Forum Thread
Price Check
Forum-Index → Discussion → Price Check

If you're not sure about a fair price for a Pokemon or an item, this will be the right thread to check the price, or to ask - please only ask a price for a Pokemon/Item if they are not in the F.A.Q below.
Things to keep in mind
• These are NOT set/original prices of items and Pokemon. This is just a guide made to give people an idea on what price range they should look at when trying to sell or buy something. They are averages. The prices shown here are more or less, and do NOT have to be followed. (But they are as accurate as possible, and can still be followed if still unsure)
• Also please keep in mind, that prices people would be asking for, for an item (or prices in the auction house) will either be higher or lower than the prices stated in this thread. This may be because people want to under price it for a specific reason, or overprice it because they're in dire need for PD
• The prices for anything new will NOT be added straight away. Maybe a few weeks after it's released. This is so I get a clear understanding on what it's worth (some time to see how much it's sold for in the forums, feeds, auction house. Along with how much people are willing to pay, and how much they sell it for, etc. This is so I distribute accurate (near to accurate) prices.
• Summon items are generally worth more than hatched legendaries - this is because people value summon items more due to wanting to shiny hunt them (since most count towards chains, and hatched ones do not)
• Time of the day does matter when it comes to selling things. There are more/the most users online at roughly 18:00 - 22:00 SERVER TIME (bottom right corner of the site is where the ST is shown). During that time, there will be more people online, meaning more people will be able to buy and sell things (more people will see your threads, feeds, trades, auctions, etc.)
• You can ask how much nuggets an item/Pokemon is worth (though I'd scroll down to the very bottom of this main thread for nugget prices), or how much dragon gems something is worth, etc. You can also ask if a trade you're planning to make is fair or not.
• Before posting in this thread, please check out that forum post first!
Updated by Jacharias on Aug/14/2024

Please read through the following rules before making a post.
• Please do not Pal Pad me or message me about price checks, only unless you're letting me know about a mistake/typo I made in the FAQ. Any other messages will be ignored (and will most likley block you if you keep on messaging me)
• Do not post your price check question twice on the same page. Only post again if your question is on the previous page and nobody has answered it.
• Only ask a price check if the Pokemon/Item is not listed in the F.A.Q below. If you ask a question about an item or Pokemon that is already on the main post, you will just be told to look here.
• Please do not answer someones price check if you are not 100% sure about a fair price. This has caused quite a lot of confusion before.
• This isn't a place for you to ask how to get a specific item or Pokemon. You can check the wiki if you want to know how to get a certain item, or just message me and I'll gladly tell you.
• Nor is this a place to sell or buy things. You should check the GTS forum for that kind of stuff. This is just a price guide

Please check this list before posting. It's always updated.
To make your search easier, press Ctrl + F and type the Pokemon or Item you want to find the price for.
[Last Updated 27/05/20] NOT UPDATED! WHY?

Summon Items:










Retro Starter Voucher - 50,000 - 60,000

Mew (Retro) voucher: 750,000 - 890,000
Azelf Voucher - 65,000 - 85,000
Mesprit Voucher - 65,000 - 85,000
Uxie Voucher - 65,000 - 85,000
Ho-Oh Wonder Trade Code - 475,000 - 640,000

Rumble Gems:
Common Gems (Ground, Fighting, Grass, Steel, Rock) - 400 - 600
Semi Uncommon Gems (Poison, Psychic): 500 - 800
Uncommon Gems (Fire, Flying, Electric, Water, Ice, Ghost, Dark) - 800 - 1,000
Evolution Items:
Please do note that people will be willing to overprice up to at least 10,000 if they desperatly need the item. These are average normal selling prices

Form Change items:



Other Items:

Battle items:
I'm going to point out that battling is a rather uncommon feature right now on PH, so it'll be rare to find someone willing to buy these items in general.



General Pokemon (By Rarities):
Easy - 100 - 400
Medium - 500 - 600
Hard - 700 - 800
Rare - 900 - 1000
Special - 3500 - 5000
Events - 5,000 - 30,000 (Depending on the event)
Unown - 5,000 - 10,000
Starters - 2000 - 2500
[FEMALE] Starters - 3800 - 4200
This ranges from their first stage form to their third stage.
¬ If the Pokemon has only one stage (Zangoose, Hawlucha, etc), it's price will be the maximum stated/third stage price
¬ If Pokemon is genderless, then it's 50% PD more of the price stated (for example, 50% of 5500 is 2750. So a rare genderless Pokemon will be at least 8250 PD)
Please note that the prices shown above vary for each rarity. What I've stated are the average prices. It also really depends how common or un-common the Pokemon is.
For example, Eevee has the highest frequency on site and is a rare type. Eevee will be worth around 700-1000 PD (Not the price stated above).
They are average prices.






Other Pokemon

Event Legends:
Raylong: - 30,000 - 50,000
Polestar: 50,000 - 70,000
Seatran: 50,000 - 70,000
Aurora - 80,000 - 100,000

Shiny Event Pokemon (By Rarities):
Shiny Common Event - 450,000 - 550,000
Shiny Uncommon event - 650,000 - 750,000
Shiny Rare Event - 850,000 - 1,000,000
Shiny Special Event - 1,500,000 - 1,800,000
Shiny Pokemon (By Rarities):
Easy - 80,000 - 120,000
Medium - 130,000 - 180,000
Hard - 200,000 - 280,000
Rare - 280,000 - 300,000
Special - 280,000 - 300,000
Fossils - 280,000 - 300,000
Unown - 1,000,000 - 1,500,000
Starters - 280,000 - 300,000
Potential mega-able Shiny Pokemon (By Rarities):
Do NOT confuse with shiny mega (powered) Pokémon prices, here are included the shiny (normal, non-powered) version of those Pokémon. An example of this category would be this gastly, its evoline got a mega evolution, but this particular shiny isn't mega-powered, so it'll fall under this category.
Easy - 25,000 - 50,000
Medium - 55,000 - 90,000
Hard - 100,000 - 140,000
Rare - 130,000 - 170,000
Starters - 130,000 - 160,000
Please note that the prices shown above vary for each rarity. What we've stated are the average prices. It really depends how common or uncommon the Shiny Pokemon is.
Shadow Pokemon (By Rarities):
Easy - 3,700 - 5,700
Medium -7,300 - 10,000
Hard - 13,000 - 17,000
Rare - 19,500 - 24,500
Starter - 62,500 - 75,000
Unown - 72,000 - 112,000
Eevee-lution - 27,700 - 33,000
Fossil - 47,500 - 56,000
Pseudo-Legend - 60,000 - 72,500
Bird Trio (Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres) - 612,000 - 762,000
Ditto - 5,000,000 - 6,000,000
Mew - 662,500 - 862,000
Raikou/Suicune/Entei - 712,000 - 875,000
Lugia / Ho-Oh - 875,000 - 1,040,000
Celebi - 862,500 - 1,060,000
Please note that the prices shown above vary for each rarity. What we've stated are the average prices. It really depends how common or uncommon the shadow may get in the future, also keep in mind that Shadow Mewtwo is NOT trade-able, so it doesn't need a price.
They are average prices.

Female: 35,000 - 45,000

Female: 35,000 - 45,000

Female: 35,000 - 45,000

Female: 4,000 - 8,000

Female: 4,000 - 8,000

Female: 4,000 - 8,000

SHINY Retros:

Female: 600,000 - 800,000

Female: 600,000 - 800,000

Female: 600,000 - 800,000

Female: 160,000 - 210,000

Female: 160,000 - 210,000

Female: 160,000 - 210,000

Mega Pokemon

If the mega powered Pokemon is hatched a rarer gender (example, a female starter) it will be worth slightly more. Around 1.2x more
Why is the difference between the price for mega powered and mega evolved smaller than the price of a mega stone alone?
So this question has been asked a lot, so I'll just add the answer to it here. The difference is only short by around 100k PD. Why? Because people are willing to pay more for the mega stone
individually. This is because they will be able to mega evolve a Pokemon of their own choice, and at their time. It's similar to how people pay more for legend summons than hatched legends.
Because summon items have more use and value. The same way mega stones have more use and value as well.
I've done hunting on the prices for the mega evolved Pokemon, and have never seen anyone pay more than whats stated. Unless they desperately need it for their dex or something and decide to
Mega Powered Pokemon:





Mega Pokemon:





Mega Powered Event Pokemon:
Mega Powered Yorebro: 1,000,000 - 1,200,000
Mega Powered Festival Gardevoir - 500,000 - 650,000
Mega Powered Lucario Sensei - 550,000 - 600,000
Mega Powered Spring Ampharos - 600,000 - 700,000
Mega Powered Summer Ampharos - 600,000 - 700,000
Mega Powered Autumn Alakazam - 650,000 - 750,000
Mega Powered Crystal Aggron - 400,000 -550,000
Mega Powered Candaria - 600,000 - 700,000
Mega Powered Winter Camerupt - 600,000 - 650,000
Mega Powered Easter Lopunny - 300,000 - 350,000
Mega Powered Lord Salamence - 650,000 - 750,000
Mega Powered Sala da Menci - 650,000 - 750,000
Mega Powered Banettenstein - 350,000 - 420,000
Mega Powered Mecha Tyranitar - 550,000 - 650,000
Mega Event Pokemon:
Mega Yorebro: 1,600,000 - 2,000,000
Mega Festival Gardevoir - 1,200,000 - 1,250,000
Mega Lucario Sensei - 1,350,000 - 1,400,000
Mega Spring Ampharos - 1,350,000 - 1,400,000
Mega Summer Ampharos - 1,350,000 - 1,400,000
Mega Autumn Alakazam - 1,400,000 - 1,520,000
Mega Candaria - 900,000 - 1,000,000
Mega Winter Camerupt - 1,000,000 - 1,120,000
Mega Easter Lopunny - 650,000 - 700,000
Mega Sala da Menci 950,000 - 1,050,000
Mega Lord Salamence - 950,000 - 1,050,000
Mega Banettenstein - 800,000 - 900,000
Mega Mecha Tyranitar - 900,000 - 1,000,000

I'd prefer it if people tried to find the nugget prices themselves for the time being, as it'll just save me time. It's really easy, so just follow the 'equation' below
[PD price of Pokemon/Item] ÷ 1500 OR 1600
For example: 600,000 (PD) ÷ 1500 (1 nugget in PD) = 400 (Nuggets)

Happy Summerween - Candies
Mystery Boxes - 6000-7500 PD (Gold - 12,000-14,000)
Keys - 5000-6000
And for gems - the rarer the gem is, the more it's worth.
E.g - Water, Fire, Grass, Normal etc would be worth 60-100PD each
Dark, Dragon, Ice, Bug - 5000 - 2000-5000PD each.
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