Forum Thread
Supernatueral HG 2
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Supernatueral HG 2Rose shot at a pillager. She thought of Azar, who had nearly died because of Kayda. That thought made her angry, she fired as fast as she could, trying to kill as many of the brutes as she could.
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Another arrow is shot, this one is far from hitting Kayda. But now another career has grabbed a bow, she wouldn't get lucky for long. Kayda opens her palm, using the darkness of the Cornucopia to summon a blinding light. The impact is usually stronger at night, but now that it's morning, the light will feel like a temporary sting. She leaps out of the Cornucopia, using this to her advantage. She grabs the nearest knife, she tosses it at once of the careers who are holding a bow before she races out. She uses her last knife to slash the second bow welding career before she takes off into the woods. A string of four lettered curse words flies out of her mouth as she runs.
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Rita sent an arrow through it, killing it. Kyu quickly went to the wall and patched up the hole that had been made by a stray Creeper. In their panic the villagers quickly sumoned iron Golems to help defend them, and the iron giants went straight to work by finishing off the last of the pilligers.
(There's a breif cool down period between each wave, which I think I'll make only 3 to shorten it some.)
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Leaf looked at Harlow worriedly as Sage started to cry. "How long is this going to last?"
(Wait, wasn't Kayda gonna try to kill Leaf and the twins durring the raid?)
Agent Fallows, signing out~