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Pokemon DB Roleplay

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Pokemon DB Roleplay
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 00:02 (8 Years ago)

The last thing Dash remembered was rushing towards the black hole, blade outstretched. Then, he could only recall his mind reeling and stomach swirling (do Honedges even have stomachs?!) and a falling sensation.

THUD. Soft gray light filtered through the gray trees, illuminating the gray grass-wait! GRAY?

Why was everything gray?

"You, there! Put your hands up and weapons down!"

Dash spun around quickly. Two intimidating Machamps were standing behind him, and they didn't look friendly!

His mind quickly changed into battle mode. Without thinking, Dash bolted forward, feinted a slash to the right. The Machamps turned toward the right, obviously not very smart. Dash quickly spun around and hit them both with his hilt. They collapsed.

Dash ran, far, far from that forest. Eventually, he reached civilization. It was nothing like the city he knew. It was full of murderers and killers, and its name was Banland. The only thing that kept him alive was his wits and his battle skills from the war. He soon acquired a job at Banland Farm #2 farming Haban berries, where he met a whole variety of new people...
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 687
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 02:42 (8 Years ago)
Meep fluffed up her wool to appear bigger. Being a Mareep, that still wasn't very intimidating. Where was she? All she could remember was being plucked out from the ground before passing out.. A bit of poking around and eavesdropping told her that this place was called Banland...and that it was home to the most notorious murderers! She fled blindly in a random direction, before running smack into a fence. Looking up, she saw a sign that said "Banland Farm #2" There were only Haban Berry bushes in sight. Since there was no one in sight, Meep took a Haban Berry, stuffed it into her wool then slept in a Haban Berry bush.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 03:09 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 1: Wednesday- Arrival

Blank. Just like poor Axew's memory.

Axew, taken by guards, was silently sobbing in his misery. Why was he there? What had he done? the real question was what HADN'T he done Escorting him was a large, mighty group of 11 Empoleon. 4 behind him, 2 on each side, and 3 in front. He tripped on a rock, and accidentlly knocked an Empoleon down. They all stared at him angrily. “I.. tripped” he said, but was unforgiven and (Ice) punched multiple times by all 11.

At last they arrived at the destination, and Axew was immediately shoved in a room. “WORK STARTS IN THE MORNING!” one said, and they all froze the door shut, walking away. Axew let out loud tears, and then looked around. He opened cabinets and found several Haban berries.

Suddenly, he heard a bang on the door. “Um..?” he called out, “Hello?” And at that moment, a Raichu burst through. Axew flinched, and waited for Raichu's next move. “C'mon, I'm getting you out of here.” Rachu said. “I don't understand,” Axew grabbed the berries and rode off on Raichu's back.

The broke out of the building, actively chased by Empoleon and Seismatoad. They all attached, and knocked Raichu down. Axew skidded across the rocks, and came to a halt. “Terrible, terrible, terrible,” An Empoleon said.
“You just got here and you're already causing huge amounts of trouble! AND YOU TEAMED UP WITH RAICHU.”

“P-please don't hurt me..” Axew said, unsteady. The guards took Axew and Raichu back into their rooms, though torn apart. “Fah! Teaming up with the psycho right from the start- typical!” they mumbled among themselves.

Axew slept, hoping the morning wouldnt be as bad.

Morning arrived, and Axew was taken to his new job to pick Haban berries. Axew was immediately greeted by the Pokemon there, “Hello.” “Welcome,” They all said with happy smiles.
Axew was as confused as ever, but at least he wasn't getting pounded to the ground by grumpy Empoleon.
Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,372
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 03:32 (8 Years ago)
Zoe lay there, under the bush, very sad, guilty and angry.
She was sad because she was alone. She wanted a friend for once.
She was guilty for what she had done. She hated herself for it. She knew that Mrs. Noctowl would have never believed that the popular teacher's pet was a bully to Zoe.
She knew she shouldn't have done it. She knew it. Now, she was going to pay for it, through something worse than being bullied.
Being sent to BanLand.
She was angry at the world, at herself and at that farmer for chasing her off. But it was BanLand. What was she supposed to expect? Happy, friendly people?
No. Of course not.

A ripping pain in her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten since she was banned.

Zoe decided to return to the farm, the one where she had tried to steal the Haban berries. She wondered why this was farm #2. Were the berries worse or something? She shook her head, reminding herself to focus on getting those berries.

Zoe crept into the berry fields, trying to remain unnoticed. But, as she was stalking around the fields, she didn't notice a Pikachu ahead of her.

Zoe bumped head-on into a mad-looking Pikachu holding a basket.

And I edited my backstory so go read it again (/oDo)/
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 03:46 (8 Years ago)
"Oh sweet a dimensional ring." Flygawne looked out his window into the berry forest behind the Tavern he set up in the middle of nowhere. He understood what it was because of his travels around some of the sacred spots around the world where mythical pokemon will reappear on occasion to bring upon the bidding of whatever god they follow.

Deciding it would probably be best to remove the ring and the deity within he opened a window and crawled out of it, towards the hole with a grey ring around it. Flygawne found the grey ring weird as normal portals had a gold barrier around them, maybe this ring held something even rarer than a Legendary Pokemon?

What happened next is the real surprising part the ring suddenly sucked Flygawne towards it instead of regurgitate a mythical pokemon, catching Flygawne by complete surprise he was quickly sucked in and the world went grey.

No seriously he greyed out. Not blacked out or whited out, he GREYED out. When he woke up again he was being dragged towards what appeared to be a large city by two muscular Machamp. They were some pretty serious customers in a fight he guessed by how they held him in their bone-breaking grasp, that was surprisingly gentle.

"Might you know English?" Demon asked them in a slow manner in case they barely knew some. "Of course we do!" The one to his right shouted, it's voice sounding oddly feminine. "Now shut up! Today's been a busy day and we're not going to listen to your crap!" Flygawne looked over to the left at the one who just spoke. It's voice sounded a bit more normal.


He soon was walked through the tutorial in terms of the place he's come to. The city is Banland of the Banland land. He is imprisoned for being banned from the dimension he resided in, the reasoning classified, and the standard currency for all needs in the prison is Poke' coins. Just like the normal world.

"I feel like you're missing something." Flygawne payed for an Haban berry and took a bite out
of the fruit, literally expecting an all too bland flavor due to it being grey like everything else but the flavor was surprisingly rich, probably because he wasn't expecting much.

"Oh yea, those things are very popular. If you want to blend in you'll need to get in good with the berry business fast." the chauffeur for Flygawne was a Manectric wearing a K9 uniform that was obviously grey instead of blue. "Come, I'll show you where you're staying." The Manectric then grabbed Flygawne by the tail and led him to an apartment complex where it gained escort by a Jynx as we went to my new room.

As we walked up the room we passed by a Pikachu with soulless white eyes and no marks on her cheeks. "----- ---- - ---- - ---?" she mumbled to herself, inaudibly even to Flygawne's keen dragon hearing.

"Didn't your mother teach you it's rude to stare?" The Jynx stopped by a door. "This is it, Room 13 on the first floor. You should find everything you're allowed in here minus items of personal importance, purchasable items, and a job. You've got quite the punishment, I hope you can work it off in time. Life here gets... Dull, without color.
The Demon Himself, Flygawne.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,738
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 06:21 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 0 - Introduction thing


|| My Toyhou.se - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 13:31 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 2: Thursday

Everyone at Banland was suddenly so nice to Axew. He had a big grin on his face. "EVERYONE HE-...almost everyone here... IS AWESOME!" he picked Haban berries, suddenly noticing that they had "ban" in the name, possibly to remind those of Banland that they are "banned". But he didn't understand why he was there. He wanted to ask somebody, but didn't want to feel embarrassed about it. He looked around the farm. Most seemed so happy. Others had frowns that went down to the ground. But he was mostly happy and he didn't care. "Everything is going to be just fine here," he said to himself, "I'll be happy."

Then a Zigzagoon carrying at least a dozen Haban berries tumbled into Axew. "OH GOSH I'M SO SORRY! Please don't report me!" He said, starting to cry. "What? Why would I do that?" Axew got back up on his feet. "You didn't mean any harm. Report? What? What does that even mean?!" he smiled. The Zigzagoon stopped his tears, "Oh. Well hi. My name's Lenny."
"I'm Axew."
"So uh.. when'd you get here?"
"Last night I guess.. What is this place? I can't remember anything... AT ALL. It's making me really sad." Axew picked more berries, struggling to reach a high branch. "You don't kn- oh, right, you said you don't remember anything. This place is Banland, as you might have already found out. Pokemon are sent here for doing bad things, and we're all banned from our normal worlds. Have you ever heard of the Mys- oh, right... Well, sometimes we don't do things that are really that bad, but some of us do. We're all lured into this trap and taken to our new homes by a pair of Machamp. Most of us end up leaving when your ban expires.. some of us don't." Zigzagoon explained. Axew was stumped. "Machamp? 2?! I wasn't taken here by a pair of Machamp, I was taken here by like a dozen Empoleon!" He put the berries in a bucket. Zigzagoon backed away slowly, "Uh.. I should go. I'll let you handle this side of the farm." He ran off, suddenly terrified of Axew.
Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 20:21 (8 Years ago)

SWISH. A branch of Haban berries fluttered softly to the ground.

"Yes! I knew I'd be good at this." Dash proudly gathered up his branch and picked the berries off it.
He wandered a few meters down the field, looking for berries that he hadn't already picked already. SCORE! There was an entire bush of berries just waiting to be picked!

He wound up, ready to slice, until-WAIT! There was something-no, someone under there! It looked like...a Mareep?

Dash crept closer, not daring to make a sound. It could be one of those murderers (NO OFFENSE MEEP) that he had been told about!

CRUNCH. Dash whirled around. Oh no! His hilt had brushed against a stray branch! The Mareep stirred.

At this moment, Dash was getting frantic. The Mareep was looking more alive by the second, and the nearest other Pokemon were a Pikachu and a Zorua, all the way on the other side of the field!

What will they do...?
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 170
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 21:10 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 2, Wednesday

How to escape... How to get away... Ugh, this is so unfair!

Sapphire almost dropped her half-filled basket of freshly picked Haban berries, alarmed, as a strangely coloured Zorua bumped into her and interrupted her thoughts. Trying to recover from her mistake, she stammered quickly, "OH! I'm sorry, I'll get right back to work, uh, I mean, customers are to purchase berries from the front desk if they want, we also sell Haban juice and.. and... and... I'M SORRY, PLEASE EXCUSE ME." and dashed away, a few large berries tumbling out the basket. She didn't bother to pick them up and just fled to the next empty row of trees.

Good job being awkward back there, a small voice in her head scoffed. She continued picking the berries, and still rather dazed, dropped one and accidentally squished it. Surprised at the vibrant red coloured juice that exploded out, she quickly kicked some dirt on the puddle before anyone got suspicious. Now that she squinted closely, all the berries seemed to be reddish and not plain grey. In fact, everything seemed to be coloured. The difference was the grey tinge everything had... It made everything look just plain grey. Looking more closely, she noticed that there seemed to be an odd fog around the whole place. Was this intentional?

Now that she had snapped back into focus, a sudden idea came to mind. The more she thought about it, the more it became obvious that it was the thing to do. Why hadn't she realized before? Making sure to rush to the library after work, she began plotting.

If I find out more about this world... Perhaps I could find a way to escape! Maybe... Maybe I can manage to get out the city somehow... Or... Become a skilled dark magician and open my own portal... Maybe even sneak out somehow... There's got to be a way! she thought furiously. Then, she realized how she had barely picked any berries yet. Hastily, she began to snatch berries off the trees. Picking berries didn't pay well, and if she picked enough, she'll surely be able to make slightly more.

The library was almost completely deserted except for a nerdy looking Bunnelby who seemed to be absorbed completely in a book and a bored looking Venusaur (who appeared to be a librarian) flipping through a huge murder mystery novel. Guess she still had some of her old personality.

Sapphire quietly slipped by and scanned the non-fiction shelves for anything that might talk about Banland. Then the fiction shelves. And at last even the rental videos, children's section and magazines. None of them appeared to be even remotely likely to mention Banland, except for a few books, Great Prisons of History, A Study of Alternate Dimensions, Dimensions: What We Know and A List of Infamous Penitentiaries and Their History, all of which from Banland was strangely absent from. In fact, if she walked in and read all the books, she might not have even known what Banland was if not for the fact that she was, well, kind of in Banland. The second-last book stated clearly that "the existence of alternate dimensions has not been comfirmed, we only know about them in theory".

Sighing, she glanced out a nearby window. The sky had turned from grey to dark grey to pitch black, and the streets were lit by feeble lanturns that flickered whenever a gust of wind passed. It must be late, she thought, and sure enough, by the time she arrived home and checked the alarm clock she had bought, it was already past eight o' clock at night. She hadn't realized she had spent so long at the library.

She ended up only eating a few berries she had been rewarded with for picking twice as much as she was supposed to. Laying down on the rough mattress she had been provided with (and making a mental note to buy a pillow and blanket the next day at a market), she slowly drifted off to sleep.

A flash of yellow and red... Darkness everywhere... A scream-

Waking up with a start, she shook her head and glanced at the clock. Time to get to work. As she stood up, suddenly everything went red. Realizing she was eyebleeding for the first time since arriving in Banland, she cleaned off the blood and walked outside, greeted by the sight of a sad, cloudy grey sky and two Haxorus attempting to control a Lickitung who was thrashing around screaming with a knife.

Meh, she would need to get used to that.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 22:27 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 2-3: Raichotic Group

After work, Axew came home with a huge grin, a and big basket of berries. He walked by screaming prisoners and into his room, still with an icy hole for a door. "HI!" Raichu suddenly came out of a corner, scaring Axew. "I'm back. Don't worry, we'll get out of this place, I have a plan. First, I'll use Thunder outside, and then my buddy, a Politoad named Tori, will use rain dance. Then everyone will come home from work early due to the sudden storm. But we'll volunteer to stay and pick the berries! AND THEN WE'LL MAKE A RUN FOR IT! I have another friend, a SUICUNE! His name is Aurora, and he knows a guy who knows a guy who will get us out of here!" Axew sat calmly, "Okay, I get you want to leave, but I don't know why. It's nice here!" Raichu twitched. "IT'S TERRIBLE HERE. OH NO, THEY'VE ALREADY GOTTEN TO YOUR HEAD! WE N-" Suddenly an Empoleon used Avalanche on Raichu, and dragged him back to his room. Axew lied down, munching on a Haban berry.

Morning came, and Axew alerted everyone of Raichu's plan. He went to work, and saw a group of Vivillion. "Evil. Evil. DEATH! We... WE will murder all who oppose. We will murder. Murder..." they mumbled among themselves. And then a Politoad appeared. "You should not have done that." Axew backed up slowly. "Uh..?"
Politoad used Perish Song, "Let me AXEW a question. What did poor little Raichu do to you?"
Axew didn't get the pun. "Um.. he didn't do anything wrong to me technically.. but he was planning an e-"
"EXACTLY. HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG. He's in here because he used Iron Tail on a Flabebe. IRON TAIL ON A FLABEBE. THAT'S NOT WRONG, THAT'S POKEMON BATTLING." Politoad's song ended, and they both fainted. Then Suicune appeared, and dragged them away. Axew woke up (hands tied) in front of a strange portal, and in front of him were Raichu, Politoad, Suicune, Timburr, and.. Hoopa.

Hoopa turned to Axew, "I was sent here for being a bully, and causing mischief throughout 17 dimensions. Is that really so bad?" he grinned. "I escaped after being here for a year. And that was 3 years ago. So 4 years I've been here, and for the last several months I've been trying to help Pokemon escape. So far, none have made it out. But that was only because someone ended up being a snitch, just.. like.. YOU! But I'm gonna succeed, and when I do, I will bring Banland to darkness.. err, not the darkness like the annoying grey everywhere, I mean... um..." He thought for a moment, trying to figure out the right words. Axew felt inraged suddenly, and started to use Dragon Rage. FOOSH he flew up, and untied. Suddenly a black portal appeared, and there was a flash of color, before going back to normal. "How did I do that?" Axew pondered.

"What.. just happened?" Raichu got up. "Where am I?" Hoopa said the same, and Suicune, and Timburr, and Politoad. "Uh, what do you mean? YOU DON'T REMEMBER?!!" Axew's jaw dropped.
He explained banland to them, and decided to leave out the details about their 'evil' scheme.
They all walked back home, and the guards noticed Hoopa. Axew whispered "Memory loss.. I don't know how to explain..." and he walked into his room. "Wow," he lied down, "I feel pretty great, even though I did make those guys lose their..." He sat up. "Is that what happened to me? Did I erase my memories? IS THAT WHAT I'M IN HERE FOR? DID I ERASE THE MEMORIES OF OTHERS!??" He slept.
So far each day he'd been there had been so short. It was really weird.
Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,372
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 22:50 (8 Years ago)
As the Pikachu ran away, Zoe was confused, but also relieved that she hadn't been harmed. She saw some haban berries that had been spilled, and she carefully stuffed them in her neck fluff. Afraid the Pikachu would tell someone about her, she quickly ran away from the farm.

Zoe found it hard to escape civilization in BanLand. The funny thing is, it always seemed to be the same city. The same gray buildings, the same dull, yellow grass, the same depressed feeling hanging over all of them.

Wondering about this, Zoe decided to test whether it was all the same one.

She carefully removed one of the Haban Berries from her fur. She placed it under a bush on the outskirts of the city, and began running away. When she did reach another city, she found the same bush, and she ran under it. Sure enough, there was a Haban Berry underneath.

Looking around, Zoe let the truth sink in.

There was no escape.

Zoe decided that maybe the people here wouldn't be so mean directly at her, that they would be mean and mad at everyone. She decided to go in to the inescapable city

The first thing she noticed was the signs. They were EVERYWHERE. They were all "Wanted" posters. At first, Zoe asked herself, Who could possibly be "Wanted" THAT badly?"

Then she noticed something.

They were of her.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 170
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 00:45 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 3, Thursday

Walking to work, Sapphire noticed a few WANTED signs. She saw that it was of the odd Zorua she had encountered the previous day, but decided not to get involved. She had enough to think about already. Besides, she had no idea why the Zorua was wanted, she sign didn't go into detail.

Quickly purchasing a Haban berry from a bored-looking Mismagius working at a small stand, she looked up. Usually the sky was just plain grey, but today it was cloudy as well. Seeing Sapphire watching the sky, the Mismagius said quietly, "It always rains on Thursday,"

"Why?" Sapphire asked, curious at this new fact. "No one knows. Some say the king controls it, but that's only a rumour... It helps the Haban berries grow, so I supposed the king would like his citizens to have tasty berries. Though sometimes the rain drowns smaller trees."

"King? You have a king in this prison city?" Sapphire responded skeptically.

"Yes. A Banette, always in Mega-Evolved form when seen. He only appears about once every few years though, and all he does is drift silently through the streets then return to his castle without ever saying a word."


"There. You see that point? That's the tip of the castle."

Squinting through the thick fog, Sapphire could make out the faint outline of a very large building.

"He never does anything though. He just leaves the guards to control us, and never leaves the castle." the Mismagius continued casually.

"Well, good to know. I'm new here, so I'm still getting used to this thrown-into-a-city-full-of-guards-and-fog-and-insane-people thing. I should be going now, or I'll be late for work!" Sapphire smiled and ran off.

It started to rain.

At first, it wasn't so bad, and Sapphire questioned how it could've killed small trees.

Then it was absolutely pouring. She could barely see a foot in front of her, not to mention it being even harder because of the fog.

The farm owner had said to return in the building when the rain got unbearable. Problem is, Sapphire was at the complete other end of the farm, and completely unable to see.

Trying hard to find her way back, drenched and cold, she instead walked into a tree and knocked berries down.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared, bobbling up and down. Shocked, she backed away but fell onto the same tree, squishing the berries and getting splattered with juice and getting caught between some large branches.

Being basically blinded, covered in Haban juice, rainwater and mud and trapped between branches, she flailed around trying to get free, causing more berries to fall. Onto her.

The rain suddenly stopped, and the branches miraculously snapped and freed her. She wiped her eyes and looked up.

The Mismagius from the shop was holding an umbrella and a lantern. She led her back to the farm building without a word. As they approached, Sapphire saw the building and ran ahead into the building.

Imagine you're the farm owner. You sent someone to look for your lost employee and she runs back in covered in rain and what appeared to be blood.

After Sapphire and the Mismagius explained multiple times that his employee had not just been almost murdered, everyone waited inside and chatted.

"So, uh, thanks for saving me back there," Sapphire said slowly to the Mismagius, now wrapped in a towel. The Mismagius simply nodded.

"Why are you here anyways?" she asked, hopeful to start a conversation.

"I buy Haban berries from this farm to sell. I was on my way here to purchase some when the rain came down. Then I offered to help find you when they noticed you were missing." she explained quietly.

"Oh, okay. I didn't catch your name, by the way?"

Please become friends with me, please become friends with me,

The Mismagius seemed to suddenly be afraid. "...Please just call me Haban or Mismagius... But what was your name, I didn't know either?" she quickly recovered.

"I'm Sapphire," she responded, smiling. "Glad to meet you."

After two hours of chatting about random things, the rain died down and everyone worked for a bit before returning home.


DB Username: Sapphire (>oDo)> (okay, not exactly like this but you get it.)
PH Username: Death-Pikachu
Roleplay Name: ???
Pokemon: Mismagius
Gender: Female
Appearance: Regular Mismagius
-Telekinesis (used to levitate everyday objects and move them around)
-Magical Leaf
-Mystical Fire
-Icy Wind
Backstory/Personality: Quiet. More will be revealed later on.
Other notes?: Works at Haban berry stand

So ye heres her form)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,372
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 01:00 (8 Years ago)
Zoe was about to run out of the city again, when something inside of herself made her stop. Go make things right, Zoe said a small voice of good inside of her. Go find out what you did wrong

So that is exactly what she did.

In the courthouse, she shuffled her paws around. It was not a normal courthouse. It was more of a large, smoky-glassed stadium, with a large podium in the middle. She could see no Jury. Just citizens. Or prisoners said a small voice inside her head. She realised slowly what was going to happen.

The Pokémon of BanLand would decide her fate.

The walk to the lower podium seemed to take an eternity. It was a long walk, because the Court Stadium was very big, able to house every banned soul. As she walked a million thought raced through her head.

I murdered Denae the Gothita.
I will be brought to justice.
But other people did bad things too.
What did i do moreso than the others?
Perhaps this is more than that.
But I did nothing else wrong
I did attack my guards and escape coming into BanLand
Would they punish me more for that than for the murder?
What if they ban me to Banned BanLanders Land?
What if........ what if...... they kill me?

All these thoughts were still racing through her mind as she hopped up onto the small podium
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 170
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 01:13 (8 Years ago)
Sapphire became friends quickly with Haban/Mismagius. They discussed Banland together, and she had been the first to believe that Sapphire had been here by accident. She had rather different views on escape, however.

"There's no escaping. No one's ever done it and no one ever will. Even if you have magic beyond normal abilities, it's severely weakened here. You'll just get caught and thrown back in." she shook her head gravely. "Any portals opened within city boundaries collapse right away due to some kind of magic in the air. Outside city boundaries... Well, you can't get there, can you? The walls also have special magic..."

Sapphire sighed. They were in Mismagius' apartment room (which had way better furnishings and appliances due to her having replaced them all over the course of her stay), and discussing escape yet again. Taking a sip of Haban juice, she groaned furiously, "Why doesn't the king do anything about this?"

Suddenly she was struck with another idea. Out of excitement she eyebled and shouted, "I'VE GOT IT!"

Cleaning off the blood with a tissue (Mismagius was used to this by now), she started to explain. "We go into the castle and talk to the king himself! Why didn't I think of it before? It's perfect! He'll let us go and-"

"-or he'll do nothing about it," Mismagius cut in. "First of all, one does not simply walk in and talk to the king. In fact, I don't think he has even spoken in years. He just has servants bring him a plate of Haban berries or something.

"Second, even if we get to see him, there's no guarantee he'll talk or listen or do anything. You see..." Her voice dropped quieter. "I used to work there before I got into berries, and he would never leave the room. Ever. We would just slide a plate of berries everyday under his door, and he would always be in his room. Never speaking, never leaving. The only times he ever unlocked the door was the rare times he came and glided through the city..."

Sapphire considered this. "But it's worth a try. And we can offer to be delivering berries for him, it'll all work..."

She started plotting her plan.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 02:19 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 4- Saturday

Axew awoke, and went to the farm. He didn't notice the Garbodor beating down Machamp guards, he didn't notice the Houndoom lying on the ground being beaten by Samurott, he didn't notice any eye-bleeding Pikachu, and he didn't notice the Mareep wandering about. But he noticed Lenny, his Zigzagoon acquaintance, talking to an Empoleon. He hid in a corner to eavesdrop.

"A dozen Empoleon he said.. Most of us just get two Machamp, but a dozen Empoleon? For a tiny Axew? I really want to know what he did, and if he's safe to be around." Lenny checked behind him. "Well you're going to be unbanned in a few days anyway, I guess tellling you couldn't hurt. He... Wait." the Empoleon walked towards tne corner Axew was standing at, and exposed his hiding position. "Eavesdropper, listening to a conversation about yourself. You really don't remember what you did, do you? You erased memories, and eventually even your own! Heck, you did it yesterday to that group of trouble makers." Empoleon sighed. Axew wanted to know more. "Is that it? Did erase the memories of Pokemon and people? Is that why I'm here?"

"Hah! No, you did things much worse! And I suppose telling you won't hurt anything in this safe dimension. YOU REVERSED PEOPLES' LIVES TO NON EXISTENCE! THAT'S WHY YOU'RE GOING TO BE HERE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! COUNTESS- AND I MEAN COUNTLESS, thanks to the fact that we can't prove how many there were exactly, SOULS WERE TAKEN BY YOUR STUPID SCIENCE PROJECT. 'Hey look, I can go back in time! Hey look, I figured out how to alter timelines!' WELL BIG WHOOP, BECAUSE THERE'S ALREADY A POKEMON TO DO THAT, AND HE'S DOING HIS JOB PERFECTLY!!" Empoleon shouted, shaking the whole building. He calmed down finally and sighed, "Ugh, look kid, you seem really happy here. It's for the best that this happen.. I shouldn't have told ye all that... Just get to work, both of you."

Axew walked off, and couldn't believe how powerful he apparently was.
Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 02:47 (8 Years ago)

Title: Deyterkurrjerbs!

"What are some jobs here for the freshly banned?"

After spending yesterday out searching around the city he found that the whole place isn't a city but instead a single region of a city, as everything else was an infinite loop. He also noticed when he flew up that guards did not attack him, and that the sky was covered in dense clouds as far as the eye could see, which wasn't very far as the surrounding area was blanketed in some intensity of fog, but the weirdest part was that in thin patches he could sometimes see himself levitating in the air. So this area was an infinite loop that consisted of 3 market stalls, all which sold Haban berries and occasionally something else, like a set of bowls or what not, and there were other buildings too like the Outbreak Control Center with the slang word "Popo" spray painted on the building in various locations. The apartment complexes, one of which he lived in but strangely couldn't pick out, Building complexes all around, having small businesses and many prison cells contained within'... most of them occupied. And last but not least the Plaza square, which isn't really a building but many pokemon were gathered here and there was always an incident on scene.

"Why should I tell you?" An Alakazam in the plaza responded to Flygawne's question while it meditated over the fountain, which was pretty trashed.

"Wait, is that question rhetorical or not? I'm serious when I say I'm new here. Please help me out!" Flygawne played the bro-dude act to get to Alakazam's information without payment. He was expecting it to work buuuuut...

"The question is not rhetorical. Why should I tell you?" Alakazam stayed steel cold.

"I'll buy you a baker's dozen of Haban berries once a month using the money I earned." Flygawne dropped to the point and stuck what he hoped to be the weak spot of most of Banland.

"..." The Alakazam floated off the fountain and stood up in front of Flygawne where it then openned it's eyes to show off the psychic power that flowed through them constantly. Alakazam pointed at a wanted poster. "I'm guessing that's your preference. The police here found a really effective way to put up these posters for criminals who escape from the Popo, they hired a Zorua to create illusions of the pokemon they're searching for, with any minor significant details that were noticed included. Alakazam then showed that his psychic powers had no effect on the posters. By levitating one of it's spoons at it, but the spoon merely got repelled by the poster and bounced back to Alakazam's hand. "My guess is that it's because of the fact the photo is of an Illusion, but normal people aren't allowed in the Outbreak Control Center so I can't confirm that. But as for other jobs there is what I'm doing, honest surveillance, Berry picking, and Litter Patrolling, which is by far the job you'd hate the least."

The Alakazam ranted on as Flygawne checked out his recommended job, bounty hunting. Everything about it screamed glory, adventure, and effectively paying.

"How does one start doing Bounty Hunter assignments?" Flygawne interrupted the Alakazam.

"... You bring the Poster to the Popo Center and wait for a representative to come and give you permission and a Break Badge. I'm just informed, not strong, so I never take those jobs because if you fail your mission without getting put out of the system for good then their time is added to your time."

"I like it!" and with that Demon tore the poster of the Honedge off the wall of a small business and went to the Outbreak Control Center.

"I'm not getting those berries am I?" Alakazam watched as the too eager Flygon trotted past a Lickitung shaking a knife around while being suppressed by two Haxorus.
The Demon Himself, Flygawne.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,372
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 03:06 (8 Years ago)
As Zoe stepped up onto the podium, the judge, turned to her. He is very fat..... she thought to herself. Indeed, the Slaking laying on the podium above her was rather fatty. She took in a deep breath, and let it out. I will get through this Zoe thought to herself. You brought yourself to that store to get turned in. You wanted to be brought to justice. And with that, she met the Slaking's beady eyes, and waited.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 17:09 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 4- Saturday: Runaway Axew

Axew went to work with Zigzagoon. "So, you're getting unbanned soon?" He used Dual Chop to scratch a bunch of berries down. Zigzagoon tried to avoid eye contact, "Yeah.." he felt unsafe, despite Banland's magic protection.
So that thing I did last night.. It probably could've been much worse if not for the weird magic barriers surrounding this world. Maybe I tried to use it to escape Banland when I first got her, but ended up erasing my memory. he couldn't stop thinking of all the different ways he could have lost his memory. He suddenly noticed that he'd only seen a small amount of people from his building working at the farm. "So are there other farms that everyone else works at? I don't get where the others go. I see them leave the building but I don't see them come here."

Lenny stopped a moment, "Not just farms, there's several different job opportunities for Banland prisoners. Gardening, housekeeping... When Pokemon are unbanned or their efforts are recognized, they have a choice of becoming a guard, like all of those Machamp and Haxorus and.. Empoleon. If they work as guard hard enough and actually do good, they'll be raised in rank and be the boss of a small group of guards. There's a Seviper that came here as a very notorious criminal, but he eventually redeemed himself and became a top-notch squad leader, then there's a Seismatoad that came here as Palpatoad, and he was just as bad as that legendary Hoopa you took down. But then he went good and when evolved he became one of the most respected residents of Banland, even going so far as to be given a medal by the king. And speaking of how you took down Hoopa, there's jobs for bounty hunters that attain to capture criminals that escaped custody. I just saw everyone coming here, so I assumed it was the only job. Later I found out about the aforementions jobs, but I had already warmed up to picking berries."

Axew listened to Lenny's long speech, "There's a king of Banland? A-and.. do you think maybe I'd be better as a bounty hunter?" Lenny thought for a moment, "Well, I know that there's a king, but I don't know anything about him. I've fantasized that he's a majestic Serperior, or maybe a legendary Pokemon like Entei, or Lugia, or maybe even PALKIA, because of how Banland is apparently an alternate dimension. And I don't think you'd be accepted as a bounty hunter. I don't think anyone would trust you with the job, even though you've lost your memory, you might end up being influenced to going back to being evil. You can request the job if you want, though."

Axew ignored Lenny's doubt, and went to take the rest of the day off for requisition of bounty hunting. Back at the building, he asked Empoleon about the job, and he was excited with what he heard, "Bounty Hunting is a though job that requires much skill and devotion. I'm actually a group leader, and have the authority to permit to bounty hunt, if that's what you really want. Go out of town and search for wanted posters, capture the criminal, and keep them at a secret locatio nwhere they can't escape. Then go to the Po- uh I mean Outbreak Control Center. Then you'll be rewarded money, and be told to bring the prisoners there. Nobody knows why, but if you bring the prisoners there to begin with/.. uh, they won't give the reward money. Got it? NOW GO! GO OUT THERE AND BOUNTY HUNT!"

Axew tried to understand what he was just told. Okay.. go out of town, find a wanted poster, hunt the criminal down, trap them, go tell the Outbreak Control Center, and then bring the trapped criminal there. Sounds easy enough!

Axew ran out of the building and "out of town", unsure what exactly was considered to be the town. He searched for a wanted poster, and found one for a Honedge. "Honedge." Axew read the name on the poster, and memorized the image. He went out searching, ignoring all of the other wanted posters.
Ruby BloodSparkle, the princess of Death. (lolwut)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 170
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 20:26 (8 Years ago)

Title: Day 4, Friday

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

Sapphire and Mismagius were standing outside the huge, dark castle. The fog seemed to be even thicker, and the sky darker. Intimidated by it's appearance, Sapphire hesitated.

"Yes, everything should work out."

She had talked to her manager, pretending to be asking information about the castle in the city. After he mentioned that the kind was quite fond of Haban berries and still has his servants sent him berries, Sapphire quickly volunteered to bring some berries to the castle "so Banland Farm #2 could be recognized even by royalty". Luckily, all went to plan and she was now standing outside the castle with Mismagius.

They cautiously walked towards the gate and approached a sleepy-looking Sableye guard who opened the gate automatically when he saw the baskets of berries, and said in a robotic voice, "Welcome to Castle Banland."

Passing through the gate, they walked across a bridge high above a wide moat of-

"Why is the moat filled with blood?"

Mismagius shrugged. "The king is bizarre, that's for sure. Guess he just wants it to look scary so no one disturbs him."

Crossing the huge bridge, they reached a rusted set of large doors and knocked hard.

A Drapion wearing a butler's uniform shoved open the doors and stared at the two for a brief moment, then snatched the berries and turned and slammed the doors without thanking them.

Sapphire flinched. How would they get in now?

While she pondered ways to get in, Mismagius was staring at the door with great concentration. Suddenly, the doors flew open and crashed against the wall.

Sapphire stared in shock, and Mismagius smiled. "I tried to use a bit of my magic, and it appears he hadn't locked the doors. It was difficult to move such a huge object though, my magic is severely weakened. Now let's go, he'll be back soon."

They crept silently into an enormous dimly lit room with elaborate blue, black and purple wallpaper, a high ceiling on which hung a beautifully deep purple glass chandelier. There were two flights of stairs made with perfect dark wood and a spotless red and gold carpet over them. In the centre was an even better carpet, deep midnight blue embellished with ornate designs of the moon and stars sewn into it. Paintings hung from fancy golden frames. A corridor to the left They stared in awe at the spectacular sight.

Then the footsteps of the Drapion were heard. Sapphire grabbed Mismagius and they quickly ducked through a small door they hadn't noticed on the side of the room. They heard him mumbling, "Must've forgotten to lock the doors again... Stupid wind... Causing them to hit against the wall again... Soon the walls will be all dented..." A crashing noise was heard, then the sounds of the butler stomping away.

The room they were now in had barely any light. It appeared to be a storage room, though it looked like it hadn't been opened in ages. A small candle flickered and acted as the only light source, but it appeared to be magical as any normal candle should have already burned out. Random things were cluttered everywhere, some seemed valuable (or perhaps once valuable), like a faded scepter covered in spider webs, others were just everyday objects like old knives and forks. Mismagius drifted behind a cardboard box of duvets.

"Let's leave, it's just old junk," Sapphire sighed. "There's nothing interesting here."

No reply. Sapphire climbed over the boxes and said, "Come on. We need to find the king."

Mismagius didn't seem to hear her again. She was concentrating on a scratched and dented though ornate dining table. It shook a little, then rose up and wobbled to the side. Behind the table was an ancient-looking door. Sapphire tried to open it, but it seemed to be glued shut.

After several tries from both, Mismagius ended up just using Mystical Fire and burning the door out of frustration. Risky, but the fire luckily didn't catch onto anything and just died out.

Down the door was a flight of stairs, but this time there was no magical candle and all they could see was darkness. Mismagius levitated the candle out of the candle holder and used it to light the way.

Carefully stepping down, expecting anything to happen, they reached another door. This one's hinges were rather loose - Sapphire managed to open it just by simply kicking it.

The grey sky loomed over them, and they realized they were outside. Under the bridge.

The bridge was to the side and towering over them like the rest of the castle. The moat of blood was right in front of them.

"I think we've found another entrance."

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 687
Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 22:23 (8 Years ago)
Meep woke up to footsteps. She leapt from bush to bush in fear, and charged straight before crashing right into a Haban Berry stand.
"They really are obsessed with Haban Berries, aren't they? Haban Juuce, Haban Cake, Haban Soda..." Meep wondered aloud.
"Hey, watch where you're going! Also, we're not obsessed with Haban Berries. It's the only thing that grows here. And they taste pretty good." A voice above answered.
Taken aback, Meep asked, "Who are you?", before realising that it was a Whimsicott who answered.
"I'm up here, dummy. How else would I talk to taller customers? What's a Mareep like you doing here? You're not exactly known to be troublemakers." Whimsicott curiously inquired.
"That's the problem. I don't know. Also, why is everythibg grey?" Meep was annoyed at not even knowing a tiniest bit of information. Just as she was preparing to leave, Whimisicott said.
"Mhm. You should go work at one of the farms. Maybe Banland Farm #2 since it's the most popular. You can find people who have the same problem as you. Lastly, could I have some of your wool? I have seen a Mareep with sparkling wool like yours. I can give you my best Haban Berries for it."
Even though she found it an odd trade, Meep accepted it and went off with 2 more Haban Berries in her slightly-less-dense wool. She headed towards Banland Farm #2 again in hopes of getting a job there.