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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 73
EXP: 10,935 /12,966

Health Points 210
Attack 157
Defense 110
Sp. Attack 117
Sp. Defense 112
Speed 214
Pokédex No. #424
Rarity Medium
Nature Timid
Trainer cd2mp4
Origin. Trainer cd2mp4
Obtained 2 Days and 2 Hours ago
Caught on Route 53
Family Tree
Hatched 9 Days ago


Ambipom wants to train with you a bit!


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rexou32, Regi_Zoryno, ZuperZwagZoe, liamete, ClickDeeClack, mysteryX, Komainu, buzz, Darkdragonbz80, WalkingOnSunshine, Astro_Lover, ImperialHound, 25coolmosa, cd2mp4, Ameer2011, WendyAlice, marinaspencer_, BluRay, polarr, MINTED_0DDN3SS, Sonickidz, L1connu, Ilse, Raiogen, Dhamear, Lady_Litwick, Stnrmmts, Mycorrhiza, felori, Enforcer, Criex12, Bresrk, natjacker, Xiao, EldritchNeoteric, WisteriaWoods87, dubyvo2, VarsityRisneX, zhy929, quilavant, MasterJeje, mimikboo, FireBlaze01, _Chimera_, loketoke, Daisy-Brown, Iggystar, Kyunim, Sorasdra2simp, Wolfsdrache, light2dark, h0tsalsa, Riuk, sparkyluxray, Sesu, LightWingale, Arashi55, DragonEmperor, Kinua_Rayssen, testar, ShadowWolf18, Adr0nix, VeniceGuy, Libbey, MorbidlyAnxiouss, Charlieplayspokemon, Shiny, TheNoiceOne, Tuna, RoxasNuggetsXIII, BarnacleBoy, cocobobo10, CaramelPopcorn18, SwordGuardian, magdral, AriIsCool, EpicFailure, sarahplayes, Absbor, Ashlie, ocelotmiles, Streth, Realmavi, OneShinyRobin, Thomassen, Jmele112, Shinekiara, Rori, ShyShine, Nadgobus, kyukurarin, Cougarteeth, salandit, EeveeLover, Zarbes, punisher023, GooBear, Venchura, KaasSaus36, HyperBeam, Galvadyne, NicoDullblade, Politoed, GOTO, ShiroTempest, RegiLeader.