somewhat bored, gonna stick around here until uh... i'm bored here
i guess ha. also username change i guess you could say i've been

i'd say 20% of what's keeping me from being active here is
diminishing returns of pd/ggc when interacting bc that's dumb
the other 80% is how money grabby stuff like event passes are,
that's even dumber

even 33% off, that's equivalent of 4k nuggets for 1 pumpkabowl
event pass. yeah, no, i'm good

love the new event, more stuff to do with fish is always welcome

wish the halloween event would have something with shiny marshadow,
i think it’s still the garbage normal rate

power orb'd the
mega because I have no patience and I have over 200k orbs
collecting dust :p

Interact with pokemon on the index page is the most annoying dw
task when you’ve already done a lot of interactions. Gotta refresh
the index page for like, 40 minutes…

Love the Shaymin shiny fix. A bit later than we probably would’ve
liked, but better late than never!

Congratulations! A shiny Unown Q hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #30)!
oh cool, I’ll take this

Accidentally made a Seatran auction super cheap so whoever wants to
go grab it, you’re more than welcome to benefit from my error haha

Love the harvest sprites update. Even if the goals are high, I’d
take it over terrible rng features like magearna raffle. More
features not as dependent on luck like this, please?

Expensiveness of event passes never ceases to be mind boggling.
It's a shame that cool event sprites are bogged down by greedy
nugget pricing and horrible breeding rates.

why... does hisuian voltorb breed like an event pokemon? it is not
an event pokemon

enter nintendo direct for fire emblem and botw news, exit with
coconut mall

all I've done is harvest the 5 blue apricorns and I'm already bored
of the berrygarden

With stuff like mega emera diancie, I wonder if Riako actually
intends for the shinydex to be completable

I wish all eggs had their own unique art, I know it's not needed
but it'd be more fun than just the usual egg designs all the time

Oh I didn’t even notice I picked up a Ditto. Neat.

at first I thought, diminshing returns on PD/sweets for
interactions is not a big deal. but then I thought about it more
and now I'm not motivated to interact because of it

The event is fantastic. I hope this is the beginning of maybe
having ways to get shiny megas without pure rng. 150k candies is
steep, but is sooo much better than relying on rng.