Forum Thread
Emera mall
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Emera mallLegendrys
I'm not a 100% sure what you mean by Legendrys? Do you mean that in this feature you can dry your Legends or have a legendary dry for your regular Pokémon?
If you mean the first option, then I was hoping you could elaborate your idea a little more and tell us which legendary Pokémon could be dried in this game feature.
Is it only for Legendaries with hair? Or can it be used for all legendaries in general? And do you have to wash them before? Would it also work for Water-Pokémon like Kyogre?
But in case you mean a "Legendary Dry" for all kinds of Pokémon and are suggesting the word "Legendry" as a cool sounding name for the feature, then my previous questions apply to this as well.
Is it only for Pokémon like Furfrou with hair? Could it be an extension for the Salon?
I'm also not sure about the definition of this word.
I sometimes pronounce the Pokémon

Nevertheless, maybe I'm just the only one who spells this Pokémon as "Shoopet" and instead you mean the internet slang word "Shoop" which stands for "to photoshop"?
Because then I could imagine that you mean that when you dry a Pokémon, that the image of the Pokémon will change/be photoshopped? If so, how exactly would it be changed?
Would Water-Pokémon suddenly look very dry? Would they even change their type to ground/rock?
Either way, I was hoping that you could elaborate your suggestion a little more.
Taking this suggestion seriously, I do NOT support-
Legendaries were implemented to give a challenge, as Joe said, and it would pointless to be able to get them by buying them.
Or perhaps you were talking about something like a legendary-only Auction House/GTS?
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
You're the man xD
Even tho you're a duck
I do not support this suggestion
It's not well explained, as you can tell because Riako just did some sarcasm at his first lines
And legendarys won't be a 'legendary' if they can be bought
Unless bought from another player of course
So yeah, i am still cracking up so I can't type properly
But Riako
that was awesome
edit: this is up there with Hearing At The Game Center XD
Having a shop specifically for legendaries [no matter the price] will only make those legendaries a lot more common, which defeats the purpose of them being legendary.
//locking and rejecting this.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
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