Prof. Artevoir
"Hello I am Artevoir and welcome to Emera Town. I am sure you have met Rowan already we work together at the lab however we work on separate projects. My study is on the pokemon that live exclusively at Emera. Here have my trainer card to remember this talk"

Shadow Dex Completion

My Favorite Pokemon
Game Records
Trainer ID: #127730632Registration: 08/12/2013 (11 Years ago)
Time Played: 2104:23 Hours
Total interactions: 309,206
Money: 1,560,760

Starter Pokémon:

"Hello, are you interested in my hunt? well I am trying to find the shiny mega autumn abra so and the extra that I breed need homes. If you look at the board you will see how they will be given out"

Single-3,500 PD
Complete Set- 10,000 PD

Shiny Single- 450,000 PD/300 Nuggets
Shiny Complete Set- 1,300,000 PD/860 Nuggets

Mega able-650,000 PD/430 Nuggets

Shiny Mega Able- 10,000,000 PD/6,600 Nuggets
Shiny Hunt
Artevoir is currently hunting Autumn Abra.
Hunt started: 13/01/2020

Chain: 85
Hunt started: 13/01/2020

Chain: 85


Last Action |
Viewing a Pokemon (1 Year ago) |