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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 58

Trainerpoints: 8,176/10,149


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Vivillon19153 / 1,141
Vivillon21709 / 1,387


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Newest gifts
Lemeyx 8 Days ago
Guro 12 Days ago
Homework_sis 14 Days ago
Gojirath 15 Days ago


ChaoticKing hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #612133178
Registration: 08/02/2018 (6 Years ago)
Game Time: 930:16 Hours
Total interactions: 1,186,057
Money: 34,566
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


does the mew egg break your chain?
10 Days ago
traded in a few pokemon cards in for store credit down he street, got me $96 store credit, basically enough for an ETB and 4 Single packs
18 Days ago
Happy birthday to me, 27th lap around the sun. Whoot whoot.
1 Month ago

Congratulations! A shiny Minior (Violet Core) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #116)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries

1 Month ago
You found 300x Game Chips in this treasure box!

thats kinda a slap to the face!
1 Month ago
smh Am i the only one who didnt know u can shiny hunt in the safari by chaining, similar to how to hatch eggs of the same kind you can chain hunt in the safari(catch the same vivillon pattern without catching another pattern/species)
2 Months ago
im ready to throw hands with the gem cauldron guy, two black boxes in a row, whyyyyy
2 Months ago
xmen97 really bringing the water works
3 Months ago
3 core eggs in a row for my hunt!!! is this a sign, is this a bluff, only interactions can tell,
3 Months ago
tadbulb eggs can still be obtained and returned until 4pm site time correctly, i just dont wanna ruin my shiny chain, id like to be cautious.
4 Months ago
grammar wise, the tadbulb eggs don't break a shiny chain but what about the Wo-Chien egg, does that break the chain
4 Months ago
is the tadbulb event breaking shiny hunt? i legit dont know grammar at this point
4 Months ago
to anyone who had caught a shiny vivillon in the safari zone is the sprite shiny while throwing balls or will it randomly be shiny when you choose to adopt/release them?
4 Months ago
a twisted ankle and chores dont mix,
4 Months ago
the fun fair egg doesn't break a chain right?
4 Months ago
oh todays my 6th year anniversary. had no idea
5 Months ago
at my 40 eggs mark , if i bought premium and hatched more then one shiny (violet core) minior, what do you think i could sell extras for?
5 Months ago
did gem cauldron get shorter , i usually have 50 seconds extra, and just now i had a 10 second warning
5 Months ago
just ordered subway and cant say i enjoyed that sub, $12 down the drain, 6/10*s
6 Months ago
my Pokémon in the Daycare must be having a lovers quarrel, maybe Minior core (violet) found out ditto has other kids from past relations. pls give me more eggs.
6 Months ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Last Action
Visiting the Auction House (9 Hours ago)


Last Visitors

JayHawkTue, 09/Jul/2024, 07:22
Ace~Mon, 08/Jul/2024, 09:54
ShatteredDiamondSat, 06/Jul/2024, 02:58
BlueberryPiemonWed, 26/Jun/2024, 19:41
ShiningRayquazaSun, 23/Jun/2024, 16:34