Forum Thread
Pokemon DB Roleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Pokemon DB RoleplayHi and welcome! This is the Pokemon DB Roleplay, see below for info (im sorRY I SUCK AT INTROS)
Rule things

1. Only members of the Pokemon Database can join the RP.
2. No god-modding. This means don't be ridiculously overpowered or kill other characters.
3. All Pokemon must have reasonable movesets. This means that you can let your Pokemon know, say, Tackle, even if it doesn't learn the move normally, but not something like Hyperspace Hole. As long as it makes sense for the Pokemon to be able to have the move and it isn't overpowered, you can use it. 4 moves per Pokemon. You can also make up your own moves, but the made up moves must have the same effect as an existing move (that isn't overpowered, of course).
4. Two characters maximum per user.
5. You may only control your character(s), no one else's. The exception is that you can control minor background characters (e.g. a cashier), but if you are not sure just make a quick OOC note asking about it before posting (also, by controlling them, I mean making them say something that makes sense, not just suddenly having a random background character run up and punch you). RP owner can control more significant background characters.
6. No Mary Sues/Gary Stus (don't make your character perfect, everyone has flaws!).
7. No fakemon, fusions or legendaries/mythicals. Ordinary Pokemon only, but they can have your own unique features.
8. Minor swears are fine
9. Do not change details of previous posts. The exception is if said post was rule-breaking, then the post does not affect the story.
uhhh ill add more later i guess. Also a note is that I myself suck at writing/RP sooo yea :T
Banned/warned thing

Three warnings and you're out!
None! Let's try to keep it empty!
Form thing

[b]DB Username:[/b]
[b]PH Username: [/b]
[b]Roleplay Name:[/b]
[b]Other notes?:[/b]
Note that no actual battling between RPers will be happening. The moveset is basically the moves you are allowed to use.
My form:
DB Username: Sapphire (>•D•)>
PH Username: Death-Pikachu
Roleplay Name: Sapphire/Sappikachu
Pokemon: Pikachu
Gender: Female
Appearance: This (no, not the Diancie, Banette or Porygon-Z, the Pikachu going ":T")
-Dark Magic (Dark Pulse)
-Dark Shield (Protect)
-Drawing (Explosion)
Backstory/Personality: Was given necromancer powers that can bring a person fully back to life by a cursed statue, but at the cost of her friend's life and her electric powers (thus making her lose her Pikachu cheeks). However, due to her inexpertise she can only revive those she has killed herself. Is able to use simple dark magic. Bad at drawing. Attempts to be friendly, but tends to avoid others.
Other notes: Tends to eyebleed, this lowers her focus. A side effect from when she was given powers.
Here's the story thing. I'm not a good writer, so sorry for the bad quality ;-;

One day, a strange black portal appears in your backyard. You approached to investigate, but you got too close and got sucked in. Reappearing in a forest, you look around. The portal vanished and you are left in a eerie place where everything - the trees, the ground, the sky, the grass - is dark, grey, and lifeless. But only seconds after you've taken in your surroundings, you are seized by two guard-like Machamp who drag you away. That was when you saw the huge, intimidating city for the first time. Tossed in without a word and now trapped in a city surrounded with absurdly high walls, you learn that you are in a prison dimension known as Banland. No one believes that you were put here accidentally, but what if there were others like you? It is said to be impossible to escape, so what will life be like now in this dreary land of criminals?
Current RPers:
PH Username: DA830
RP Name: Dash
Pokemon: Honedge ---> Doublade now
Gender: Male
- Shadow Slice (Shadow Claw)
- Steel Slice (Iron Head)
- Sword Twirl (Sacred Sword)
- Frenzied Spin (Swords Dance)
Backstory/Personality: He once was a wild Honedge, until the great war came. Honedges, Doublades and Aegislashes were captured to fight in the war. As a result, this Honedge's blade is much sharper than the rest of his kin. He is bold and outspoken, and likes to take risks. He doesn't get hurt easy. Now he's a Doublade, and all the stronger because of it.
Other notes:
DB Username: Rayannelle
PH Username: Magikarp_Lover
RP Username: Zoe
Pokemon: Zorua
Gender: Female
Appearance: A young Zorua. She is gray w/white things that are normally red. She is VERY fluffy, because she is a young little fox.
• Feint Attack
• Fake Tears
• Nasty Plot
• Agility
Backstory/Personality: Zoe hatched in the wild, as a young, lonely Zorua. She is albino because her egg was born in the snow. She hatched in the snow. Because of this, Zoe's fur is white and grey. She tends to get really hot really easily thanks to her frosty beginnings. She is usually mistrusting of others because she was bullied at school. She was only in her school because they had a "FreshStart Program" for young Pokémon born in the wild. Zoe was bullied because she was "Not a real Dark-Type, more of a Light-Type." That is what everyone said to her, thanks to teacher's pet and popular girl, Denae Gothita. Everyone on the schoolyard listened to her, and thought she was great. So when she bullied someone, everyone would bully them too. Her friends were everyone's friends. She hated Denae so much. It was thanks to her Zoe was thrown into this horrid, lonely place. Good thing Zoe was used to loneliness.
Other notes?: She has an everstone she picked up from sone unknown place. She keeps it in her collar-floof-thing. She is super shy and mistrusting. DO NOT FORGET THIS

[FlightRising] ☆ [Adopts] ☆ [Doodles] ☆ [Characters]
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
PH username: Ruby_BloodSparkle
Pokemon: Axew
RP name: Axew Gizflow
Gender: Male
Appearance: I'm a flipping Axew..
-Dual Chop
-Dragon Sneeze [unmastered dragon rage]
I'm just an Axew :l
Other notes:
I'm an amnesiac time traveling genius

[FlightRising] ☆ [Adopts] ☆ [Doodles] ☆ [Characters]
Title: Flygawne in dah house 2nite
PH Username: DemonFlygawne
RP name Flygawne
Pokemon: "Demon" Flygon
Gender: Male :P
Moveset: Literally every move a flygon can learn and a number of others due to Demon status.
HOWEVER this is OP so I will personally limit myself to
Around 16 years ago from this current date my egg hatched on route 111's desert in the Hoenn region. I was a normal Trapinch at the time with no clue of the immense power concealed within me. Nearly every pokemon hatches with full capability to live in the world around them and the Flygon line is one of them too, so I had no clue who my parents are :,( and I didn't care to know. So I lived my childhood by digging pits and avoiding stronger predators for 10 years before I was caught by a trainer who triggered my trap and lured me out in the open to battle.
I next wake up later in the dimension of "World Wide Web" where my trainer trained me until I became a flygon then proceeded to abuse me in a particular manner which I will not go into detail about. I eventually fled my trainer by stealing my own Nest Ball and fled. In pursuit of learning how to survive on my own in a place I didn't know I meandered my way to the Omegle site where I trained in the art of RP even more and finally reached level 81 where my power finally grew strong enough to tap into Demon powers (Thanks stranger for making me a Gary for a while xD) where I practiced pokemon battles of higher degrees finding victory very easy. Shortly after I became the strongest pokemon on Omegle a stranger who I've never met before asked me to check out a place called the Pokemon Database. He then left after telling me it had a chat that other RPers used and I decided to visit the next day. This was during the second war of CluelessFirehorse against user Red. Needless to say I believe I found a great timing for a debut. The Database holds all records and secrets from that point onward.
Other notes:My move set is my move pool and I can fuse moves together to create a new move that has a different effect, the combined move is like a medium between the two moves. Also, My character upon death becomes a pile of intransmutable, soul-powered sand that tries to rebuild my body, which can take up to 30 seconds or near eternity depending on the conditions of the sand after death, but I'm not controlling the sand as my mind is literally in over a thousand pieces. Due to immortality by this method I decided it's more fun to accept the defeat and see what happens.
I'm level 97 (97% of my potential is fulfilled) due to many years of training.
PH Name: Destyne
Pokémon: Mareep
Gender: Female
Name: Meep
Level: 18
Image: Meep! :D
Item(s): A scarf, Quick Seed, Sitrus Berry and other stuff idk about (hidden in her wool)
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Static
Moves: Heal Bell , Confuse Ray, Static Charge*, Signal Beam
Move Info: Static Charge=Wild Charge
Notes: Wishes to fly, can shoot wool like Froakie's Frubbles, tail is intentionally red, tail can light up like Flash, can fluff up wool like Cotton Guard. Her wool is denser and fluffier than a normal Mareep. She also wears a red scarf.
Backstory: She was friends with an Eevee but they got separated one day in a forest. She wandered around the place and decided to stay at Thunder Meadow. Later, she moved to Singapore
Title: stuff
Everyone will be approved once they put roleplay names (sorry again for missing such an important detail ;o;)
a few things:
Patamon - You cant time travel in the rp because thats too op, also please specify what move dragon sneeze is
Flygawne - You can only have four moves because opness
Destyne - Please specify what move static charge is
Title: Day 2, Wednesday
Sapphire cautiously walked through the city, glancing around as if expecting a serial killer to be lurking nearby. Quickly checking behind her for murderers, she looked at the map she had been given and searched for the quickest way to her destination. She had been accepted at her new job at Banland Farm #2, picking Haban berries.
For some reason, Banland was obsessed with Haban berries.
Berry stands/booths were set up all over and most citizens seemed to enjoy it. Having purchased one herself using the money she had been given by some guards to start off with, she had realized that the berries here were somewhat better than at home.
Home. Would she ever get to return there? Everyone laughed when she begged to return, so no one believes her innocence. She had been here a day and things aren't looking that hopeful.
Luckily, the community seemed to be decent. Guards had given her a bit of money, showed her to a street full of apartments where she was given a single small room on the 11th floor of the 9th apartment (the previous owner had been "unbanned", and allowed to return to their home dimension), told to get a job and left without a word. After a pointless trip to the guards' apartments (which were significantly larger and seemed to have much better rooms) where she was flatly told that since they could not find any documents of her banishment, she would need to stay for the rest of her life, she just accepted her fate and applied for a job near her apartment.
As for the other "prisoners", some of the permanently banished had reformed into solid citizens. Others were still criminals at heart, being watched closely by, led around by or even contained by guards, depending on how bad of a threat they were.
Still, it was okay. Instead of a grimy prison cell these people had a whole city with no shortage of food, water or clean air, and could have normal lives with jobs, families and homes (even if it was just a small room (plus dirty bathroom) with a hard mattress, rusty stove, fridge with a broken light, and scratched up table and chair). It definitely wasn't all that bad, the only difference is the gloominess and the fact that half the population is either insane, criminal or just plain evil.
But still, Sapphire had only one goal - to return home.
She managed to escape by slipping out of the Larger Manetric's LightningRod, and running around until the two Manetrics bumped into each other. Zoe then ran for her life, wanting to escape. But there was nowhere to escape to.
Once she escaped, she found it hard to hide and blend in with her grey and white fur. When she would try to steal berries from a field, she would be shooed away by the farmers.
If only I could be a normal-coloured Zorua, and be able to hide. I'm not a real dark-type she thought to herself sadly, thinking of Denae. Oh, how she HATED Denae.
She ran far away from the farmer's fields, and curled under a bush, far away from the civilizations of BanLand, and cried.

[FlightRising] ☆ [Adopts] ☆ [Doodles] ☆ [Characters]