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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 01:02 (9 Years ago)
Dash woke to the sound of footsteps. He realized that he was sleeping a bit in front of the wooden shed...how embarrassing! He turned to investigate the sound of footsteps. It was that Mareep that he had found under a bush. By the looks of it, she had come out of the shed he was sleeping a bit in front of.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 23:12 (9 Years ago)

Title: ...Day...4?

Dash inwardly fumed. All he wanted was to be free from this stupid trial and move on! Alas, it couldn't be helped. Slakings were just too lazy.

"HURRY IT U-" Dash started to yell, but only earned a slap in the face by his Machamp guards. "Silence! You will speak only when the judge tells you to!"

The Slaking yawned and shook its head. "Uh, where was I? Oh, yes. This...criminal...h...as...zzz...zzz..."

* * *

It was finally over. Luckily, the Doublade had gotten off with only a few short slaps and the punishment of picking berries at minimum wage, at the Berry Farm #2. He didn't understand; that was where he was in the first place. Perhaps it was a bit good that his judge had been so lazy.

Eye(s) drooping, he made his way over to the farm. It was almost noon, but all he wanted to do was sleep. He passed a shed with a Mareep and Zorua in it. Thinking nothing of it, he dropped down and went to sleep.

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Posted: Fri, 18/09/2015 01:55 (9 Years ago)

Title: What went down between me and Flygawne:

They fought, Dash evolved, Flygawne defeated me, and we're waiting for the authorities to take me away.

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Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 19:27 (9 Years ago)
(Sorry, I'll do better next time. If you want me to change it, I will gladly do so. I'll remember for next time. Also @Flygawne, when would be a good time to fight/duel?)

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Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 23:14 (9 Years ago)
Dash sighed. It was back to the grind, cutting branches, harvesting berries. Ugh. The only interesting event so far was that Mareep that had run away after being found by him.

He was walking back to his apartment, lost in thought, when suddenly he spotted a poster. A wanted poster. He peered more closely, then he realized-it was of him!

"Honedge-Possibly dangerous. Battle skills. Reawrd-1000p."

He looked around, now expecting to see bounty hunters around every corner. He hurried back to his apartment before anyone more could see him, bumping into a Flygon and an Axew along the way.

"Hey- isn't that Honedge wanted?"
"Yeah, I think I've seen him somewhere..."

Dash shook his head. Now he was just hearing things! He looked around...but sure enough, there were Pokemon gathered around the poster, pointing at him!

"Wait-he does look familiar!"
"Hey, that's the guy on the poster!"

Dash's eyes (or eye) widened. He ran (or flew) as fast as could, just trying to get away from there. He didn't care where he went, as long as he wasn't caught. The last thing he needed was to die.

He passed by a courtroom, where it looked like a white Zorua was being 'judged'. He closed his eyes (or eye, whatever), he didn't need to see any of it.

After a while, he ended up at his apartment building. He hid behind the corner just as a Pikachu and a Mismagius walked out of the building, the hurried in.

"Phew," he thought. "Now that I'm safely in my home, I can-"

"Open up this door, or we'll open it up for you!" A muffled voice shouted.

Dash slowly turned around. Whoever was on that other side was probably going to take him away. But that couldn't happen. Dash's mind geared into battle mode. He was ready for a fight.

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Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 20:21 (9 Years ago)

SWISH. A branch of Haban berries fluttered softly to the ground.

"Yes! I knew I'd be good at this." Dash proudly gathered up his branch and picked the berries off it.
He wandered a few meters down the field, looking for berries that he hadn't already picked already. SCORE! There was an entire bush of berries just waiting to be picked!

He wound up, ready to slice, until-WAIT! There was something-no, someone under there! It looked like...a Mareep?

Dash crept closer, not daring to make a sound. It could be one of those murderers (NO OFFENSE MEEP) that he had been told about!

CRUNCH. Dash whirled around. Oh no! His hilt had brushed against a stray branch! The Mareep stirred.

At this moment, Dash was getting frantic. The Mareep was looking more alive by the second, and the nearest other Pokemon were a Pikachu and a Zorua, all the way on the other side of the field!

What will they do...?

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Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 00:02 (9 Years ago)

The last thing Dash remembered was rushing towards the black hole, blade outstretched. Then, he could only recall his mind reeling and stomach swirling (do Honedges even have stomachs?!) and a falling sensation.

THUD. Soft gray light filtered through the gray trees, illuminating the gray grass-wait! GRAY?

Why was everything gray?

"You, there! Put your hands up and weapons down!"

Dash spun around quickly. Two intimidating Machamps were standing behind him, and they didn't look friendly!

His mind quickly changed into battle mode. Without thinking, Dash bolted forward, feinted a slash to the right. The Machamps turned toward the right, obviously not very smart. Dash quickly spun around and hit them both with his hilt. They collapsed.

Dash ran, far, far from that forest. Eventually, he reached civilization. It was nothing like the city he knew. It was full of murderers and killers, and its name was Banland. The only thing that kept him alive was his wits and his battle skills from the war. He soon acquired a job at Banland Farm #2 farming Haban berries, where he met a whole variety of new people...

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Posted: Mon, 14/09/2015 01:36 (9 Years ago)
DB Username: Leaftail
PH Username: DA830
RP Name: Dash
Honedge ---> Doublade now
Gender: Male
Appearance: http://36.media.tumblr.com/a52d3b4f12a5fb56a228ce1a9d93df84/tumblr_mupyp4Rcn31rps8dgo1_1280.png
- Shadow Slice (Shadow Claw)
- Steel Slice (Iron Head)
- Sword Twirl (Sacred Sword)
- Frenzied Spin (Swords Dance)
Backstory/Personality: He once was a wild Honedge, until the great war came. Honedges, Doublades and Aegislashes were captured to fight in the war. As a result, this Honedge's blade is much sharper than the rest of his kin. He is bold and outspoken, and likes to take risks. He doesn't get hurt easy. Now he's a Doublade, and all the stronger because of it.
Other notes:

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Posted: Thu, 10/09/2015 22:54 (9 Years ago)

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