When your kid asks you questions while you are fully asleep and you
respond. Well I unintentionally lied to my kid I do indeed work
today just not the early shift like normal.

Send help my kid has found the Spice Girls and it's now blaring
from her room. I didn't wanna go back to the 90s- early 2000s

Enough of the worms for me. Back to Unown B

By PokéRadar - 14 Minutes and 5 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Unown B hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #58)!
First one down many more to go

I keep forgetting grass so I have set a timer that just goes off
now. I need the worms

Rowan you aren't allowed to have the shiny worm. We will fight it's
mine now. I rescued it and will give it a loving home

Note to my dumb self the unown in Egg Storage are G not B don't not
touch them

Interaction exchange. Won't have much time tomorrow to hatch eggs
and didn't have much today wanna try one more research before it's

When your daughter obtains a new Obession with Livingston for the
last two weeks. All day everyday on multiple devices even brought
her dad and I to her room to show us her concert of his music.

Can normal gems go back to 500pd sometime soon. I miss those days

Here's to hoping I actually manage both paradox shinies this time

Random shiny Poliwag from the lab, nice.

Do I have a santa tracker going on my phone at 1pm already because
my kid is excited and it's how I get her to behave yes I do. Plus
she's learning countries on the other side of the planet so it's a
double win

It is the first time in years that I will have actually completed
the advent calendar. One door left to go

Thr amount of times I check the advent daily to make sure I claimed
it is ridiculous

The bus drivers for regional transit out here wildin. Come on a bus
and yell at everyone to get off because you don't wanna do the
route it's on you force another bus to switch

When you keep your kid home for the safety of the person who picks
her up from school as its freezing raining warnings. I ain't
risking it.

If research is going to keep being so dang rude ar least the lab
could give me something good.

I'm out of my regular allergy medication so I used my husband's
last night man this stuff make me super sleepy. And yes I had to
take more because walking around in leaves and touching peach was
not my fri3nd but you do what ya gotta do for the kiddos on