Forum Thread
Friends who have't added you back
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Friends who have't added you backTHANK YOU FOR..UMM.. LOOKING 8) 8) 8) 8) :B and i am sorry if someone already suggested this i didn't see one
Oh my god this is so poorly written
No support at all
And that example is poorly done
And what Queen said is 100% what I would have said if i'm awesome enough
Also, I don't really see the point of this. If someone doesn't want to add you just because you added them doesn't mean that you need to unfriend them. Maybe that person wants to be your friend but don't want to add you for their own reasons? If you want to add someone to your friendlist for feeds and to somehow 'befriend' them, it's fine. But don't expect them to friend you back just because you did so. Stranger danger. Talking a few times doesn't make you friends, it make you an acquaintance.
It sets up the stage for drama.
I've added 43 people who I talk to constantly, or whose feeds I like to say subscribed to.
596 people have added me.
Now, I'm assuming about half are active on PH.
With this feature, about 300 people would see I haven't friended them back (like, I'm not gonna friend you all, sorry, I like being able to find my friend's feeds and my notifications)
I wanna say about half will message me or be offended I haven't added them back.
And the drama will still be there. "WHY DIDN"T ____ ADD MEH? WHY DID ___ REMOVE ME???" People will be offended, despite not knowing the other person's reasons.
And I'd rather not get 150 palpads demanding i add someone back.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
No one is a bad person if they don't add back everyone who adds them. It just means they'd like to keep their friendlist with only... well, their friends, hence the name, or people's feeds they enjoy viewing.
I agree with the suggestion. Yes you can tell from the lists they have given to you, but it would be faster and simpler for a friends list of people who have added you back. I voted awhile ago on agreeing to this, but now I feel like I must comment. Right now I'm cleaning off my friends list of users who haven't added me back. Not because I feel salty about not being added(because there are plenty of people I haven't added back), but because I feel annoying or unwanted when commenting on users feed that seem like they only wanted their closest friends to comment on. I hope I explained my situation well enough for people to see my point of view. I think that a list or way to see who have added you back would be useful. I have large lists of friends I have added and friends who have added me. It's hard and takes a lot of time to go through it all.
Usually, when voicing opinions, it's hard to not sound rude and to not offend people. Especially when they are talking about suggestions or so. I do agree however that people just tend to speak rudely out of pure frustation due to some points' of people suggestion.
I'm sorry if what I said doesn't make sense whatsoever
I am slightly leaning to neutral, then. I don't have friends I would consider actual friends and I have less then 10 of them while I have like 200+ others added me.
50 of these are on my friendlist and maybe a quarter of the rest aren't online anymore, I do not want 300 users PalPadding me with them asking if I could add them, or them asking why I haven't added them, this would end up in drama, then feeds about it, which causes even MORE drama, but with other users. This would basically be a huge disaster if it was implemented.
So no support.
A lot of random people add me - and I never add them back because I don't want to add them back because I prefer to have only my good friends as friends on here.
One person found out that I didn't add them back a while ago and literally went bananas on me about how I am a rude and bad person for not adding them back.
If this was implemented.. I don't want to go through that same drama over and over just because I didn't add a bunch of people back.