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Warrior Cat Sign Up!

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Warrior Cat Sign Up!
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 04:52 (5 Years ago)
Welcome to the Warrior Cat Sign Up form! Please don't name yourself an original character from the Warrior cat series, create your own name! And here are some roles. BTW, if you are in StarClan and you want to live Clan life again, you can make a new character by making a new one in this sign up. Loners and rogues and kittypets can join Clans. If you have any questions about this Warrior Cats, PM me. Here is the link to go back: Warrior Cat Roleplay! And if you want some powers, PM me.

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Warriors (many)
Medicine Cats (1)
Medicine Cat Apprentice (1)
Leaders (0)
Deputies (3)
Apprentices (many)
Kits (many)
Queens (enough to fit in a nursery)
Elders (many)
StarClan cats (many)
Kittypets (many)
Rogues (many)
Loners (many)
If I've forgotten any other roles, PM me.

There is no maximum.

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Clan: (If you are from StarClan, please say your original clan)
Kits or mates: (If you are a queen or a warrior)
Apprentices: (If you have any)
Mentor: (if you are an apprentice)

My form:
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Username: TheDiamondEevee
Gender: She-cat
Name: Moonpaw
Clan: ThunderClan
Role: Medicine Cat Apprentice
Description: Has blue eyes and a dark pelt and is sister to Nightpaw.
Secret: Has the power to sense things and can read minds sometimes

Username: TheDiamondEevee
Gender: Tom
Name: Nightpaw
Clan: ThunderClan
Role: Apprentice
Description: Looks like Moonpaw but has spots. Is brother to Moonpaw. Mentor is Laurelheart.
Secret: Has the power to hear voices from far away and can read minds sometimes

Username: TheDiamondEevee
Gender: Tom
Name: Darkpaw
Clan: ShadowClan
Role: Apprentice
Description: Is completely black besides paws and has grey eyes. Is a tom. And has white paws.

Username: TheDiamondEevee
Gender: She-Cat
Name: Heatherpaw
Clan: RiverClan
Role: Apprentice
Description: Is a beautiful gray cat with a dark stripe going down her back. Has a few spots on back. Has blue eyes and is a she-cat.

Username: TheDiamondEevee
Gender: Tom
Name: Lightningpaw
Clan: WindClan
Role: Apprentice
Description: Is bluish-gray and has brown paws. Has gray eyes. Is a tom.

Username: TheDiamondEevee
Gender: Tom
Name: Flamepaw
Clan: SkyClan
Role: Apprentice
Description: Is an orange and red like a fire. Has green eyes.

Username: TheDiamondEevee
Gender: Tom
Name: Runningspirit
Clan: RiverClan
Role: Warrior
Description: His pelt is grey and has white paws. Has blue eyes. Is a tom.
Kits or mates: Mate is Sweetdawn
Apprentices: Spottedpaw
Mentor: None

Cats in Clans:
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Leader: Frogstar (gregoryk) - Is gray with one green eye. Has just one eye. Is a tom.
Medicine Cat: Meadowfeather (Mhaila) - All black with blue like colored stripes
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Moonpaw (TheDiamondEevee) - Has blue eyes and a dark pelt. Is sister with Nightpaw. Is a she-cat.
- Laurelheart (Tsukoyomi) - A snow white tom with sharp blue eyes. Apprentice is Nightpaw.
- Silverwave (SilverFox) - Light orange tabby with a light bluish and white muzzle with white paws
- Mouseclaw (Tsukoyomi) - A thin mousey brown she-cat with sharp yellow eyes and large ears.
- Blazetail (Corviknight) - Small white tom with amber eyes and a long, fuzzy ginger tail.
Pinepaw (FurryStar) - A light brown cat with white paws and white dappling the tip of her muzzle and a pink nose. She is stubborn, and doesn't back down from a fight easily. She is one of the only cats in ThunderClan not afraid to swim.
- Nightpaw (TheDiamondEevee) - Looks like Moonpaw but has spots. Is brother to Moonpaw. Is a tom. Mentor is Laurelheart.
- Foxpaw (SilverFox) - A whiteish black tom with a grey muzzle and brown paws
- Strongpaw (FurryStar) - Muscular black cat with green eyes. Is bold, loyal, protective
- Cedarquill (Shadowsinger) - She-cat with green eyes.
- Dawnstripe (Tsukoyomi) - Cream colored she-cat with brown markings and blue eyes. Kit is Skykit
- Skykit - Mother is Dawnstripe.

Leader: Coldstar (Mhaila) - A Calico cat that is mostly grey and white with a little bit of orange. Is a tom.
Deputy: Stonefang (Tsukoyomi) - A grey tabby tom with darker grey markings and amber eyes.
Medicine Cat: Mistfur (Tsukoyomi) - A fluffy grey tom-cat with piercing bluish green eyes. Brother to Leopardsmoke
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Hawkpaw (Corviknight) - Small brown she-cat with grey beige patterns and blue green eyes.
- Leopardsmoke (Tsukoyomi) - A grey tabby she-cat with grey markings and bright green eyes. Sister to Mistfur
- Blizzardflight (Shadowsinger) - Is a tom and is mostly white. Has orange stripes on his tail. And has orange eyes.
- Elmblaze (gregoryk) - Has orange spots and a dark brown pelt. Has green eyes and is a female. Apprentice is Heatherpaw.
- Runningspirit (TheDiamondEevee) - His pelt is grey and has white paws. Has blue eyes. Is a tom. Mate is Sweetdawn. Apprentice is Spottedpaw.
- Heatherpaw (TheDiamondEevee) - Is a beautiful gray cat with a dark stripe going down her back. Has a few stops near her stripe. Has blue eyes and is a she-cat. Mentor is Elmblaze.
- Maplepaw - Mother is Sweetdawn and Father is Runningspirit. Looks like Sweetdawn and Runningspirit. Mentor is Stonefang.
- Spottedpaw - Mother is Sweetdawn and Father is Runningspirit. Has yellow splashes and grey fur and has red eyes. Mentor is Runningspirit.
- Graypaw - Mother is Sweetdawn and Father is Runningspirit. Looks just like Runningspirit. Mentor is Stonefang.
- Duskpaw - Mother is Sweetdawn and Father is Runningspirit. Has just gray fur. Mentor is Leopardsmoke.
- Dawnpaw - Mother is Sweetdawn and Father is Runningspirit. Has light orange fur. Mentor is Leopardsmoke.
- Pebblepaw (FurryStar) - Light gray cat with white spots.
- Sweetdawn (Mhaila) - Has light orange almost yellow fur with black spots. Mate is Runningspirit and kits are Maplepaw, Spottedpaw, Graypaw, Duskpaw & Dawnpaw

Leader: Rainstar (Corviknight) - Skinny tom with brown and black pelt and bright blue eyes.
Medicine Cat: Echoshade (Corviknight) - A small tabby she-cat with grey pelt and blue blind eyes. Apprentice is Dawnpaw.
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Dawnpaw (YungRover) - Flat eared cat. Has a light brown pelt and normal brown stripes. Has dark grey eyes and is a tom. Mentor is Echoshade.
- Lakesong (gregoryk) - Spotted grey she-cat with green eyes.
- Fawnbreeze (Corviknight) - Small brown she-cat with white and darker brown speckles and green eyes.
- Ravenstorm (Corviknight) - Black longhaired tom with yellow and blue dichroic eyes. (Dichromats have very limited colour registering so he's basically colourblind)
- Amberpaw (Tsukoyomi) - Is a she-cat. White, and cream Calico Norwegian forest cat with large yellow eyes
- Lightningpaw (TheDiamondEevee) - Is bluish-gray and has brown paws. Has gray eyes. Is a tom.
- Sunpaw (SilverFox) - A grey tabby with white paws and yellow eyes and a white muzzle.
- Smokepaw (FurryStar) - Gray tabby with white paws
- Snowkit (SilverFox) - A white tabby with a pink muzzle and white paws. Is a she-cat.

Leader: Blackstar (Shadowsinger) - Fully black tom with grey eyes.
Medicine Cat: Sterlingpelt (Tsukoyomi) - A very fluffy black she-cat with matted fur and narrow light yellow eyes.
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Hawkpaw (gregoryk) - Has yellow eyes and a light brown pelt. Has dark brown stripes and is a tom.
- Ravenmoon (Shadowsinger) - Grey she-cat with grey eyes.
- Darkpaw (TheDiamondEevee) - Is completely black besides paws and has grey eyes. Is a tom. And has white paws.
- Pricklepaw (FurryStar) - Ginger apprentice with darker red markings on her muzzle.
- Nightheart (Shadowsinger) - Black with grey eyes and is a she-cat. Her kits are: Crowkit, Ebonykit & Galekit. Her mate is Blackstorm.
- Crowkit - Mother is Nightheart
- Ebonykit - Mother is Nightheart
- Galekit - Mother is Nightheart

Leader: Tawnystar (Tsukoyomi) - A sickly golden she-cat with black dapple patches over her fur.
Deputy: Falconfeather (AmblosiaEverfree) - Has brown, cream and black markings like a falcon, was a former kittypet in a faraway town, when a fire forced her to go to the forest.
Medicine Cat: Tigerwillow (Tsukoyomi) - Furry russet tabby cat with yellow eyes. Is a tom.
Medicine Cat Apprentice:
- Mothdusk (Corviknight) - A grey and brown tom with white and black speckles and amber eyes.
- Hawkear (SilverFox) - Brown tabby with red eyes.
- Flamepaw (TheDiamondEevee) - Is orange and red like a fire. Has green eyes and is a tom.
- Shadeclaw (FurryStar) - A dark grey cat with blue eyes. She is strong and viciously protective of her family. Kits are Skunkkit & Solkit. Mate is Eclipse
- Skunkkit - Black cat with a long white stripe going down her back that ends at the tip of her tail. Mother is Shadeclaw.
- Solkit - Calico cat that is mainly black with a white underbelly, white ginger spots dappling her back. Mother is Shadeclaw.


Outside the Clans:
- Eclipse (FurryStar) - Orange and black loner that visited SkyClan and lives just outside their territory. Mate is Shadeclaw. Kits are Solkit & Skunkkit.
- Nightmare (WarriorsFan) - Completely black with yellow eyes.
- Waterstrike (AmblosiaEverfree) - White with ginger patches, former Clan was RiverClan, is a loner right now. Name used to be Softstrike in RiverClan, Rogue name was Water, and loner name is Waterstrike. Kits are Windy, Earth & Fire. Mate is Thornpaw.
- Thornpaw (AmblosiaEverfree) - Used to be part of RiverClan, lives with Waterstrike. Mate is Waterstrike, kits are Windy, Earth and Fire.
- Windy - White with ginger stripes
- Earth - black with brown patches
- Fire - White with black spots like it was in fire
- Carrots (FurryStar) - Black cat with yellow eyes. Knows how to mess with people. Lives near ShadowClan and often interacts with them.

Other animals:
- Jupiter (AmbrosiaEverfree) - A tawny owl who has the ability to speak with StarClan. Has the rest of the prophecy. Is a she.

If you want me to add more animals, PM me. And if you want me to add BloodClan, PM me.
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Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 165
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 04:57 (5 Years ago)
Username: Mhaila
Gender: Female
Name: MeadowFeather
Clan: ThunderClan
Role: Medicine Cat
Description: All black with blue like colored stripes
lol get rekt
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 04:59 (5 Years ago)
@Meadowfeather (Mhaila) accepted!
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Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 05:14 (5 Years ago)
Username: AmblosiaEverfree
Gender: Female
Name: Falconfeather
Clan: Skyclan
Role: Deputy
Description: FalconFeather has Brown, Cream and black markings like a falcon, She was a former Kittypet in a faraway town, when a Fire forced her to go to the forest.

I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 07:56 (5 Years ago)
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Username: Tsukoyomi
Gender: Male
Name: Mistfur
Clan: Riverclan
Role: Medicine Cat
[A fluffy grey tom-cat with piercing bluish-green eyes. Brother to Leopardsmoke.]
Kits or mates: Not allowed :\
Apprentices: Hawkpaw
Mentor: n/A

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Username: Tsukoyomi
Gender: Female
Name: Leopardsmoke
Clan: Riverclan
Role: Warrior
Description: [A grey tabby She-Cat with grey markings and bright green eyes. Sister to Mistfur]
Kits or mates: She might have a crush on Lakesong...
Apprentices: Open
Mentor: n/A

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Username: Tsukoyomi
Gender: Male
Name: Amberpaw
Clan: Windclan
Role: Apprentice
Description: [Black, white, and cream Calico Norwegian Forest Cat with large yellow eyes]
Kits or mates: Open
Apprentices: n/A
Mentor: Open

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Username: Tsukoyomi
Gender: Male
Name: Laurelheart
Clan: Thunderclan
Role: Warrior
Description:[A snow white Tom with sharp blue eyes]
Kits or mates: Open
Apprentices: Nightpaw

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Username: Tsukoyomi
Gender: Female
Clan: Skyclan
Role: Leader
Description: [A sickly colden she-cat with black dapple patches over her fur. She has dull brown eyes]
Kits or mates: Open
Apprentices: Open

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Username: Tsukoyomi
Gender: Female
Name: Sterlingpelt
Clan: Shadowclan
Role: Medicine cat
Description: [An very fluffy black she-cat with matted fur and narrow light yellow eyes]
Kits or mates: Sorry, not allowed :\
Apprentices: Open

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Username: Tsukoyomi
Gender: Female
Name: Mouseclaw
Clan: Thunderclan
Role: Warrior
Description: {A thin mousey brown she-cat with sharp yellow eyes and large ears]
Kits or mates: Open
Apprentices: Pinepaw

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Gender: Male
Name: Stonefang
Clan: Whichever one needs a mentor
Role: Deputy
Description: [A grey tabby tom with darker grey markings and amber eyes.]
Kits or mates: open
Apprentices: whichever apprentice is open

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Username: Tsukoyomi
Gender: Male
Name: Tigerwillow
Clan: Skyclan
Role: Medicine Cat
Description: [Furry russet tabby cat with yellow eyes]
Kits or mates: Not allowed to :\
Apprentices: Open
Mentor: n/A

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Username: Tsukoyomi
Gender: Female
Name: Dawnstripe
Clan: Thunderclan
Role: Queen
Description: [Cream coloured she-cat with brown markings and blue eyes]
Kits or mates: Skykit, Her mate has passed away
Apprentices: Open
Mentor: n/A

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 08:15 (5 Years ago)
@Mistfur, Leopardsmoke, Amberpaw (Tsukoyomi) and Falconfeather (AmblosiaEverfree) accepted!
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Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 728
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 15:45 (5 Years ago)
Blackstar - Shadow Clan
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NAME: Blackstar
AGE: 40 moons
RANK: Leader

Nightheart - Shadow Clan
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NAME: Nightheart
GENDER: Cisfemale
AGE: 39 moons
CRUSH/MATE: Blackstorm
KITS: Crowkit (son- 3 moons old) Ebonykit (daughter-3 moons) Galekit (son-3 moons)
KIN: Crowkit

Ravenmoon - Shadow Clan
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NAME: Ravenmoon
GENDER: Female
AGE: 40 moons
RANK: Warrior
KITS: Mosskit (son)

Cedarquill - Thunder Clan
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NAME: Cedarquill
GENDER: Female
AGE: 20 moons
RANK: queen
KITS: N/A—Nursery Maid

Blizzardflight - River Clan
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NAME: Blizzardflight
AGE: 20 moons
RANK: Warrior
CRUSH/MATE: Leapordsmoke
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 808
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 17:52 (5 Years ago)
Username: gregoryk
Gender: male
Name: frogstar / frogtail
Clan: thunderclan
Role: leader? if not, warrior is fine
Description: click for photo, he’s part manx, só he has no tail!

Username: gregoryk
Gender: female
Name: lakesong
Clan: windclan
Role: warrior
Description: click for photo

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 23:53 (5 Years ago)
Role:Warrior apprentice
Description:A light brown cat with white paws and white dappling the tip of her muzzle and a pink nose. She is stubborn, and doesn't back down from a fight easily. She is one of the only cats in ThunderClan not afraid to swim.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 03:25 (5 Years ago)
@Pinepaw (FurryStar), Frogstar (gregoryk), Lakesong (gregoryk), Blackstar (Shadowsinger), Nightheart (ShadowSinger), Ravenmoon (Shadowsinger), Cedarquill (Shadowsinger) and Blizzardflight (Shadowsinger) accepted!
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My Pokemon:
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 03:33 (5 Years ago)
@Gregoryk, would you be okay if Lakesong was Amberpaw's mentor? Feel free to say no

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 808
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 03:45 (5 Years ago)
im not at all good at writing training sessions so i'd rather not have my characters mentor anyone, sorry! <3

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 03:53 (5 Years ago)
yeah no problem!

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 07:43 (5 Years ago)
Username: SilverFox
Gender: Female
Name: SilverWave
Clan: Thundeclan
Role: warrior
Description: light orange tabby with a light blueish and white muzzle with white paws
Kits or mates: (none)
Apprentices: none

Username: SilverFox
Gender: Male
Name: Foxpaw (one day when he becomes foxtail as a warrior)
Clan: ThunderClan
Role: Apprentice
Description: a whiteish black tom with a grey muzzle and brown paws
Kits or mates: none
Apprentices: none
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 07:46 (5 Years ago)
@Silverwave (SilverFox), Foxpaw (SilverFox) accepted!
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Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 18:44 (5 Years ago)
I'm gonna have quite a few characters, only because I want to make WindClan (best clan) alive
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Username: Corviknight
Gender: Male
Name: Rainstar
Clan: WindClan
Role: Leader
Description: Skinny tom with brown and black pelt and bright blue eyes. [X]
Kits or mates: His mate, the former Deputy known as Silverstorm died.
Apprentices: None
Mentor: Narp

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Username: Corviknight
Gender: Female
Name: Echoshade
Clan: WindClan
Role: Medicine Cat
Description: A small tabby she-cat with grey pelt and blue blind eyes.
Kits or mates: Narp
Apprentices: Narp
Mentor: Narp

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Username: Corviknight
Gender: Female
Name: Fawnbreeze
Clan: WindClan
Role: Warrior
Description: Small brown she-cat with white and darker brown speckles and green eyes.
Kits or mates: Narp
Apprentices: Open!!
Mentor: Narp

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Username: Corviknight
Gender: Male
Name: Ravenstorm
Clan: WindClan
Role: Warrior (probably gonna be Deputy)
Description: Black longhaired tom with yellow and blue dichroic eyes. (Dichromats have very limited colour registering so he's basically colourblind)
Kits or mates: Narp
Apprentices: Open!!

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Username: Corviknight
Gender: Male
Name: Blazetail
Clan: ThunderClan
Role: Warrior
Description: Small white tom with Amber eyes and a long, fuzzy ginger tail.
Kits or mates: Narp
Apprentices: Narp
Mentor: Narp

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Username: Corviknight
Gender: Female
Name: Hawkpaw (Hawkshine)
Clan: Riverclan
Role: Medicine Apprentice
Description: Small brown she-cat with grey and beige patterns and blue and green eyes. [X] (just ignore the bells, multi-use oc amiright)
Kits or mates: Narp
Apprentices: Narp
Mentor: Mistfur

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Username: Corviknight
Gender: Male
Name: Mothdusk
Clan: SkyClan
Role: Warrior
Description: A grey and brown tom with white and black speckles and amber eyes.
Kits or mates: Narp
Apprentices: Open
Mentor: Narp

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Username: Corviknight
Gender: Male
Name: Owlpaw
Clan: ShadowClan
Role: Warrior apprentice
Description: Brown tabby tom
Kits or mates: Narp
Apprentices: Narp
Mentor: Open

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 808
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 18:44 (5 Years ago)
Username: gregoryk
Gender: female
Name: elmblaze
Clan: whatever clan needs a mentor, i forgot which it was
Role: warrior
Description: click
Kits or mates: n/a
Apprentices: whoever needs one

Gender: male
Name: hawkpaw
Clan: whatever clan needs a med apprentice
Role: med apprentice
Description: click

if no one needs an apprentice / mentor, then just put them in roles that need to be filled!
Mentor: whoever needs one

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 18:49 (5 Years ago)
Role:Warrior apprentice
Description:Muscular black cat with green eyes. Is bold, loyal and protective
Kits or mates:Crush on Pinepaw
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 19:45 (5 Years ago)
Username: YungRover
Gender: Male
Name: Dawnpaw (Dawnspirit)
Clan: WindClan(If you are from StarClan, please say your original clan)
Role: Medicine cat apprentice
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Something like this?

Mentor:None yet?(if you are an apprentice)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Thu, 04/07/2019 03:43 (5 Years ago)
@Rainstar (Corviknight), Echoshade (Corviknight), Fawnbreeze (Corviknight), Ravenstorm (Corviknight), Blazetail (Corviknight), Hawkpaw (Corviknight), Elmblaze (gregoryk), Hawkpaw (gregoryk), Strongpaw (FurryStar), Dawnpaw (YungRover) accepted!
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