Forum Thread
Event Egg Chance Increase
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Event Egg Chance Increase- Buy an item (FOR NUGGETS) that will increase event egg generation. Perhaps a 10% higher chance the egg will be an event vs a normal. Must be renewed monthly.
Event passes:
- Buy event eggs rapidly until you get your shiny. As many as you need to, in order to get the shiny, as fast as you can hatch the eggs.
They are not even remotely the same thing and would not come close to rendering event passes useless. Both involve nuggets, one is an instant gratification, one is still involving patience.
Sorry, but I don't think this comes anywhere close to rendering event passes useless. I would still buy them for hunts I wasn't patient on.
thank you, kaitotemari, for this signature!
I have been on this mega Slowyore hunt for over a year. I have only hatched 167 eggs. I am on pretty much every day and check my daycare regularly enough that I hardly ever miss eggs. It's starting to get a bit ridiculous.
@XD001 Event passes are only useful to shiny hunters. For someone mega hunting, such as myself, event passes are useless because most of the time you'd get a shiny way before a mega.
As someone who shiny hunts events through daycare regularly, I understand the pain it can be to get even just the max chance (For example my current hunt, and right now I got premium, therefore it should be "easier" than before). I agree with the idea of an item bought with nuggets since all breeding or shiny chance increase items are bought with nuggets already and buying isn't the only way of getting nuggets.
Ah, also, shouldn't premium user have already a little boost in event egg production? I'm not sure of this is already one of the premium benefits, but it wasn't on the page so... Obviously it wouldn't be nearly as effective as this item, It could be just a small increase like the shiny chance.
Btw it's only my opinion so feel free to share yours ^^
I personally like the fact that we have things on pokeheroes which are hard to obtain and of which you can be proud of if you get them. Increasing the chances would also drastically lower the value of (shiny) events since they would be a lot easier to obtain and that would be unfair towards those who already experienced the struggle of an event-hunt but still managed to keep their patience till they were succesful
I would like to point out that the suggested increase in Event Eggs isn't necessarily mass-producing Event Eggs, rather increasing the odds much like the Mega Cuff.
I can agree that the value of Shiny Events may decrease, but I can't predict a drastic change. The Event Passes themselves would still be available and not everyone has the patience to use the suggested item just for breeding odds. Seeing how expensive the passes are in the first place, this item could definitely help those users get Shiny Events they desire without the giant hole in their wallet.
Malkins did a great job of summing my response up but I would also like to address the last bit of this. I finished my first Shiny Mega hunt right before the Mega Cuff came out and never once have I found the addition of the Mega Cuff (which simplified shiny mega hunting to the same degree that this would simplify event hunting) to have been unfair to me.
I'm really just proposing the exact same thing as the Mega Cuff, only instead of an increased chance of hatching a mega-able, I think an increased chance of an event egg being hatched. :)
thank you, kaitotemari, for this signature!
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As stated here that it would just about nerf event passes, but for those who can't afford a event pass this is another way to possibly get their event egg rate up. Also with it being a nugget only option it would still support the site due to the purchase of nuggets needed to use it. Yes the addition of the said item may decrease the event shiny's price but I don't think it would decrease by much.
personally I can only shiny hunt events through daycare because of how crazy expensive passes are otherwise, so i'd like a slightly higher event chance, especially in the case of things like the two Flabébé events which are genderlocked to either ditto breeding or using a completely separate species to make any headway.