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Supernatueral HG 2

Forum-Index Roleplay Supernatueral HG 2
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 19:01 (4 Years ago)
Emmie flinches slightly as she steps down on her swollen ankle. Her eyes are glazed over and have a sort of dead look to them, but she keeps moving.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 19:27 (4 Years ago)
Rita and Kyu with some aid of the iron golems were able to dispatch the second wave.

Azar dropped from the roof exhausted. Kyu quickly guided her to Kyu's house where she had her rest to recover her energy, when she came out the final wave started up. There were now Five Pilligers, five Vinidcators, and a Witch. Rita's hand reached back for an arrow only to come up empty. She climbed down and started retrieving her arrows when a Vinidcator suddenly cornered the girl. Rita turned to run but the Vindicator's axe caught her in the face followed by the sickening sound of something getting ripped mixed with Rita's blood curdling scream. She dropped down with a hand clasped over her left eye trying to staunch the flow, just as the Vindicator was about to finish off Rita a multi-colored beam of flower petals knocked it into an iron golem who finished it off.

Scarlet pulled Rita up and half carried, half led her Harlow and Leaf's house. Scarlet pounded on the door. "Harlow, help! Rita's been hurt!"
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 19:32 (4 Years ago)
After putting Sage in her crib, Harlow opens the door, gasping at how much blood was gushing out of the girl's face. She steps aside so that Rita can enter. She digs around in her bag for some fabric to place over the wound. "Go get Molly" Harlow tells Scarlet. She gives Rita the fabric to hold against her face.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 19:42 (4 Years ago)
(Prepare yourselves-)

Scarlet noddd and headed out to find Molly.

Rita kept refusing to lower her hand to put the cloth over her face, but kept insisiting she couldn't see out of her injured eye. Harlow figured worst case senario was Rita was now blind in that eye, but it was so much worse. When Harlow was finally able to convince Rita to lower her hand she was met with a grisely sight. Rita's eye had been nearly ripped out, leaving behind just the socket and blood nearly gushing from the injury, the eyeball itself was hanging only by the nerves.

Leaf was still trying to settle down Sage in the other room.
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 19:56 (4 Years ago)
Harlow flinches at the sight. "It's just a bit bloody. You'll be okay" Harlow lies. The last thing that Rita is gonna want to hear is that her eye will need to be removed. "Just lean back and try to relax. Deep breaths. Help is on the way" Harlow holds Rita's hand, allowing her to squeeze it if necessary.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 20:04 (4 Years ago)
As they waited Rita looked over at Harlow, "I'm not an idiot, I know my eye's not in its socket and it's going to have to get removed sooner or later." Rita gave a huff and looked back up at the ceiling. "I'm going to look like a freak."

(I dont know if I should take control of Molly since Tsuko's not on)
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 20:14 (4 Years ago)
Harlow shrugs. "You could wear a bad*ss eye patch or have a cool glass eye" she says light-heatedly. Trying to help the mood at least a little bit. She shuts up then, it was probably too soon to say something like that. Instead she just stares at the door, waiting for Molly to come.

(I say we wait for Tsu to get on)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 20:25 (4 Years ago)
Rita smiled at Harlow in apreacaion as the sounds of fight started to fade outside, inidcationg that the raid was finally over. Leaf finally got Sage down for a nap, she came and helped clean up Rita's eye to help prevent the infection. "At least keep this over it to help keep the infection out." Rita took the cloth and held it over her eye. Willow sarted crying and Leaf gave a sigh before getting up to tend to Willow, giving Harlow a kiss on the cheek in passing.

Scarlet came in with Molly. "Can you help her?"

Tempest woke up to find that her wounds were mostly healed and Nova was gone, the trap door was open. When Tempest followed down the ladder she was caught off gaurd about halfway down was a large garden of wheat, beets, potatos and carrots were growing, on the otherside were sugar cane and the whole area was lit up by torch light. Nova herself was harvesting the ready crops and replanted the seeds.
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 20:31 (4 Years ago)
Harlow backs away, giving Molly the space he'll need to tend to Rita. She washes the blood off of her hand and then goes to stand by Leaf.

Tempest was right, she felt terrible today. She quite literally felt like she had been hit by a bus, no, that would've probably felt better than this. Every muscle, and every joint felt like it was on fire. But Tempest can't lay in bed all day, so she stands up to investigate the house. That's how she finds Nova downstairs. "Whoa, this is cool" Tempest says as she glances around the underground garden.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 20:41 (4 Years ago)
Leaf was breast feeding Willow when Harlow came in. Leaf smiled and patted the spot on the bed next to her.

Nova looked up at Tempest and smiled a bit. "Yeah, well those damn Creepers kept blowing up my garden and I knew I would need a good food resoruce if i was going to survive out here. This was the soution, it took a few more resources then planned, but it works at least." Nova sttod up adn streched her arms out. "How you holding up?"
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 20:50 (4 Years ago)
Harlow sits next to Leaf, a disturbed look was on her face from what she had just witnessed with Rita. She sighs, holding her head in her hands. "Why must this happen?" Harlow asks. "It's unfair... she doesn't deserve it"

Tempest laughs at this question. "Well. I'm glad to say that I am pretty much all healed. Although I am sore... it's hard work to turn into an animal that's larger than your human form and being able to hold it" she explains. "I'll be okay though" she assures Nova. "I want to thank you again for saving us, and taking us in"
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 21:05 (4 Years ago)
Leaf put a hand on Harlow as she tried to console Harlow. "You're right, she doesn't. It's like how I didn't desvered to be *nono word here*ed by that animal who masquardes as a man. Or we we didn't deserve to get sent back here again." Leaf kissed Harlow's cheek just as Willow finished and started to cry. Leaf smiled and rocked her soothingly. "Life isn't fair, all we can do is try to make the best of it."

Nova smiles a bit. "Better then yesterday at lest thought right? And you're welcome."
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 21:21 (4 Years ago)
Harlow nods. "Yeah... that's true" she mumbles

"A lot better, that's for sure" Tempest replies.

(ooof one-liners)

Kayda's bleeding has mostly stopped. Her smaller wounds will be healed in about a day, as for her larger wound... probably not. It was hurting like crazy. Kayda did dig the blade out of her wound so it could properly heal. But now the wound was really fresh, so it could tear pretty easily. Kayda stands up and carefully wanders around. Maybe I can find a new shelter she thinks to herself as she explores
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 21:27 (4 Years ago)
(Yeah I know, but I cant do much else while Tusko's offline.)

Kayda slowly saw something, a village! She could faintly hear the inhabants mummttering and murmering to themselves from the otherside of the wall. It looked easy enough to break into. . .
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 21:36 (4 Years ago)
Just as Kayda thought, she easily broke into the village. The only people guarding the doors were some villagers who barley even seemed aware that Kayda was breaking in, much less that she was a threat to them. She leaves them be, they serve no purpose being her targets. She glances over at a window and gasps, recognizing the red hair of Harlow. She smiles to herself. This was perfect! She could rest up and then kill them when night comes! She breaks into one of the villager's houses, which is literally one house away from Harlow and Leaf's. Unsurprisingly, the villager doesn't put up a fight. It doesn't even care when Kayda collapses onto the bed and roots through the chest to eat some of the bread she found inside. It simply sighs and then exits the house.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 21:50 (4 Years ago)
Kyu was fixing up the village as well as helping the villgars with making more beds so that they could repopulate. Kyu walked right by Kayda's house and didnt even notice her, but since Kayda ddint notice Kyu either it all worked out.

Night started to fall and the villagers started heading into their houses. Rita's eye had been pushed back in and her wound wrapped, with some spare morphling from harlow she was able to sleep, Scarlet next to her. Kyu had jsut finished her rounds before sleeping in her house with Azar in a spare bed. Leaf gave a final check on the twins before falling asleep next to Harlow, their pets were garuding the house with the wolf attactched to Harlow at the foot of their bed sleeping.
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 22:01 (4 Years ago)
Kayda walks around the house completely unbothered. Her eyes narrow at the wolves that are guarding the house. They growl at her, as if sensing her evil plans. But other than that, they have yet to attack her...yet. She walks around the side of the house and peeks into the window, noticing that Rita and Scarlet where inside here too. She grins when she spots Leaf and Harlow, it only gets wider when she spots the kids. Jackpot! She thinks to herself. A terrible idea suddenly pops in her head. She slowly enters the house she had stayed in for the day and grabs a flint and steel. She walks back outside and throws her hands into the air. She knows for a fact that the Gamemakers will be watching her. "Do you want a show? I'll give you a show!" Kayda shouts. She lights the side of the house, lighting the side that is closest to where Leaf, Harlow and their kids are. She then goes to stand by the doors, preparing to fight whoever exits. Laughing like a maniac the whole time.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 22:15 (4 Years ago)
The two wolves suddenly lunged at her barking and snarling as they attack her, sinking their teeth into her flesh with the anger of well, wolves. The wolf inside the house sniffed the air and began barking, to warn Harlow and her allies of the danger. Scarlet was the first up despite Harlow's wolf barking, she reconised the smoke as this was a firmilar scent when keeping the Tracker jackers away durring harvest. Scarlet natually responded in the only way that would get the others up. "FIRE! Everyone up! There's a fire!"

Rita rolled out of bed in shock. "What?"

Leaf was up, shaking Harlow's shoulder. "Harlow we need to go!" She then quickly grabbed the twins.

Kyu's wolves also joined in attacking Kayda, sensing that their wolf brethern needed help. Kyu's wolf also barked at Kyu, rousing both her and Azar.
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 22:36 (4 Years ago)
Kayda screams out as the wolves that tear into her. At least now she could use her powers to aid her in this fight. She uses her knife to slash and stab the wolves. She curses to herself. She couldn't kill Leaf and the group if they had wolves helping them out. The moment she has a chance to run she takes it. She races away, lighting one last wooden plank on fire as she races out the village, dropping the flint and steel as she leaves. She can hear the wolves following her so she creates a blinding light to stop them in her tracks, this only gives her more time to create distance between herself and the wolves. Kayda curses to herself. Today was not her day. She once again is a bloody mess. She is full of bite barks and small scratches. Her arrow wound from earlier had re-opened up. It would've been the end of her if her sponsor haven't sent her a package. It was a first aid kit. On the note was a simple message: The show will go on!

Harlow races out of the house and then backs away, just in case the other houses catch on fire. She takes Sage from Leaf's arms and glances around. "Is everybody okay?" Harlow asks. She hears barking in the distance, it was the only hint they had that whoever launched this attack was now gone.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 22:50 (4 Years ago)
The wolves gave up their pursuit once Kayda had fled the village, they come back though one's gimping pretty badly. Kyu praised the wolves for a job well done and fed them some meat to give them some health back.

Leaf was holding Willowin her arms as she looked up at the fire spreading on their house, Scarlet came back with a bucket of water and put the fire out. Rita went the way the wolves came back from and returned with a flint and steel. It was slightly used. "Whoever started the fires used this."
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My first Gmax, Cream!