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Pokemon DB Roleplay

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Pokemon DB Roleplay
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 23:00 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 4- Saturday


Axew continued to wander around the location. "If I were a fugitive Honedge, where would I hide?" He looked around, and noticed that wanted posters would randomly vanish and new ones appear, like magic. Maybe threats had been detained, and new threats would rise. Still, he wasn't searching for a pearl-less Spoink, he was searching for a Honedge...

After hours of searching, he decided that he would give up for the rest of the day and go home to rest. But then, an Elgyem appeared, startling Axew. "Whoa! Hello, you a bounty hunter too? Which criminal are you searching for?" Axew strangely recognized his voice, "Um.. Yeah, I'm searching for a Honedge, but I was just about to go home for the day." The Elgyem panicked. "UH NO! Eh, I mean... A bounty hunter can't come back home until they catch their target, or their target is captured by someone else."
Axew frowned, "Aww what? Empoleon didn't tell me that. So who are searching for? maybe we can help each other!"
"Err, no. Bounty hunters aren't allowed to team up for missions, even if they're after different targets. It's just one of those weird rules.." he looked around. "Oh, and I'm searching for a Jellicent." Axew wasn't sure what that was, as he wasn't sure what any Pokemon was called. "Okay, well I guess I'll just continue searching..." he wandered away.
Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 23:14 (8 Years ago)
Dash sighed. It was back to the grind, cutting branches, harvesting berries. Ugh. The only interesting event so far was that Mareep that had run away after being found by him.

He was walking back to his apartment, lost in thought, when suddenly he spotted a poster. A wanted poster. He peered more closely, then he realized-it was of him!

"Honedge-Possibly dangerous. Battle skills. Reawrd-1000p."

He looked around, now expecting to see bounty hunters around every corner. He hurried back to his apartment before anyone more could see him, bumping into a Flygon and an Axew along the way.

"Hey- isn't that Honedge wanted?"
"Yeah, I think I've seen him somewhere..."

Dash shook his head. Now he was just hearing things! He looked around...but sure enough, there were Pokemon gathered around the poster, pointing at him!

"Wait-he does look familiar!"
"Hey, that's the guy on the poster!"

Dash's eyes (or eye) widened. He ran (or flew) as fast as could, just trying to get away from there. He didn't care where he went, as long as he wasn't caught. The last thing he needed was to die.

He passed by a courtroom, where it looked like a white Zorua was being 'judged'. He closed his eyes (or eye, whatever), he didn't need to see any of it.

After a while, he ended up at his apartment building. He hid behind the corner just as a Pikachu and a Mismagius walked out of the building, the hurried in.

"Phew," he thought. "Now that I'm safely in my home, I can-"

"Open up this door, or we'll open it up for you!" A muffled voice shouted.

Dash slowly turned around. Whoever was on that other side was probably going to take him away. But that couldn't happen. Dash's mind geared into battle mode. He was ready for a fight.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 170
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 00:41 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 4, Friday


Also previous post counts as controlling others' characters but if flygawne and patamon are fine with it i'll let it slide :T)

After work, Sapphire had finally enough money to stop living on Haban berries and purchased glasses, plates, bowls, etc.

But none of this would matter anymore. Strangely determined that the king would understand her situation, she took a sip of delicious bittersweet (OOC: Yes, Haban berries are bittersweet. That's an official Pokemon thing.) Haban juice and opened a notebook labeled "Evil Plans" (she had realized too late that it might seem suspicious, but not like anyone would see). An odd feeling that all this will end soon flowed through her, and with the energy it gave her she spent her free time plotting in her notebook (apparently Banland didn't have computers, cell phones, etc. for the citizens).

She decided to stop eating Haban berries and go purchase some other food. Absentmindedly stepping out the rusty old elevator, she ran into someone...

...While holding her notebook.


Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 00:47 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 4- Saturday: Tricky Hunting

After many hours of searching, Axew saw other Pokemon wandering around, and they didn't seem like other bounty hunters. He searched for their wanted posters just to be sure, but then he saw a poster of what seemed to be himself. He gasped, full of confusion. "I-I-I-.. I can't be a criminal! I'm hunting criminals!" it had a reward of 50,000, and claimed that he was very dangerous and unpredictable. "What? I don't understand! Did Empoleon trick me? Did.. did..." He thought for a moment, about that Elgyem. Elgyem suddenly appeared, "Hey, didn't think I'd be seeing you here. Don't you know that Honedge has been spotted?" Axew turned to Elgyem, "No.. I didn't hear about that. Where is he? Do i have a chance of catching him?" Axew forgot about his wanted poster, and figured that capturing Honedge would make up for it somehow. He followed Elgyem to a location.

"Alright, he's hiding in there," Elgyem pointed to a strange rocky cave, "but he's really dangerous, so watch out. The other bounty hunters haven't noticed him here, but I saw him. Since I'm not hunting him, I figured I'd let you take 'em down!"
Axew cautiously walked in, but then he was smashed by a rock! Elgyem levitated huge rocks around and continued his attack. Axew collapsed, unconscious.

He awoke at the Outbreak Control Center, hands tied. Elgyem was getting reward money: 50,000
Axew came to a realization. "YOU TRICKED ME! I DON'T KNOW HOW, BUT YOU DID! You made me think Empoleon told me to run away, prompting everyone to believe that I fled from my home. "I was happy, and you tricked me into being a runaway criminal!"
Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 02:11 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 2: Dragons hunt swords. True story.

Flygawne was denied the job interview at first because so many other hunters had already taken it, but he pleaded reconsideration and to check his files to be sure. After seeing that the Flygon is just being contained here as the world outside needed to develop yet he was told that he got through.

Getting the job and Outbreak Badge was easy enough, and the badge allowed for access through any gates throughout the city. The badge got officially registered at the first gate he visited and when he exited it shined with brilliant light shining through the fog. When he flew up what he found amazed him. The fog cleared way to the light revealing more than just a natural maze of a city, but instead a Metropolis surrounded by hundreds of berry fields and forests sprawled into vision, with tons of denizens.

"Holy crap, where am I supposed to start looking?!" Finding the first course of action obvious he started flying around keeping an eye on where he was, and where he was going. The buildings were all the same, but the pokemon in the streets and on roofs were very different. He made the assumption that the entire city was made to make pokemon believe that Banland isn't as large as it really is, then he wondered how many Bounty Hunters can fly around.

He spent the whole day searching and found that Bounty Posters can only appear in certain regions of the city, which there were 7 regions to, 6 around a middle region with a large castle in the heart of each region. Despite learning more about Banland in the air than he could ever hope to learn on the ground he couldn't find Honedge on the streets anywhere and was even attacked by Crustle who's smack down missed before it got apprehended by authorities, who then called Flygawne out and sent a Pelliper up to check out the scenario, the frost around it's bill gave shivers down Flygawne's spine while he proved he was a Hunter.

"I wonder if I'm timed..." Unsuccessful and hungry, Flygawne returned home to get some food. Ironically while looking for a bite to eat a startled floating sword bumped into him before zooming off again. "I'm too hungry, but I just remembered that I don't have enough money for a bite to eat. Better do my job then." Flygawne then scampered after Honedge, following the commotion in it's wake while bystanders who noticed said comments like "Hey- isn't that Honedge wanted?" and "Yeah, I think I've seen him somewhere..."

The Honedge stopped in a plaza where people near a wanted poster pointed at the Honedge.

Right when Flygawne was about to pounce though he remembered Alakazam saying something about apprehending a target and keeping it contained before authorities arrived. Flygawne then understood the meaning of this as Authorities in the area might break up the fight and punish the hunter for attacking someone while the target gets away (almost) scratch free. Flygawne then fell back to a normal position, blending in with the crowd of already unique figures.

Then the Honedge suddenly bolted out of the plaza towards the Popo Center. Where it passed a court session that was about to start then kept going until it came to an apartment complex where it suddenly flattened itself against the lip of the entrance that jutted out as a familiar Pikachu and a Mismagius came out of the building, then Honedge slipped in.

Flygawne instead checked around him for any familiar faces from the plaza then flew around the apartment twice to be sure there were no other pokemon hunting it. Which, thankfully, there were none. He then walked inside and asked the Jynx from earlier if she knew which room Honedge was staying before taking out his Outbreak Badge to show the Jynx what the question was for.

"Second floor, room 13. Should be where yours is but on the second floor. Don't destroy the building, got it?" She sighed once before Flygawne could pledge that he wouldn't and went outside to find a capture team for a Honedge.

It didn't take long at all for Flygawne to levitate up the stairs using his ability and get to Honedge's room, which he knocked thrice and shouted "Locked up behind a door? I saw your poster and I want to help you!" he hoped that a Honedge's hearing isn't as bad as it's rumored to be.

(Seraph, a number of pokemon learn web based moves such as Electro Web, String Shot, Sticky Web, and a few others. A Spinerak could've made those webs. Since the past king put the Sceptor there.)

(DO NOT do anything confrontational with a character owned by another user unless you're both online. Then it'd probably be best to have the duel in Pal Pad or somewhere else where it can be implemented into the story later.)

(oh, and I had an idea! Starting in RP day tomorrow we'll title our chapters by the day of which they're happening. For instance today was Day 2 I'm pretty sure :T)

(Example: Day 2: "title here")
The Demon Himself, Flygawne.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,372
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 02:30 (8 Years ago)
Zoe had been looking at the Slaking for hours. He had fallen asleep in the middle of her court sentence! She was getting impatient, but suddenly he woke up and continued as if he had never fallen asleep.

"Zoe Zorua." he began, his voice full of contempt. "You are here because of your Discolouration."

Zoe was infuriated. It wasn't her fault she wasn't the normal colour! Her face became very angry, and she nearly screamed at him, when she remembered screaming at a judge probably was not the best idea. So, insread, she began as calmly as possible, but her voice was tight with rage.

"That's not fair!" she exclaimed, her eyes becoming more and more angry by the minute. "It is not my fault I am miscoloured, and so you can't bla-

"You are Discoloured, my dear." said the lazy old Slaking. "And Discolouration is a crime that cannot go unpunished." he said, rather matter-of-factly. "So, let your sentencing begin!"

At first, Zoe was confused and enraged. It was SO unfair she was being punished for this! A tear slid down her fur as she sat there, but she was also confused. Why wasn't the judge doing anything? Then, she realused what was really happening. The whole while that the judge was sleeping, the Pokémon of BanLand had been writing out the most gruesome fates for her. After that, officials must have counted out the votes for each fate. Zoe just hoped they had cut out the more unpleasant ones.

Then, she noticed a small Espurr running accross to the center of the dome. She appeared to be holding a small roll of paper. Zoe realised that on that piece of paper, was her fate. She tensed, and braced herself as the judge spoke.

"So, it appears the Pokémon have decided to be kind to a Freshly Banned." observed the Slaking, who then put on a monocle. Zoe looked at the judge, trying hard not to laugh, but it was a rather funny sight. But, her stomach twisted again as he continued.

"The Pokémon have voted, and your fate shall be............

Zoe's stomach was doing backflips, and her paws were quivering.

"You must pick berries...... at minimum wage!" exclaimed the judge. Zoe was confused. The judge had made her crime see so horrible, and her punishment was... a job? Zoe was very confused. But, she decided not to argue.

"This court sentencing is adjourned." mumbled the Slaking, who almost immediately fell asleep. Zoe sat there for a moment, when two Manetrics came and dragged her out of the court. As they were dragging her out, one of the Manetrics put a needle in her back, and Zoe blacked out,

Zoe awoke, in a dusty, hay-filled barn stall. As she awoke, there was a Goomy standing outside her barn stall.

"So, you're an ex-criminal, huh? Lemme guess: they stuck you here because of your 'Discolouration'?"

"H-how did you know?" Zoe asked, but then she realised it was pretty obvious, as she was white and gray.

"I deal with all the people sentenced to berry-picking" the Goomy said, looking bored. "I know all the reasons why you might be here."

"Okay.... but where IS here? Zoe asked, confused.

"Welcome to BanLand Farm #2. You get to pick Haban Berries all day." replied the Goomy, who started munching on a Haban Berry.

"Okay.... what do I get paid? The judge said minimum wage..." said Zoe, who was feeling more and more like her life in BanLand was going to be boring... and long

"Minimum wage?" asked the Goomy. "Oh, that's 6 haban berries a day. Good thing the King is so generous." replied the Goomy.

"Generous?" Zoe asked incredulously. "That's almost nothing! Just berries?"

The Goomy smirked, and looked at her contemptuously. "You don't understand.... yet. Haban berries are worth a lot around here." The Goomy turned to leave, but then turned back at the last moment. "Oh, call me George. I'm your boss now." he said, giving her a studying look. "The baskets are over there, in the corner. See you at 8pm."

Then George left.

Zoe picked up the basket, turned towards the barn doors, and glanced around. On every barn stall door there was a sign with a name on it. On the door she just came out of, there was a sign that said:

Zoe Zorua
Berry Picker
Rank: Berry
Min. Wage

Zoe realised that was where she was going to live.

Zoe walked out of the old, reddish brown barn. As she looked around at the berry fields, there were many, many Pokémon, of all different species picking berries. With a deep breath, she went out to join them.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 687
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 09:40 (8 Years ago)
(I just realised it's near impossible to talk to one of the ppl RPing as you would have to post something, then the other person posts something...so it's one post at a time)

Meep read a sign that said 'Banland Farm #2: Looking for farmers.'
"I guess Whimsicott was right. Just then, a Goomy spoke
"Looking for a job? Well, we do have one vacancy..."
Meep spun around "What is it?" She inquired eagerly.
"It more of a farm helper than a specific job. Just go around the farm and ask if the others need help. It can range from cleaning up to harvesting or planting. You'll get 1 or 2 Haban Berries for each job you complete."
"Sounds okay. When do I start? Also, are Haban Berries a currency around here? Will I get a place to stay?"
"Well...you can start tomorrow morning, seeing that it's almost evening now. We produce one of the best and tastiest Haban Berries here, so you can sell them for some money. As for a place to stay, I guess you can stay in that abandoned storage shed. All you need to do is clear it up." Goomy replied and left for the fields.
Meep wondered "I guess living here isn't so bad...but I still want to know why I'm here." She turned and headed to the storage shed.
When she reached the shed, she started to sneeze like crazy. 'Abandoned' was an understatement. There were webs everywhere, nails and wooden planks stuck out from the floor. She swept the floor with a makeshift broom made from twigs before huddling up in a corner and falling asleep.
The next morning she woke up to through streaming in through the dilapidated window, and her wool being covered in dust (though it was nearly impossible to tell through the grey-ness and was more of the fact she was sneezing her head off). She walked out of the shed to see a brand new sign.
'Meep the Mareep
Farm Helper
Rank: -'
Oh well, she thought. She walked towards the field and saw aa black and white Zorua. Wait, what? A black and WHITE Zorua? She did a double-take and saw that she was right. Even though everything was grey, the Zorua definitely had white markings instead of grey, where the red would have been. She would have approached the Zorua but decided against it in case the Zorua was a dangerous criminal. Shivering at the thought, she got to work.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 14:30 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 4- Saturday

Show hidden content
(OOC- Demon: I'm not talking about the webs, I'm talking about the word spider
And if you're paying attention to my story, I'm on day 4, or day 3 not counting my arrival. I arrived and then Raicho went cray-cray trynna get me out. then i woke up the next day and met lenny, and then I found Raicho after work still plotting for escape. Then on the next day I beat hoopa, and then the next day'd be the present. It all depends on when we first arrived though, so I think we're good)

(OOC- Meep: Goomy is the boss, not Goodra.)

(OOC- Ray: I love that Slaking)


DB name: Diligent Digi-egg
PH name: Ruby_BloodSparkle
Pokemon: Raichu
Nickname: Raicho (made up by the guards and other residents of Banland)
-Iron Tail
-Volt Tackle
Backstory: He was a harmless Pikachu, but constantly bullied by other Pokemon. They would get him in trouble for things he didn't do, stuff like that. But then he found a thunder stone, and knew it was his chance to become strong. So he evolved, but it was too early for him to evolve, so he went crazy and started striking everyone around him. Then he used Iron Tail on a weak Flabebe, and accidentally killed it. He was sent to Banland immediately, prosecuted for endangering many Pokemon, attempted murder on most of them, and killing a Flabebe. He never got over his sudden madness. He's permanently banned, and constantly trying to escape the dimension.

Pokemon: Zigzagoon
Name: Lenny
Backstory: He was accidentally swapped in through a portal which was supposed to take a Torkoal to Banland, but somehow Lenny was sucked in instead. Torkoal was supposed to be in for 7 weeks, for destroying a Pokemon Battle Stadium.)

Pokemon: Elgyem
Name: Elliot
-Calm Mind
-Shadow Ball
Backstory: Elliot's brother was sent to Banland for 3 months for trying to extinguish a Charmizard's flame. After he got back he told Elgyem about the terrible place.

Elgyem was sent to Banland for 2 weeks for wrecking a road... that's it. Nobody was injured, so he was only sent for 2 weeks. But he's been in Banland for a whole 9 months, working as a Bounty Hunter to catch fugitives. He's worked up quite the reputation.

Notes: He purposely got sent to Banland, and is trying to figure out how to destroy it.

Axew tried to convince everyone that he was tricked by Elgyem into running away, but apparently Elgyem was a pretty respected bounty hunter, especially since he had nothing but to gain, as his ban had already expired many months ago.

This stumped Axew. That's like what Lenny was saying, how unbanned users have a choice of staying here. Well, maybe he's in it for the money. He just got a whopping 50,000, maybe he's staying here until he becomes rich off of criminals, and then he'll leave.

The place Axew was in was much, much worse than the apartments newcomers go to. It was actually prison-looking, and Axew could tell he wouldn't be allowed to work or go outside. There were a total of 11 high-security doors, each made of iron and heavily locked, as well as guarded. It seemed pretty impossible to escape. Everyone had a cell, which had 2 whole iron doors of its own, but each door had a special attack that would activate upon the prisoner trying to escape, and they were all rigged to be super effective. The inner door had a clear, glass window that could open from the outside, where food would go in. The building went 8 floors down, so it was like a massive basement. The lower the floor, the more dangerous the criminal (like Impel Down in One Piece).

Axew was sent to floor 5, and realized that Hoopa was on floor 6, with Raicho on floor 3, and Suicune on 5 with Axew. He wondered why they were sent there, since they had just lost their memory. But then again, Axew wasn't much different.

Axew tried to hear what was going on outside his cell, but each was soundproof, which he supposed was to prevent prisoners from plotting or sharing ideas or.. even just chatting, since this was supposed to be uber-punishment (although Pokemon like Elgyem with Telepathy could probably communicate fine with each other, not that it really mattered).

Axew was told that with each floor came a whole month. Meaning that floor 1 (down, not the entrance) was full of prisoners that only had 1 month of time there, then 2 had two months, 3 had three, 4 had four... 5 had five... etc. Axew didn't know how he was going to survive 5 months locked in a tight space (he was also panicking over the glass opening on the door, which he wouldn't be able to reach because he's so small). "Wait.. that's it! Maybe I can evolve and break ou-"
"NOT GONNA HAPPEN!" a voice suddenly yelled from above him, through a hidden speaker in the room. Wow, they even had speakers installed in each room so they could hear when the prisoners would plot. "That cold floor you're standing on right now is made of Everstone, and in case your little amnesiac brain doesn't know- that means you can't evolve."

Axew sat down, sobbing. How will I ever get out of this?
Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 19:27 (8 Years ago)
(Sorry, I'll do better next time. If you want me to change it, I will gladly do so. I'll remember for next time. Also @Flygawne, when would be a good time to fight/duel?)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 170
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 21:56 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 5, Saturday

With the Haban workers having the weekend off, Sapphire and Mismagius took this as an opportunity to sneak back into the castle using their new escape route. Clutching a lit torch tightly, they sneaked behind a building near the gate.

"How do we get past?" Mismagius whispered, shooting a sideways glance at the Sableye guard, who was still there. Sapphire looked to the side. The entire moat was fenced off, but the fence would be very easy to climb over. Only the bridge was blocked. Guess no one thought anyone'd be able to get to the castle without the bridge.

"It's easy," Sapphire explained. "You levitate the boat down when no one's looking, then I'll climb down carefully-" she pointed at the pointed, rocky side of the moat that lead down to the sea of blood "-and you levitate down, and we row the boat to the secret entrance. No one will see the boat, I promise." Sapphire turned to the wooden boat they had bought.

Mismagius hesitated. "I don't know... We already risked a tonne yesterday. I'm not sure about this. Besides, it's not guaranteed that the king will help us, and... I'm risking everything for nothing."

All the determination and feeling of being able to accomplish this evaporated on the spot. Sapphire realized for the first time that Mismagius wasn't getting anything for risking her entire life at Banland. If Mismagius didn't help, there'd be no way she'd be able to accomplish this with only tiny magical power.

"We... We could ask for you to be unbanned as well?"

Mismagius shook her head. "No. I was banned in my dimension for mass murdering. The government of my dimension told the public that I killed myself when they banished me to Banland. If I return, that would prove that I was alive. Banland needs to be kept secret from people. Banland is all I have left."

Sapphire nodded. "I'll go alone."

She attempted to levitate the boat with her own magic. A wave of pure energy shot through her, and for the smallest unit of time her eyes glowed and she had a sudden vision. A bolt of electricity. A Vulpix falling. Then it was gone as soon as it appeared, and surprisingly the boat rose up perfectly.

"I thought you said your magic was flawed," Mismagius said slowly, watching the boat float soundlessly in the air, and turning and seeing Sapphire standing, making no sign that she was even trying to keep the boat up.

"I... I don't know. Usually I can only perform small magic, but when I just tried it felt shockingly strong. Maybe... Maybe it has to do with the magical power in Banland? I haven't tried using magic here yet..."

Mismagius stared. "No, Banland's magic weakens our magic. I don't know why yours would be so powerful..."

"Anyways, I'm going now. Maybe of my magic continues to be this strong, I'll make it." Sapphire checked to see that no one was watching, then effortlessly lowered the boat down. It floated, and Sapphire tried to break off a large piece of rock and climb on it, then lower the rock near the boat before jumping on and tossing the rock to the side, with magic. Mismagius levitated down, with great effort.

"Wait," she said, setting down on the boat. "I'm coming too."
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 687
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 22:30 (8 Years ago)
After 2 days of work, Meep got 15 Haban Berries. The berries were quickly piling up in a corner of the storage shed. Meep didnt't want to know why she was here and decided that escape was her best plan..but how? She had a huge wooly coat...and well, was just a Mareep. Any strong attack would knock her out. She decided the best plan would be to ask Whimsicott. She probably would be able to set up a shop too. Thinking about all this, she fell asleep.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,372
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 22:38 (8 Years ago)
Zoe had been picking berries for almost 2 days now. It was late on her second day, it was nearly sunset. All the other Pokémon had been able to go to sleep, but she couldn't sleep until the sun was down. If they saw her leave the fields at any time before her work day was over, she would lose berry pay for a week. Zoe did not want to go without food, so she decided compliance was best.

As she picked the last few berries in her 274th row of the day, the sun went all the way down, and Zoe returned to her hay pile and fell asleep.

The next morning, when Zoe woke up, there was a amareep outside of the barn, picking berries as well. Zoe decided to approach the Mareep, and perhaps they could escape together.

Bounding over to the Mareep, then setting her basket down, she said shyly:

"Hi, I'm Zoe. Who are you?"
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 170
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 23:48 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 5, Saturday


Sapphire used her oddly powerful magic to move the oars and row the boat to the hidden entrance. She then levitated a nearby large rock onto the platform where the door was and tied a rope from the boat to the rock, making sure that if any wind came by the boat wouldn't drift out of sight. Mismagius pulled open the secret door and they arrived in the storage room. Checking by listening at the door quickly that no one was there, Sapphire warily turned it and peeked outside.

No one was there. Perfect.

Slipping outside, she now had a chance to look at the room even more. Noticing that the ceiling was made of dark azure blue stained glass, cut like a sapphire diamond and that the paintings were actually portraits of the king himself, she stared, amazed, once again.

Then she turned to Mismagius. "I'll take the left staircase. You take the right. Just don't get caught and return to the storage room if you find anything or if an hour passes."

"Got it." Mismagius replied and drifted off. Sapphire stealthily sneaked up the stairs and entered a hallway with the same shade of blue wallpaper and more portraits. She explored the castle for a while, running into a fancy kitchen, dining room, ballroom. Having not been seen so far, she was expecting to be found any second. Finding a huge spiral staircase, she ascended.

The staircase was huge. She climbed it for about five minutes, and finally she reached the top. There was an overdecorated door with various dark grey and black gems. Noticing a small kind of cat flap-like door nearby, she suddenly understood. This was the king's room. His servants gave Haban berries through this flap.

She turned the doorknob, made of a flawless black diamond.

The door opened.

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 18/09/2015 01:44 (8 Years ago)


Haban Berries = Black Market Currency

Pokedollars = Real World Currency, almost worth nothing in Banland

Since Elglym's punishment has ended I assume he's getting Pokedollars in mass quantities where they're useless to build up his riches, like Seraph said. He has no use for Haban berries in the real world :P

Time = Your debt that you need to pay off in other words. That's what you're really payed in when you work. However it seems that Banland's black market is so large that even the authorities forgot that Haban berries aren't the proper form of pay.

This post is not RP but just some guidelines as it appears everything is a mess money wise xD
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 18/09/2015 01:55 (8 Years ago)

Title: What went down between me and Flygawne:

They fought, Dash evolved, Flygawne defeated me, and we're waiting for the authorities to take me away.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 18/09/2015 04:14 (8 Years ago)

Title: On Day 2: What Leaftail said, in Detail.

"Locked up behind a door? I saw your poster and I want to help you!" Dash’s eyes (or eye, whichever) narrowed. It sounded to good to be true. As the old saying goes 'better to be safe than sorry'. Dash charged towards the door with a "HYAAAA!" and knocked it down.

Flygawne catches the door as it falls on top of him and lifts it up into the air as he dashs into the room. Upon entering the room he quickly turns around to get a view of what is going on.

"Aack!" The door rises, with Dash still on top of it.
Falling off, Dash sees that a Flygon has made his way into the room. Forming a quick attack plan, Dash rushes towards him, blade outstretched.

Flygawne flaps his wings with as much force as he can muster to buffet the Honedge in the air, breaking it's rush's momentum.

Dash is blown back by the Flygon's wind from its wings. "Guess I'll have to do it the hard way, then!" He zigzags his way to my opponent, using my constant and lateral movement to work against the wind, feinting with his left and planning to strike with his hilt.

Flygawne couldn't move enough to dodge the Honedge and gets bashed in the wing before backing up farther into the room.

Dash sees that he has successfully landed a hit. He can't gauge how much he has weakened him by, but he follows him deeper into the room.

Flygawne leaps off the ground and uses his tail like a bat to smack Dash into the wall.

Dash gets smashed against the wall by the Flygon. Dash is heavily wounded, but would he let his opponent know that? Of course not! He tries to move without limping (can honedges limp?), and tries to gain the upper hand in our battle. Remembering a complex battle move he learned from a Doublade from his school, he prepares to execute it.

Dash spin around, jumps up, flips backwards and immediately charge forwards. He ducks under Flygawne's legs, spins and proceeds to use Steel Slice (metal Claw). If the Flygon blocks it, Dash would carry through with his attack.

Dash's sudden movements startled Flygawne and the moment it went under his legs he predicted an attack from behind, so he used his wings as a sensitive, weak shield.

Dash’s blade clashes on Flygawne's wing. “I was expecting this...Hyaaaaaah!!!!” Dash uses all of his remaining strength to push forward, just a little bit. A feel a strange feeling develops in my gut (Do Honedge even have a gut?), and he knows exactly what to do next. Dash quickly ducks down and evolves!

Flygawne is heavily startled by the sudden burst of power into his wings as the pain reached him too, instead of counter-attacking like planned he leaps forward, not using his wings to glide. upon landing he quickly turns around to see what happened as he also noticed the tip of the blade poked his back.

Dash looks downwards, admiring himself for a split second in his new Doublade form, then looks up, noticing he wounded the Flygon's wing.

"now that I have two swords, I'll be tougher to capture!" Dash boasted in confidence of his new strength as he twirls his blades and approaches the Flygon, readying for another onslaught.

"Eh, I'd go with easier. There is a certain strength that Honedge have over Doublade." Flygawne sits down and uses Roost, his wings start to regenerate and his back pretty much instantly heals. "Want to know it?"

Dash laughs, obviously too reckless. "Yeah, sure, tell me!”

Flygawne stands up. "It's easy really." he says as he is suddenly engulfed in bright flames and roars loudly as he uses Flare Blitz on Dash.

Dash’s eyes widen as Flygawne sports an attack Dash has never seen before, too stunned to react, he is hit by the Blitz of Flares and is knocked to the ground, conscious, but defeated.

Flygawne has actually only knocked down one of the swords and holds the other one in hand.
“It's that the second sword can't support the now larger sheath on it's own, so it falls. The reason I couldn’t do this while you were a Honedge was because, as I’m sure you know, a Honedge can drain life energy with it’s cloth. Doublade has a no-go for that ability."

Dash groans audibly. "So I guess you’re gonna take me away, huh? I'll be in prison again..."

“That’s not my job.” Flygawne responds flatly. “Also, you fight strong so I want to know what got you that bounty.”

"So you wanna know? Well, I'm Dash. I appeared here, what, two-three days ago? Well, I was surrounded by Machamp and I took 'em out. Then I took a job at Haban Berry farm #2. But you said it wasn't your job to take me away? Then what are you really after?" Dash answered Flygawne’s question then gave him a question of his own.

Flygawne is careful to keep an eye on both swords in case something happens. "I said my job wasn't to take you away. A Bounty Hunter's job is only to alert Authorities then take care of a target until they arrive. So technically it's nearly free labor to them." Flygawne explained how the bounty hunters work, putting complete trust in this Doublade who seems too fresh to have really bothered to intentionally cause trouble.

"So I get to chat with you until they come?" Dash smiles. "So when did you get here?"

"Two to three days ago, like you apparently. Supposedly I've got the understanding that I'm here because society can't handle my presence in my old dimension. I once asked around and found that people like me are always sent to Banland until people can comprehend us." Flygawne chuckled at the form of compliment that was. But you escaped from the Machamp so you're just an illegal immigrant technically. I bet they just wanted you because of you not officially registering."

Dash replied monotously “Yea, I guess.”

“Oh! I just had a thought!” Flygawne went alert and perked up.

“Yea, what is it?” Dash asked.

“You evolved so you're no longer a Honedge. It's entirely possible that they'll think that I captured a Doublade and am forcing you to play the role of the Honedge while "it runs free wreaking havoc". So could you please just like, not deny your so called "crime" and go along with it? Sure this is a prison but you did what you did because you had no idea what was happening. I bet you won't even be punished!"
Flygawne chirped the last part in hopes to make a selling argument to Dash.

“Uh..." Dash was overwhelmed by all those words. "ok...sure."

The Demon Himself, Flygawne.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,738
Posted: Fri, 18/09/2015 09:09 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 4, or something


|| My Toyhou.se - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 687
Posted: Fri, 18/09/2015 10:12 (8 Years ago)
Meep woke up feeling refreshed. Noting that the sun hadn't risen yet and it was the weekend, she could do whatever she wanted. Meep gathered some of her wool and soaked it in water to get rid of the static electricity. She gathered some loose wood and nails around the farm, before heading to the new storage shed for a toolbox. With her new materials, Meep got to work. By the time she was done fixing the broken windows, floor and ceiling, the sun had already risen. Meep decided to go outside to help the berry pickers who still had to pick the ripe Haban Berries. As she walked outside, she saw the white Zorua from yesterday approaching her.
As the white Zorua bounded towards Meep, Meep started to panic. Who was she? Was she dangerous? Why was she approaching her? She darted between the empty berry bushes, just to see some other Pokémon at the other side of the field. If she was spotted, that was it! She would lose her job since she'd knocked down some of the berry bushes...and well...this was the only place she had to live. She turned tail and dashed back to her shed, hoping that the Zorua had left. No luck. The Zorua was standing outside the shed, her face a mixture of confusion and shock. Meep backed against the wall of the shed, fluffing up her wool and charging up electricity in hopes of intimidating the Zorua. Just then, the Zorua said,
"Hi, I'm Zoe. Who are you?"
It then occured to Meep that the Zorua was just as scared as she was. Calming down, she softly replied, "Huh? Uh... Oh sorry, I'm Meep? Is anything wrong?"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,372
Posted: Fri, 18/09/2015 12:09 (8 Years ago)
"Ummm...." Zoe said, scuffling her paws. "No, not really. I-I juat don't like it here. And, well..... I'm stuck here. They sent me here, because of my 'crime'" Zoe said huffingly. "What about you?"
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 687
Posted: Fri, 18/09/2015 13:19 (8 Years ago)
"Uh... Don't worry?" Meep didn't know how to reply. "What was your crime, anyway? I don't know what's mine, and I don't want to know. Say, were you sucked here by some black portal then grabbed by some Machamp? And I'm pretty sure most people are stuck here. Unless we can escape...that is... I heard that the city walls suppress something, or some abilities, but what exactly?" Meep continued, before pushing the door of the shed. "Do you want to come in? We can talk inside."