Forum Thread
Supernatueral HG 2
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Supernatueral HG 2(Giving Cesar back to RaRa (but unfortunatly she's not on now.)
(Sorry ;w; I got a huge headache and decided to go to bed early)
Kayda glares over at Nova from where she is standing. She listens close to her answers, wondering if she can find something to use against Nova
Tempest crosses her arms and frowns at Nova. She raises an eyebrow at the girl. Who does she think she is? Why is she calling me out like this she wonders.
But she wasn't. Her dress had changed, no longer the long silver elegant dress but a colorful dress with a shorter skirt with long free flowing sleeves and something attached to her from behind. Wonderingly she lifted her arms. Or should she say wings.
Because her stylist had just turned her into a colroful mockingjay.
Leaf gasped out. "My god, that was beautiful. But what is her stlyist thinking? Turning her into a mockingjay?"
(This dress, these colors and these "wings")