblock the person OR not send the message.
For those who are mobile only, blocking people happens frequently by accident. Having access to a list would be a kind way to monitor those you block.
As a non-mobile user, this is also helpful for the same reason. It is difficult to keep track of those you do and if you change your mind you can go through the list and amend as necessary.
Sometimes we block someone mistakenly and we did not know, so for that its is necesary..!