This is a suggestion to make your User Profile 'stylish',
or for some other reasons? :b
So what I think would be pretty cool is adding a Quote
Line/Sentence underneath our avatars.
RAWR no support you're copying pokefarm >:U Just kidding
xD The only thing I don't like about it is how I'm imagining it
will look. More specifically, I think it'll look strange for people
who have a small signature (or none at all) since it'll just extend
their post, leaving a big empty space where a signature would go xD
(I hope that males sense...)
Support from me! Personal titles and taglines are cool. I'm also
glad it would be longer than the one on DA, that one's just too
short to be useful. :'D
As for the signature thing, I don't think anyone would notice
unless they used up all the characters. One or two lines wouldn't
make much of a difference, I suppose. ^^
i kinda half support
if you want catchy captions to be written there, then it is an
extremely wounderful idea.
but if you want to do that about trades 'Kyurem UFT, PM me' thing,
then signatures would be better places.
I kinda half support
If you want catchy captions to be written there, then it is an
extremely wounderful idea.
but if you want to do that about trades 'Kyurem UFT, PM me' thing,
then signatures would be better places.