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Pokemon DB Roleplay

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Pokemon DB Roleplay
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 718
Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 00:35 (9 Years ago)
"Okay..." Meep agreed. But Meep couldn't sleep. She walked out of the shed to get some clear air before settling down to sleep
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 01:02 (9 Years ago)
Dash woke to the sound of footsteps. He realized that he was sleeping a bit in front of the wooden shed...how embarrassing! He turned to investigate the sound of footsteps. It was that Mareep that he had found under a bush. By the looks of it, she had come out of the shed he was sleeping a bit in front of.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 718
Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 05:59 (9 Years ago)
Meep woke up the next morning to find Zoe still asleep. She decided to get some scrap materials around the farm that she could use. Around an hour later, Meep returned to the shed with a pile of nails, wood and twigs
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 15:30 (9 Years ago)

Title: Day 5: Sunday- Dark Cries

(OOC: if you don't want legendary Pokemon in this, then you'll hate this enormous chapter!)

Axew was sleeping in the dark. He'd fallen asleep searching for the light switch. But then, the lights flashed on, waking Axew up with a startle. He screamed as he saw a Darkrai standing in front of him.
"Calm down. Hi, I'm Darkrai. And..." 3 Pokemon moved into view, "...this is Joltick, Shedinja, and Ditto." Axews eyes adjusted. "I'm Axew Giz... something. So you're prisoners down here too? The guards didn't mention anyone currently alive down here. You still get food delivered to you?"
Darkrai suddenly had a deep expression of hate as he stared at Axew. Axew Gizflow... "We don't have any food being delivered to us. Shedinja doesn't need to eat, Ditto doesn't need to eat, I don't need to eat (though I feel starved), and Joltick has been eating off of.. remains of dead corpses."
That made a chill go down Axew's back. "Well.. I guess you do what you need to to survive, huh? Do the guards know you're still.. you know, alive?

"No. And I'm not sure Shedinja is even alive." Darkrai stared at the floating shedded exoskeleton.
"But you- what are you in here for?" his eyes narrowed. "Apparently I manipulated a LOT of people and Pokemon's age, and killed them all or 'severely damaged their lives'. I don't remember it though, I lost my memory when I got here." He frowned. "And you guys?"
Darkrai's eyes burned with hate. "Joltick snuck in with me, Ditto tried to achieve world domination of his dimension, we don't know about Shedinja, and I don't want to talk about what happened to me."

Axew felt awkward. "How long have you been down here?" he inquired. "I got here... technically 5 years ago, Shedinja has been here at least 5 years, and Ditto got here 105 years ago, as the first prisoner to come below the castle. And as I said, Joltick snuck in with me, and he's not even supposed to be a citizen of Banland, he just followed me all the way here to get his friend, a Nincada, out. Nincada evolved into Ninjask and there came Shedinja. Ninjask died a few months ago..."

"I have a plan to escape, and now that you're here, we can pull it off." Darkrai smirked. "There's a massive magical barrier surrounding this dungeon, and it prevents any magic, Ghost-type, Fairy-type, Poison-type, and Psychic-Type moves from working. However, it doesn't prevent Dragon-type or Dark-type moves from working. Even so, this place is impossible to escape..." He pointed to the minecart track, which ascended all the way up as a wall to prevent prisoners from climbing out. "The tracks also have that magical barrier on them. Isn't it weird how a magical barrier prevents magic from being used inside the barrier? Seems to contradict itself... Anyway, in a month when you get a food delivery, I'll put the guard to sleep and we can esc-" He was interrupted by the minecart tracks suddenly going down, and a guard taking a prisoner down on the minecart. "Now's our chance..." Darkrai whispered to Axew and backed away into the shadows with the others. Instead of a Machamp, there was a Honchkrow, and the prisoner was Elgyem.

"Well, it looks like you were telling the truth. Elgyem framed you for money. He was hoarding money in his room and was preparing to destroy Banland and escape back to his home dimension. This act would have killed millions living in Ba-" and then Hoopa appeared, busting through Honchkrow and Elgyem, with a bottle in his hand. "I gotta take you with me for a moment." Hoopa told Axew.
"What? Wh-.. What's happening?" suddenly a large group of Pokemon came hurtling down, Slaking leading them all.

Train the future judge

"HOOPA?" Darkrai gasped, revealing his presence. Then Honchkrow turned to him.
"Oops..." Darkrai used Dark Void, but that didn't work. "Insomnia," Honchkrow informed, "they said you might still be down here, so they sent me. On the other hand- WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON"

Ditto transformed into Elgyem as the horde of Pokemon came closer, and jumped in front of his group, using protect. The many Pokemon all tumbled on top of each other. Ditto changed to a Conkeldurr and knocked them all away, but Slaking punched Ditto hard with Hammer Arm. Ditto tried attacking Slaking, being at an apparent advantage. But Slaking just kept hammering Ditto down. He yawned, "You were never very powerful to begin with, were you? But you did kill thousands of souls." Ditto's eyes lit up. That's it! He changed to a Haunter and grabbed Shedinja, turning him around and closing his eyes as he shoved him in front everyone else. Joltik turned away, but Darkrai wasn't very worried (apparently he had no soul to be stolen), he was still focused on Hoopa. Axew just stood there watching.

"Oh." Slaking said. "Good thing I just used-" he fell asleep, along with everyone else.

Train this guy too

Honchkrow sat there, he, Hoopa, Axew, Shedinja, Joltik, and Darkrai being the only ones still awake.
"Um... I don't know what's happening. My guess is Hoopa escaped... I'm feeling unsafe right now." he stared at 3 very powerful foes in front of him, and glanced at Hoopa's bottle. I'm safe.. I'm safe.. there's magical barriers here.... Hoopa can't even attack, and his moves won't effect me anyway... Darkrai probably can't hurt me much... Axew is literally a mindless block right now... Joltick is.. wait what did Joltick do to get in here?"

COME ON! LET'S GO Darkrai shouted as he and the group started to run up the minecart track, though Axew just sat still. "No!" Honchkrow halted them. "I'm still here, and those guys are gonna wake up any second now!" Joltik started glowing, and evolved. Everyone watched, and suddenly a large Galvantula was standing there. Honchkrow stared, suddenly really needing the others to wake up. Galvantula used X-Scissor, Darkrai used Dark Pulse, and Hoopa just stood back.

Honchkrow fainted.


Then the others woke up, and quickly stopped everyone from escaping. Darkrai used Dark Void, and everyone fell back down. "Wow." Hoopa laughed. "Ok Axew, come on! I really need you for my next part!"

I remember. Axew turned away. Ditto, now awake, was staring amazement. "Wait, did you see Shedinja's back? YOU IDIOT YOU COULD'VE DIED! How did it feel? What exactly hap-" "SHUT UP" Axew roared, and used Super Power on Darkrai, then on Ditto. "So much for double-crossing you..." Darkrai muttered. "Uh.. Ok." Hoopa said. "Can you um.. follow me? I'm about to open up a serious portal, I'm about to get power that'll crush this place's magical barrier. Axew?"

"Darkrai, I know who you are." He pushed everyone into the dungeon and off the tracks. And then activated the cart. "Alright Hoopa, let's go."

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Pokemon: Axew
Name: Axew Gizflow
-Dual Chop
-Dragon Sneeze
-Super Power
Backstory: His egg accidentally teleported in another dimension, right in front of a battle between Dialga and Palkia. The battle caused him to hatch, and gave him time manipulating powers. He then took a path of evil and used his powers for dark purposes. He started working for a Mewtwo, who gave him a job to kill Darkrai, who was Mewtwo's arch enemy.

Pokemon: Darkrai
Dark Pulse
Dark Void
Nasty Plot
History: tried to punish his world by putting them all to sleep indefinitely, and giving them constant nightmares. He knew about Banland, and avoided the portal at all costs, until Axew faught him and eventually pushed him in the portal. He was on the run, but then got caught with Hoopa and put in prison. Hoopa used him to escape, but they were caught in the second floor of OCC, at which point Hoopa abandoned Darkrai and proceeded to escape without him. Darkrai was placed under the castle for being too dangerous.

Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 19:23 (9 Years ago)
(OOC: Irvin pls, it says in the rules. 1 warning)
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 20:56 (9 Years ago)
(OOC: I'm not playing hoopa. I know that i like.. broke several of the rules with Hoopa [hyperspace hole, legendary, overpowered] but it's not like i'm gonna do anything crazy, and I already have everything planned--I only need these characters to tell my story. Geez..)
Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 21:08 (9 Years ago)
(OOC: Fine they can still stay but the warning still counts)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 21:47 (9 Years ago)

Title: Day 5: The Castle

Flygawne was sitting outside the castle, just looking up at the large grey building. It wasn't styled to look inviting and it actually seemed kind of scary as if the owner was a vampire from legends or something. It was pretty out of place until you factored in that Banland is a prison. Then it seemed all too fitting.

"..." A Sableye seemed to stumble towards Flygawne, but if his memory served him right that's how normal Sableye walk. When it got in front of Flygawne it just stared at him for a while creating an awkward silence.

"New..." It breathed the word out before turning, beckoning Flygawne to follow, and then it stumbled back towards the bridge.


Upon entering the Castle over a darkish grey moat he kept following Sableye as they walked through the halls. Which were surprisingly not ornate. "Why are these halls so bleak?" Flygawne asked Sableye, but then quickly answered his own question "It's because nobody is supposed to be in here to admire them, or that Banland's kings haven't accomplished enough to adorn halls" Flygawne thought to himself.

The Sableye stayed silent as it had been until they reached the guard barracks where he'd be sleeping for now. "Find room... trouble common..." It breathed out, as if it never learned to talk properly. Sableye then walked through the door.

"Fricking ghosts." Flygawne said as he opened the door and walked in, not seeing the Sableye anywhere after that until he made it to his room, which looked oddly similar to the apartment. Except this one had a table on one side of the room.

Flygawne walked up to the table and checked out what's on it. There was a map, a small booklet, and a note with terrible handwriting on it.

"Don't break anything. Find any guard and ask them for pointers. - Slacking Judge, Slaking." Flygawne read the note out loud as he searched for key parts in the notebook, which were pretty easy to find.

- Don't break any laws inside the castle unless it's to do your job.
- You will still be fined if you break a law doing your job.
- You may do whatever you want in your free time except leave the castle on weekdays.
- You must NEVER go to the king, even if it's to do your job.
- There is a flower in a vase near any traps put in the castle.
- The flower smells sweet.
- Your job is to protect your segment of Banland's representative, the king.
- This book's copyright expires September 2nd, 2002 at 3:00 central time.
- The rest of these pages are for geeks.

Flygawne put the booklet off to the side as he searched for other things in his new room. Which there were few of. Just a child-size bean bag chair and a blanket.

"Feeling at home already." Flygawne sighed.

Seraph's final form lol

Flygawne walked out of the barracks some time later and found a startling surprise, there was a large group of pokemon outside in the halls murmuring amongst themselves.

"Hoopa..." A Conkeldurr was barely audible saying the name.
"I heard he once..." Another pokemon trailed off.
"I bet we..." a Haunter rang out but got drowned in the murmurs again, but then Flygawne saw a familiar face, it was a Slaking.

"Are you the Judge, sir?" Flygawne added the formality just in case.

"Ah yes... you're that dragon I didn't have enough time to punish." Slaking yawned and ate a chesto berry. "A very dangerous pokemon escaped into the castle's deepest reaches, we should be able to deal with it and any army it attempts to make down there with our current members." Slaking looked out at the crowd of pokemon.

"Should I come along then?" Flygawne offered to the judge.

"Mmmm, no. It'd be best if you didn't. We don't want to be too crowded when the battle starts." Slaking ate another Chesto Berry after yawning once. "Tell you what, if you want to help me you can patrol the castle looking for anomalies in the flowers, if you do find some I'll need you to see if you can route out a trail and if you can't find a trail, stay by that flower until this party comes back up."

"Ok Sir, I'll go-" Flygawne started before the Slaking stood up and clapped his huge hands before starting a speech.

The Demon Himself, Flygawne.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 22:10 (9 Years ago)

Title: Day 5, Saturday

But it wasn't the gate of the city. Instead of huge wall, magically enhanced to block even flying over them, an ancient, rusted and crooked fence with a large gate of the same neglected look stood before her.

All the faded memories rushed back. How could she not have recognized it?

Dark trees everywhere. A spiritless sky and dreary earth. Wandering.
She then met the Vulpix. Her name was Love.
Love had, ironically, only one white lifeless looking tail instead of several beautiful red tails like other Vulpixes.
They became friends. Love had a backpack full of food, and they managed to live off it together. After a month of trying to find a way to get away from the miserable land, they were running low on food and had given up. But that moment, they found the gate. Entering an odd, foggy graveyard, they found the statue.

The gate slowly opened with a loud creak. Hesitant at first, Sapphire stepped inside.

An air of melancholy flooded through her, unbearably strong in this area. She flinched, but moved onwards, past graves that were cracked and moldy with age. The grass was dead and discoloured a sickly yellow colour, weeds choking them and dotted with wilted flowers.

Finally, she got to the end of the graveyard and looked up.

"Welcome back."
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 23/09/2015 14:27 (9 Years ago)

Title: Day 5: Sunday

Hoopa and Axew rode the minecart up the steep tracks slowly. Eventually they came up to a two-way path. "What? I didn't notice this when going down," Axew said, "maybe it was because I was going so fast. So which route are we taking?" the cart was starting to take the right path, but hoopa pushed it to the left. "This is the way to the castle.. and the castle is pretty much empty, last I knew. They don't have anybody working here, just a couple guards in important spots. So we'll be safe going through the castle." Hoopa explained. "I came down here from a secret room in the court, I figured it was the only way in. Wait, how'd you know about the dungeon below the castle?" Axew asked. "I got Darkrai put down there a while back. I was secretly watching in court when he was sent below the castle, and I wanted to rescue him since I was the reason he was in there. But when I found out Ghost-types are totally powerless down there, I decided not to interneve."

"Well I'm the one who put Darkrai down here in the first place. I was sent to... like, kill him. We were fighting, and the portal kept on appearing and disappearing. He kept avoiding it, so I decided to shove him in and see what would happen. Then the other day the portal appeared for me, and when I was sucked in I tried to reverse time so I could avoid it. Instead, the magical barriers caused me to use the 'spell' on myself, but since the magical barriers here also prevent it from de-aging anybody, it was instead my mind that was de-aged. Yeah, I just figured that out like 2 minutes ago."

Then they arrived at the top, in a small, dark room of the castle. "Alright, so what exactly are we about to do?" Axew asked. "We're getting out of the castle and going to a secret location, and then I will unlock my true power and open a portal." Hoopa replied, holding up his Prison Bottle. "Okay, but why do you need me?"
"Well first of all, I'm going to take off the magical barrier surrounding this place, I wouldn't want my portal to fail after all. I mean, I don't think it would, but I'm not underestimating this place."
"You can do that?!"
"No, probably not. But I'm gonna try."
"And me?"
"I need you to defend me, since all of Banland will probably be searching for us. I'll be focusing my power on penetrating the barrier here and creating a portal out. I just saw you, a tiny Axew, take out a nasty Darkrai in one blow. You're pretty powerful. Plus that strange Roar of Time you have."
"It's not Roar of Time! I just got my ability by being affected by-"
"SSHH! I hear footsteps." Hoopa interrupted.

"They're gone. Okay, let's go!" Hoopa ran through the wall. "I can't do that," Axew reminded Hoopa, "I'm not a ghost. We have to enter the password on the door lock. The other one had the password "Haban", so I'll try that." Axew typed in the code with his tiny hands.

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP alarms started going off. "Oops..." Axew scratched his head. "Uh.. go on without me. I'm already supposed to be locked up down there, I can't get any punishment worse than that." he said. "Actually Elgyem was supposed to be taking your spot for framing you, remember?" Hoopa tried not to laugh at the misfortune of Axew. "Right... okay. JUST GO! Go before you get caught. Go do your portal thingie."

Axew prepared for what was about to come. "Or I can just go all "Unbound" and protect you."
"Wasn't I supposed to be the one protecting you?"
"Point taken." Hoopa left.
Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 23/09/2015 15:56 (9 Years ago)

Title: Day 5: BEEP BEEP BEEP

Alarms suddenly went flaring off though the halls around Flygawne as he approached a burning flower in the vase. Taking it as an anomaly he felt like this is what Slaking was talking about before he headed off to the problem. But now with these alarms he's thinking of ditching this flower to go find the source of the problem, like his job would require him to.

A Drapion ran by Flygawne "Kid, follow me!" it shouted as it kept running.

Flygawne chased after the Drapion "What's happening?"

"Someone failed to get into the core of the castle triggering the alarm, we're currently heading their now to see what's up and take care of business if we must." The Drapion jumped off the ground and grabbed onto the ceiling, then it started swinging like Tarzan from it's arms. "It seems like Slaking's party isn't up here yet, take this as a battlefield for now. Simply put I have a hunch that their target is the one going for the core."

Flygawne flapped his wings and started flying to keep up with Drapion's fast pace swings. "So where is this core?" The rounded a corner and sped down the hall before turning left.

"There." Drapion fell down from the ceiling as the two saw an Axew outside the door to the core.

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SO! I'll be making the characters for the two guards we know of.


DB Username: Anyone can use this character (until claimed)
PH Username: Anyone can use this character (until claimed)
Roleplay Name: Drapion
Pokemon: Drapion
Gender: male
Appearance: normal, with slightly more muscular arm-ear-things.
Moveset: Poison Jab; Facade; Toxic Spikes; Bug-bite and his ability is Battle Armor.
Backstory/Personality: His great great great great grandfather committed war crimes back in Kalos 3,000 years ago. When he got banned he worked on the Haban farm where he eventually met his wife. Together the two rose from the rabble and made the Drapion Clan, a small family who all work as guards in various castles in Banland. Drapion is a member of the clan and has the same mental skills as his great great great great grandfather. He works out from 6:00 AM - 1:00 PM lifting weights.
Other notes?: Has max attack EVs.
When you claim a NPC it's only temporarily.


DB Username: Anyone can use this character (until claimed)
PH Username: Anyone can use this character (until claimed)
Roleplay Name: Old-Fart is the nickname most of the guards call him, his real name is Sableye.
Pokemon: Sableye
Gender: Male
Appearance: He has gotten used to eating Haban berries so his gems are mostly red, and he has few gems due to his diet.
Moveset: Calm Mind; Will o Wisp; Shadow Ball; Power Gem and his ability is Keen Eye
Backstory/Personality: He lost his voice box after the tens of thousands of years he's been around, so he can only breath his words and avoids talking. He loves writing long letters and types long emails though, he probably used to be chatty. He usually plays support in a battle.
Other notes?: Like all Sableye, every gem on it's body is actually an eye which is kind of sad for him because Sableye has more blind spots than most of his kin.
Like Drapion, only temporary claiming.

The Demon Himself, Flygawne.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 30/09/2015 21:49 (9 Years ago)


Flygawne stopped flying and the two walked towards the Axew that was by the door. "Hey you!" Drapion shouted pounding his arms together for intimidation.
The Demon Himself, Flygawne.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 08:02 (8 Years ago)

Title: How can you guys just leave?

The Forum is officially dead and rotting.
The Demon Himself, Flygawne.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,742
Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 08:09 (8 Years ago)
(RIP in Pory, Pokémon DB RP. I cri evrytim. :<
I would try and revive it but just lately my reviving skills have been non-existent '^')

|| My Toyhou.se - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,368
Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 15:16 (8 Years ago)
Rip in porysGAWNE