Forum Thread
Hilketa High School - RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Hilketa High School - RP-----
Ed responded to Barry's wave with a bro nod, a silent 'sup, if you will. He plopped his belongings on the desk before heading back to the door. "Can I use the restroom?" he asked the teacher, who simply responded with an exasperated "sure".
Ed wandered the halls, not really wanting to take his history test. He caught some noises coming from around the corner. A fight, maybe? he asked himself, unsure of what the noises were. He turned the corner, seeing a cluster of people. His eyes shifted, trying to identify everyone. Derick- "Gah," he muttered. "Derick, bro, what are you doing man?" He asked, still trying to figure out what the situation was. He and Derick weren't really friends per se, but they had known each other for a while. Ed was pretty familiar with Derick's typical bully attitude. He felt slight second-hand embarrassment seeing Derick's current...condition.

Barry listens to the teacher.

Hoebi groaned and got up, then went to his hiding spot. He was going to skip the rest of his classes today.
The teacher didn’t even care about the fight, she was told not to interfere with the students anyways. She sighed and got ready for the next class