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BBCode Guide
Forum-Index → Help → Guides → BBCode Guideexample:
Arcaddly - Arcanine's Pokédex number would be 59, the letter here is p
so you have to put

If you own the event Pokémon you want to show, you can easily find out the letter by checking their Pokédex entry and right click on the image that is shown on the left side. The pop-up menu should now say "show image" or something like this in English/your language right at the top. Click on it and it will tell you the image file name in the URL bar.
In this case, the link would look like this:
As you can see, it says 059p.png at the end. There you have your number + letter (59p). :]
(Technically, you could also use this link to show the image by simply using the img-tag.

.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
Anyways, I've done the work for you - here you go.
Emera Event Pokémon
MissingNo. - 00noCatercream - 10i
Metacream - 11i
Buttercream - 12i
Narichu - 172n
Naruchu - 25n
Raizumaki - 26n
Satichu - 172s
Satochu - 25s
Raitoshi - 26s
Pikachu Belle - 25cb
Pikachu Detective - 25cd
Pikachu Libre - 25cl
Pikachu Pop Star - 25cp
Pikachu Rock - 25cr
Pikachu Scientist - 25pd
Clawfa - 173d
Clawfairy - 35d
Nessy - 36d
Witch Vulpix - 37w
Magic Ninetales - 38w
Igglybath - 174b
Jigglybath - 39b
Wigglybath - 40b
Sproutlett - 50s
Sproutrio - 51s
Mewton M. Meowth - 52gc
Mewton (Coinflip) - 52gd
Mewton (HoL) - 52ge
Mewton (Treasures) - 52gf
Mewton (Lottery) - 52gh
Mewton (Golden Slot) - 52gj
Mewton (Hangman) - 52gk
Mewton (Concentration) - 52gl
Lepreowth - 52p
Perchaun - 53p
Cuddlithe - 58p
Arcaddly - 59p
Autumn Abra - 63a
Autumn Kadabra - 64a
Autumn Alakazam - 65a
Mega Autumn Alakazam - 65am
Surfer Machop - 66s
Machotide - 67s
Beachamp - 68s
Dark Ponyta - 77h
Cursed Rapidash - 78h
Slowyore - 79s
Yorebro - 80s
Mega Yorebro - 80ms
Yoreking - 199s
Gomaseel - 86d
Ikkakugong - 87d
Obsidianix - 95o
Obsidialix - 208o
Mega Obsidialix - 208mo
Dr. Crazee - 96c
Prof. Madno - 97c
Solorb - 100s
Eclipsode - 101s
Disguised Exeggcute - 102h
Disguised Exeggutor - 103h
Cubone (Hylian) - 104z
Marowak (Hylian) - 105z
Derpatung - 108d
Jolly Jr. - 439j
Sad Jr. - 439s
Mr. Moody - 122m
Princess Smoochum - 238p
Queen Jynx - 124p
Toraros - 128t
Swampras - 131s
Santa Birb - 132sb
Sugar Shock - 446h
Candy Belly - 143h
Coccooot - 163c
Nocnoc - 164c
Pichu (spiky-eared) 172e
Spring Mareep - 179s
Spring Flaaffy - 180s
Spring Ampharos - 181s
Mega Spring Ampharos - 181sm
Summer Mareep - 179su
Summer Flaaffy - 180su
Summer Ampharos - 181su
Mega Summer Ampharos - 181pm
Autumn Mareep - 179au
Autumn Flaaffy - 180au
Autumn Ampharos - 181au
Mega Autumn Ampharos - 181am
Winter Mareep - 179w
Winter Flaaffy - 180w
Winter Ampharos - 181w
Mega Winter Ampharos - 181mw
Blossomly - 438a
Applewoodo - 185a
Woopice - 194s
Quagschnee -195s
Plagekrow - 198p
Dr. Honch - 430p
Unown Flake - 201zz0
Unown Flake - 201zz1
Unown Flake - 201zz2
Unown Flake - 201zz3
Unown Flake - 201zz4
Jesterig - 203t
Pumple - 213p
Teddiursa (Misdreavus) - 216m
Slugua - 218o
Aquargo - 219o
Shaysola - 222s
Santa Bird - 225sc
Rudolph - 234r
Zombeagle - 235s
Dirndltank - 241o
Larviprop - 246e
Pupibot - 247e
Mecha Tyranitar - 248e
Mega Mecha Tyranitar - 248em
Shadow Lugia -249s
Torcharch - 255r
Combowsken - 256r
Robin Blaze - 257r
Mega Robin Blaze - 257mr
Tailluchi - 276a
Swelluhodo - 277a
Festival Ralts - 280k
Festival Kirlia - 281k
Festival Gardevoir - 282k
Mega Festival Gardevoir - 282km
Super Shroom - 285m
Super Breloomio - 286m
Easter Slakoth - 287e
Easter Vigoroth - 288e
Easter Slaking - 289e
Nosepharos - 299l
Probolight - 476l
Crystal Aron - 304c
Crystal Lairon - 305c
Crystal Aggron - 306c
Mega Crystal Aggron - 306cm
Plusle (Flirty) - 311f
Minun (Flirty) - 312f
Wailmer (Babylonian) - 320a
Wailord (Babylonian) - 321a
Winter Numel - 322w
Winter Camerupt - 323w
Mega Winter Camerupt - 323mw
Ferrerocoal - 324f
Space Spinda - 327a
Cottonblu - 333c
Candaria - 334c
Mega Candaria - 334mc
Gooseboarder - 335s
Selunar - 337s
Solastra - 338s
Eclipseon - 338se
Frosty Kecleon - 352f
Keggleon (blank egg) - 352a
Keggleon (all special eggs from 2018's Easter Egg Hunt) - 352a0, 352a1, [...], 352a19
Zomppet - 353z
Banettenstein - 354z
Mega Banettenstein - 354mz
Chocoluv - 370c
van Bagon - 371a
Shelcasso - 372a
Sala da Menci - 373a
Mega Sala da Menci - 373ma
Mr. Bagon - 371s
Sir Shelgon - 372s
Lord Salamence - 373s
Mega Lord Salamence - 373ms
Raylóng - 384l
Polestar - 385s
Tom Nook - 399n
Tom Nook (Seller) - 399s
Pachirisnow - 417s
Driflamp - 425l
Lifghtblim - 426l
Valenfloon - 425v
Easter Buneary - 427e
Easter Lopunny - 428e
Mega Easter Lopunny - 428me
Heartomb - 442v
Rokkyu - 447s
Lucario-sensei - 448s
Mega Lucario-sensei - 448sm
Hippopotain - 449f
Hippowtain - 450f
Gloweon - 456b
Lumiday - 457bd
Cosmoneon - 457bn
Primal Dialga - 483p
Seatran - 485w
Aurora - 488c
Aqua - 494a
Bold - 494b
Chef - 494c
Hoggy - 494h
Nappy - 494n
Rainbow - 494r
Staid - 494s
Timid - 494t
Pharraloin - 0509p
Kleopard - 0510p
Simisage (Waiter) - 512w
Simisear (Waiter) - 514w
Simipour (Waiter) - 516w
Nightmare Munna - 517h
Nightmare Musharna - 518h
Flower Boy - 546m
Groomicott - 547m
Flower Girl - 548m
Lillibride - 549m
Scaractus - 556s
Sandwebble - 557s
Sandcrustle - 558s
Rodeo Scraggy - 559c
Sheriff Scrafty - 560c
Solgilyph - 561p
Easter Ducklett - 581e
Easter Swanna - 582e
Snowling - 585ch
Snowbuck - 586ch
Knight Axew - 610k
Baron Fraxure - 611k
Sir Haxelot - 612k
Hawaiian Cubchoo - 613h
Hawaiian Beartic - 614h
Mikofoo - 619m
Mikoshao - 620m
Goleros - 622v
Cupilurk - 623v
Steamo - 633s
Zweipunk - 634s
Teslagon - 635s
Fiesta Larvesta - 636s
Fiesta Volcarona - 637s
Easter Bunnelby - 659e
Easter Diggersby - 660e
Messenger Fletchling - 661m
Messenger Fletchinder - 662m
Messenger Talonflame - 663m
Scattercube - 664su
Spewbrella - 665su
Cocktaillon - 666su
Vivillon (Pride) - 666zp
Flabébé (Sakura) - 669s
Floette (Sakura) - 670s
Florges (Sakura) - 671s
Flabébé (Eternal Flower) - 669az
Floette (Eternal Flower) - 670az
Florges (Eternal Flower) - 671az
Skugar - 672s
Gingergoat - 673s
Furfrou (Santa) - 676sa
Maneki Espurr - 677m
Maneki Meowstic - 678m
Anniversary Gift - 685a
Dralucha - 701v
Tendenne - 702v
Wreafki - 707e
Anniversary Cupcake - 775a
Orryrm - 840o
Flapperine - 841o
Orake - 842o
Pumplin - 840p
Gourdle - 841p
Pumpkintun - 842p
Eiscue (Love) - 875v
Snowrex - 898s
Egg Sprites
Simply replace the 000A part with the alphanumeric code of the desired Pokémon. For example, if you want Spring Mareep's egg, set 000A as 179s.

Regular Megas / Primals
Mega Venusaur - 3mMega Charizard X - 6mx
Mega Charizard Y - 6my
Mega Blastoise - 9m
Mega Beedrill - 15m
Mega Pidgeot - 18m
Mega Alakazam - 65m
Mega Rapidash - 78m
Mega Slowbro - 80m
Mega Gengar - 94m
Mega Kangaskhan - 115m
Mega Pinsir - 127m
Mega Gyarados - 130m
Mega Aerodactyl - 142m
Mega Mewtwo X - 150mx
Mega Mewtwo Y - 150my
Mega Meganium - 154m
Mega Crobat - 169m
Mega Ampharos - 181m
Mega Dunsparce - 206m
Mega Steelix - 208m
Mega Scizor - 212m
Mega Heracross - 214m
Mega Skarmory - 227m
Mega Houndoom - 229m
Mega Tyranitar - 248m
Mega Sceptile - 254m
Mega Blaziken - 257m
Mega Swampert - 260m
Mega Gardevoir - 282m
Mega Sableye - 302m
Mega Mawile - 303m
Mega Aggron - 306m
Mega Medicham - 308m
Mega Manectric - 310m
Mega Sharpedo - 319m
Mega Camerupt - 323m
Mega Flygon - 330m
Mega Altaria - 334m
Mega Claydol - 344m
Mega Milotic - 350m
Mega Banette - 354m
Mega Absol - 359m
Mega Glalie - 362m
Mega Salamence - 373m
Mega Metagross - 376m
Mega Latias - 380m
Mega Latios - 381m
Primal Kyogre - 382m
Primal Groudon - 383m
Mega Rayquaza - 384m
Mega Luxray - 405m
Mega Lopunny - 428m
Mega Garchomp - 445m
Mega Lucario - 448m
Mega Abomasnow - 460m
Mega Electivire - 466m
Mega Gallade - 475m
Mega Froslass - 478m
Mega Giratina - 487m
Mega Audino - 531m
Mega Braviary - 628m
Mega Diancie - 719m
Bulbasaur - 1retVenusaur - 3ret
Charmander - 4ret
Charizard - 6ret
Squirtle - 7ret
Blastoise - 9ret
Rattata - 19ret
Pikachu - 25ret
Zubat - 41ret
Tentacool - 72ret
Gastly - 92ret
Haunter - 93ret
Gengar 94ret
Koffing - 109ret
Magikarp - 129ret
Articuno - 144ret
Zapdos - 145ret
Moltres - 146ret
Mew - 151ret
Chikorita - 152ret
Meganium - 154ret
Cyndaquil - 155ret
Typhlosion - 157ret
Totodile - 158ret
Feraligatr - 160ret
Sentret - 161ret
Hoothoot - 163ret
Togepi - 175ret
Marill - 183ret
Girafarig - 203ret
Delibird - 225ret
Stantler - 234ret
Lugia - 249ret
Ho-Oh - 250ret
Celebi - 251ret
Poochyena - 261ret
Zigzagoon - 263ret
Taillow - 276ret
Ducklett - 580ret
Rattata - 19aRaticate - 20a
Raichu - 26a
Sandshrew - 27a
Sandslash - 28a
Vulpix - 37a
Ninetales - 38a
Diglett - 50a
Dugtrio - 51a
Meowth - 52a
Persian - 53a
Geodude - 74a
Graveler - 75a
Golem - 76a
Grimer - 88a
Muk - 89a
Exeggutor - 103a
Marowak - 105a
Meowth - 52gPonyta - 77g
Rapidash - 78g
Slowpoke - 79g
Slowbro - 80g
Farfetch'd - 83g
Weezing - 110g
Mr. Mime - 122g
Articuno - 144g
Zapdos - 145g
Moltres - 146g
Corsola - 222g
Zigzagoon - 263g
Linoone - 264g
Darumaka - 554g
Darmanitan - 555g
Darmanitan (Zen) - 555gz
Yamask - 562g
Stunfisk - 618g
Gigantamaxes (Gigas)
Venusaur - 3gCharizard - 6g
Blastoise - 9g
Butterfree - 12g
Pikachu - 25g
Meowth - 52gi
Machamp - 68g
Gengar - 94g
Kingler - 99g
Lapras - 131g
Eevee - 133g
Snorlax - 143g
Garbodor - 569g
Melmetal - 809g
Corviknight - 823g (?)
Orbeetle - 826g
Drednaw - 834g
Coalossal 839g
Flapple - 841g
Appletun - 842g
Sandaconda - 844g
Toxtricity - 849g
Centiskorch - 851g (?)
Hatterene - 858g
Grimmsnarl - 861g
Magikarp (Calico) - 129aMagikarp (Orange) - 129b
Magikarp (Pink) - 129c
Magikarp (Gray) - 129d
Magikarp (Purple) - 129e
Magikarp (Apricot) - 129f
Magikarp (Brown) - 129g
Magikarp (White) - 129h
Magikarp (Black) - 129i
Magikarp (Blue) - 129j
Magikarp (Violet) - 129k
Unown A - 201a
Unown B - 201b
Unown C - 201c
Unown D - 201d
Unown E - 201e
Unown F - 201f
Unown G - 201g
Unown H - 201h
Unown I - 201i
Unown J - 201j
Unown K - 201k
Unown L - 201l
Unown M - 201m
Unown N - 201n
Unown O - 201o
Unown P - 201p
Unown Q - 201q
Unown R - 201r
Unown S - 201s
Unown T - 201t
Unown U - 201u
Unown V - 201v
Unown W - 201w
Unown X - 201x
Unown Y - 201y
Unown Z - 201z
Unown ! - 201za
Unown ? - 201zb
Castform - 351
Castform (Heat / Fire) - 351a
Castform (Rainy / Water) - 351b
Castform (Snowy / Ice) - 351c
Castform (Foggy / Ghost) - 351d
Castform (Aurora / Psychic) - 351e
Castform (Cold / Steel) - 351f
Castform (Dark / Dark) - 351g
Castform (Thunder / Electric) - 351h
Castform (Meteorite / Dragon) - 351i
Castform (Windy / Flying) - 351j
Castform (Earthquake / Ground) - 351k
Castform (Muggy / Bug) - 351l
Castform (Eruption / Rock) - 351m
Castform (Gusty / Fighting) - 351n
Castform (Smog / Poison) - 351o
Castform (Sunny / Grass) - 351p
Deoxys - 386
Deoxys (Attack) - 386a
Deoxys (Defense) - 386b
Deoxys (Speed) - 386c
Burmy (Plant) - 412a
Burmy (Sandy) - 412b
Burmy (Trash) - 412c
Wormadam (Plant) - 413a
Wormadam (Sandy) - 413b
Wormadam (Trash) - 413c
Cherrim - 421
Cherrim (Sunny) - 421a
Shellos (East) - 422e
Shellos (West) - 422w
Gastrodon (East) - 423e
Gastrodon (West) - 423w
Rotom - 479
Rotom (Heat / Microwave) - 479a
Rotom (Wash / Washing Machine) - 479b
Rotom (Frost / Refrigerator) - 479c
Rotom (Fan / Electric Fan)- 479d
Rotom (Mow / Lawnmower) - 479e
Rotom (Mixer) - 479f
Rotom (Drill) - 479g
Rotom (Monitor) - 479h
Shaymin - 492
Shaymin (Sky) - 492a
Arceus - 493
Arceus (Bug / Insect Plate) - 493a
Arceus (Dark / Dread Plate) - 493b
Arceus (Dragon / Draco Plate) - 493c
Arceus (Electric / Zap Plate) - 493d
Arceus (Fighting / Fist Plate) - 493e
Arceus (Fire / Flame Plate) - 493f
Arceus (Flying / Sky Plate) - 493g
Arceus (Ghost / Spooky Plate) - 493h
Arceus (Grass / Meadow Plate) - 493i
Arceus (Ground / Earth Plate) - 493j
Arceus (Ice / Icicle Plate) - 493k
Arceus (Poison / Toxic Plate) - 493l
Arceus (Psychic / Mind Plate) - 493m
Arceus (Rock / Stone Plate) - 493n
Arceus (Steel / Iron Plate) - 493o
Arceus (Water / Splash Plate) - 493p
Arceus (Fairy / Pixie Plate) - 493q
Basculin (Red) - 550a
Basuclin (Blue) - 550b
Deerling (Spring) - 585a
Deerling (Summer) - 585b
Deerling (Autumn) - 585c
Deerling (Winter) - 585d
Sawsbuck (Spring) - 586a
Sawsbuck (Summer) - 586b
Sawsbuck (Autumn) - 586c
Sawsbuck (Winter) - 586d
Tornadus - 641
Tornadus (Therian Forme) - 641a
Thundurus - 642
Thundurus (Therian Forme) - 642a
Landorus - 645
Landorus (Therian Forme) - 645a
Kyurem - 646
Black Kyurem - 646b
White Kyurem - 646w
Keldeo - 647
Keldeo (Resolute) - 647r
Meloetta - 648
Meloetta (Pirouette) - 648p
Genesect - 649
Genesect (Burn Drive) - 649a
Genesect (Douse Drive) - 649b
Genesect (Shock Drive) - 649c
Genesect (Chill Drive) - 649d
Vivillon (Meadow) - 666
Vivillon (Archipelago) - 666a
Vivillon (Continental) - 666b
Vivillon (Elegant) - 666c
Vivillon (Garden) - 666d
Vivillon (High Plains) - 666e
Vivillon (Icy Snow) - 666f
Vivillon (Jungle) - 666g
Vivillon (Marine) - 666h
Vivillon (Modern) - 666i
Vivillon (Monsoon) - 666j
Vivillon (Ocean) - 666k
Vivillon (Polar) - 666l
Vivillon (River) - 666m
Vivillon (Sandstorm) - 666n
Vivillon (Savanna) - 666o
Vivillon (Sun) - 666p
Vivillon (Tundra) - 666q
Vivillon (PokéBall) - 666r
Vivillon (Fancy) - 666s
Flabébé (blue) - 669b
Flabébé (orange) - 669o
Flabébé (red) - 669r
Flabébé (white) - 669w
Flabébé (yellow) - 669y
Floette (blue) - 670b
Floette (orange) - 670o
Floette (red) - 670r
Floette (white) - 670w
Floette (yellow) - 670y
Florges (blue) - 671b
Florges (orange) - 671o
Florges (red) - 671r
Florges (white) - 671w
Florges (yellow) - 671y
Furfrou - 676
Furfrou (Star) - 676a
Furfrou (Heart) - 676b
Furfrou (Diamond) - 676c
Furfrou (Dandy) - 676d
Furfrou (Matron) - 676e
Furfrou (Debutante) - 676f
Furfrou (Pharaoh) - 676g
Furfrou (La Reine) - 676h
Furfrou (Kabuki) - 676i
Zygarde (Core Forme) - 718a
Zygarde (Cell Forme) - 718b
Zygarde (10% Forme) - 718c
Zygarde (50% Forme) - 718d
Zygarde (Complete Forme) - 718e
Hoopa - 720
Hoopa (Unbound) - 720u
Wishiwashi - 746
Wishiwashi (School) - 746s
Minior (Meteor) - 774
Minior (Blue Core) - 774b
Minior (Green Core) - 774g
Minior (Indigo Core) - 774i
Minior (Orange Core) - 774o
Minior (Red Core) - 774r
Minior (Violet Core) - 774v
Minior (Yellow Core) - 774y
Magearna - 801
Magearna (Poké Ball) - 801a
Magearna (Great Ball) - 801b
Magearna (Ultra Ball) - 801c
Magearna (Master Ball) - 801d
Marshadow - 802
Zenith Marshadow - 802z
Cramorant - 845
Cramorant (Gulping) - 845s
Cramorant (Shiny Gulping) - 845as
Cramorant (Gorging) - 845p
Cramorant (Shiny Gorging) - 845ps
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime