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Dream World

vstar's Gifts

[View vstar's Plushie Collection]

Zarkesh 3 Years ago
Zarkesh 3 Years ago
SmolBeanRey Happy crisis 3 Years ago
DracoDragapult U want it 3 Years ago
Tyler4 3 Years ago
alilsleepy 3 Years ago
Hunterz~Wolf Have a great day! ^^ 3 Years ago
Qousain 3 Years ago
Aura~ 3 Years ago
Ashlie 3 Years ago
BoomBoy :D this is Terry :) he loves playing around by the burn in the woods where he lives and eating berries of the trees :D 3 Years ago
vstar Event Distribution 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko Russian Roulette Random User! Here's a cute little birdo for you :3 3 Years ago
BabyEevee22 owo 3 Years ago
LuckyLady 3 Years ago
vkai :D 3 Years ago
~Imagine~ 3 Years ago
Aiizen 3 Years ago
Tobio_Chan 3 Years ago
vkai :D 3 Years ago
noobnoob 3 Years ago
Half_N_Half have a ploosh 3 Years ago
BoomBoy :D congratulations on winning first place in #gooeyGoomyGiveaway!! thank you for participating :D this is Vasilia :) while she is a very pretty flutterby, she is a pretty lame prize, wouldnt you say? but wait- whats this! you find a small tag on one of her feet! you tear it off and see that theres a ycryptic clue. you examine it and realise you must head over to my disused diary. 3 Years ago
BoomBoy :D congratulations on winning first place in #gooeyGoomyGiveaway!! thank you for participating :D this is Vasilia :) while she is a very pretty flutterby, she is a pretty lame prize, wouldnt you say? but wait- whats this! you find a small tag on one of her feet! you tear it off and see that theres a ycryptic clue. you examine it and realise you must head over to my disused diary. 3 Years ago
BoomBoy :D congratulations on winning first place in #gooeyGoomyGiveaway!! thank you for participating :D this is Vasilia :) while she is a very pretty flutterby, she is a pretty lame prize, wouldnt you say? but wait- whats this! you find a small tag on one of her feet! you tear it off and see that theres a cryptic clue. you examine it and realise you must head over to my disused diary. 3 Years ago
BoomBoy :D congratulations on winning first place in #gooeyGoomyGiveaway!! thank you for participating :D this is Vasilia :) while she is a very pretty flutterby, she is a pretty lame prize, wouldnt you say? but wait- whats this! you find a small tag on one of her feet! you tear it off and see that theres a ycryptic clue. you examine it and realise you must head over to my disused diary. 3 Years ago
Lonewolf8600 Reverse..Reverse..Reverse..Reverse..Reverse Judo Flip 3 Years ago
Lonewolf8600 reverse....reverse....reverse judo flip 3 Years ago
Lonewolf8600 reverse judo flip 3 Years ago
Roozi A Stab in the dark here 🐓 3 Years ago
Teatime_Biscuit sorry couldnt find cosmog plushie 3 Years ago
vstar Special reward for spending 1,000 Dream Points at the DW Shop. 3 Years ago
BoomBoy :D this is Floop :) they adore a good macaron :D 3 Years ago
BoomBoy :D this is Leslie :) she is a little weird but loves hugs nonetheless :D 3 Years ago
BoomBoy :D have a birb :) this is Frank :D he is, clues in the name, very frank xD he loves bananas and playing around with some wool :D 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
BoomBoy [missing]
:D this is finley :) he eats a lot and is quite lazy but at heart is very kind :D
3 Years ago
Ephenia 🏳️‍🌈 3 Years ago
VirtusDomini Have a AMAZING day my freind and lots of *huggos* and *cuddles* thanks for being my freind (random AMAZING mood :P) 3 Years ago
King-Aero 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
Momma_Miko 3 Years ago
vstar Event Distribution 3 Years ago
shockwave65 3 Years ago
LuckyLady Thank you! 3 Years ago
LuckyLady Thank you! 3 Years ago
Agata 3 Years ago
