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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 655
EXP: 477,827 /773,424

Health Points 354
Attack 246
Defense 262
Sp. Attack 231
Sp. Defense 305
Speed 238
Pokédex No. #334
Rarity Event
Nature Hardy
Trainer Jadestar
Origin. Trainer Jadestar
Breeder Jadestar
Obtained 1 Month and 19 Days ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 1 Month and 19 Days ago


Tuft wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (49)

Haag, Raikage~, QueenWeiss, WalkingOnSunshine, SourApple, ShadowXTM, MindPretzel, Kaitlyn404, Kochengsaur, Neva, ~Bunny_Lord~, Mycorrhiza, Enforcer, -Alakazam-, oFilip, Tintik, Whattoput636, Flame_Queen, Himari, Castiello11, loketoke, Vampirecat, champ1509, alexalience, Catlexx, RahRahYh, Meowster, HimitSuS, Tuna, Maato11, BarnacleBoy, ChaoticKing, Rabdom, CaramelPopcorn18, Hideko1994, Sharktibolt, LeoRia, Cdoomchu, Dragonlover, -nationaldex-, RainRipple, Nadgobus, -Morningstar, Purgatory, Exocomet, brokensharks, Liana10, Nauxiak, Castalia.