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Milotic6721's Gifts

[View Milotic6721's Plushie Collection]

GoldenLeaf <3 6 Days ago
kytten ♡[PEG]♡ 11 Days ago
LuckyLady Courtesy of PEG. Hope you have a great day. <3 12 Days ago
Cherry_Blossom 14 Days ago
Cherry_Blossom 14 Days ago
Cherry_Blossom 14 Days ago
Cherry_Blossom 14 Days ago
Tuna 16 Days ago
Zellane 17 Days ago
Zellane 18 Days ago
LuckyLady Courtesy of PEG. Hope you have a great day! <3 19 Days ago
Zellane 20 Days ago
Zellane 20 Days ago
Nika~ 21 Days ago
Ravet 22 Days ago
Shiro-kun :) 23 Days ago
dusk_keldeo 23 Days ago
Tuna thank you! 24 Days ago
~Mae Thanks for the missing plushies you sent ❤️ 25 Days ago
Tuna thank you! 25 Days ago
Rimi You didn't have them too :3 25 Days ago
Rimi 25 Days ago
Rimi 25 Days ago
Rimi 25 Days ago
Rimi 25 Days ago
Rimi 25 Days ago
Nika~ ‹𝟹 25 Days ago
Nika~ ‹𝟹 25 Days ago
Milotic6721 Event Distribution 25 Days ago
Ravet 25 Days ago
cat-rose Peg, not a morning person, I usually dont eat breakfast or just grab a quick sandwich 1 Month ago
~Mae :D 1 Month ago
Milotic6721 Event Distribution 1 Month ago
Natsuki_unknown 1 Month ago
kytten i burn water, i don't know how to make fudge. xD
But anything chocolate is good!
1 Month ago
Pixer 1 Month ago
Ravenswing Have a wonderful day!! ~ peg 1 Month ago
Nika~ 🌹 1 Month ago
Snowfrost 1 Month ago
hinayanachan honestly anything lemon or just plain citrus flavored is my go to for ice cream though I won't say no to chocolate chip or strawberry cheesecake from baskin robbins
courtesy of PEG
1 Month ago
ShatteredDiamond 1 Month ago
ShatteredDiamond 1 Month ago
cat-rose PEG I love origami, the last thing I made was probably miniature crane apout 2cm tall 2 Months ago
Lorry14 2 Months ago
kytten ♡[PEG]♡
i haven't planted anything in SO long i couldn't even being to remember what it might be. So instead i'll tell you that i loved planting strawberry plants with my grandmother when i was younger! That was fun. Strawberries are tasty ♡
2 Months ago
LuckyLady Courtesy of PEG. Hope you have a great day! <3 2 Months ago
Milotic6721 Event Distribution 2 Months ago
brachyjen 2 Months ago
Vinderay 2 Months ago
Shadowplay 2 Months ago
Shadowplay 2 Months ago
Gojirath 2 Months ago
BoomBoy [peg] I used to love Charlie and Lola. people said that I looked like one of the characters, even tho they were just a couple of lines haha. also, I was recently surprised to find that Charlie is like 7 years old?? I always thought that he was like 14 lol. he rubbed off on me a bit I think 2 Months ago
~Mae :3 2 Months ago
Globy ^^ 2 Months ago
Milotic6721 Event Distribution 2 Months ago
TheSleeplessPiemon KARP KARP KARP
(sending to random friendlist please don't send to the admin or mod again O_O)
2 Months ago
TheSleeplessPiemon KARP KARP KARP
(sending to random friendlist please don't send to the admin or mod again O_O)
2 Months ago
Qiaokeli 2 Months ago
Ravenswing My favorite superhero? It would have to be the people who keep society going, the unsung heroes, by choosing non-glamorous jobs, without whom basic life would cease to be. They are altruistic folks who demonstrate compassion, courage or perseverance in the face of adversity and challenge ♥ ~ peg 2 Months ago
