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Trainerlevel: 66

Trainerpoints: 12,779/13,133


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About me

Pokemon Go
Friend code: 2910 2391 4003

SaltyCactus || He/Him || Night Owl || Trash Panda

I have been on here for 11 years. I love all my friends on here I am so glad I found so many people on here.






View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Pokepottergold 2 Days ago
Anni146 3 Days ago
TheSleepyOne 5 Days ago
SaltyCactus 7 Days ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #936033934
Registration: 19/09/2013 (11 Years ago)
Time Played: 5181:00 Hours
Total interactions: 9,609,973
Money: 22,920
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


It only took two days for the other place to call me and I have to go to the hospital on Tuesday the 18 at 1PM for a CT scan to see where the thing in my nose is coming from. Then we will decide what to do from there.
Yesterday, 21:34
Going to the nose specialist tomorrow gotta wake up at 7 am so I can leave at a good time cause the appoinment is at 10 ish.
3 Days ago
The specialist finally phoned today and I have an appointment around 10 on Tuesday. So now I just have to let him look up my right side of my nose to see what needs to be done.
7 Days ago
Scarf Wyrm
7 Days ago
Like Riako could have had it set to 1 sweet every 100 interactions inatead of having it random.
8 Days ago
I shouldn't have to waste my dream points just to get sweet hearts but that seems to be the only way to get sweets faster. I made over 300 interactions and only got 1 sweet from that. That doesn't seem fair.
8 Days ago
Haven't had a phone call from the nose specialist yet. I'm hoping I don't have to wait to long I really need them to look at my nose and tell me if I need surgery or if I need to take something for it.
17 Days ago
I made my own watermark for toyhouse what do you guys think? and here is just the watermark.
19 Days ago
So I have to go to a specalist to look at my nose. I just have to wait for them to call us. Which means I might has to get my nose operated on...
21 Days ago
Decided to just redraw the lineart after paint tool sai decided to not save the first time. So Here is the finished work, and here is the progress.
21 Days ago
I just bought LOCKDOWN Protocol for my computer and also one of the dlc's for it. I can't wait to try it out when it's done downloading.
21 Days ago
Palworld on steam updated and it seems we steam users can finally co-op/multiplay crossplay now. So maybe tomorrow I might ask my sister if she want to play just to find out since she has palworld on her xbox.
22 Days ago
<_< I've been sick for three days now. My mom got sick first then got me sick and now my sister and my dad are sick too. And then my other sister will be coming back on saturday lets hope she doesn't get sick.

Being sick sucks specially for me since I have troubles breathing with my right nostril and when I get sick it gets worse.
28 Days ago
Rest in peace Maggie Smith you will be missed.
4 Months ago
User's only get locked/banned when there is a reason for them to get locked/banned.

You shouldn't be complaining about "user's" who get someone locked/banned.

The only way a user is locked/banned is if a mod has found a valid reason to do so.

We have the report buttons for a reason.
11 Months ago
I know I said this a long time ago but like I really wish we could opt out on getting sent plushies we don't want.

Or at least opt out for getting random plushies cause usually the random plushies are the ones you don't want to get sent.

Like I don't really want to have to block users everytime they send me a plushie that I don't want sent anymore. Which seems to be the only way to not get the plushie anymore we need more options.
11 Months ago
how many DP do I need to have to get a shiny mew and Celestial Mew(If it will be next time) so I can save up for next time?
1 Year ago
I have been having fun doing artfight this lsst 4 days or less I can't remember. It's been fun and I decided to upload the attacks I did on my stash.

So I can show all of you my work that doesn't have artfight lol. I have been really proud of the work I did. I might re open my art shop here if anyone wants me too.
2 Years ago
You know what I love. I love when I can tell that I have improved my art skills. I found and old 2015 drawing I did for a youtuber and I just had to redraw it and I am glade I did.

I am really proud of my self on how the new drawing turned out.
4 Years ago


1. Do not pp, or pm me if I am not selling/trading any of my pokemon/items/pd/nuggets unless stated other wise. I am getting to many hi, hello, and heys just for them to then say sell me this pokemon/items/pd/nuggets or I'll trade for this pokemon/items/pd/nuggets.

2. Please do not spam my palpad if you send a palpad I usually do slow replies. Cause I am either interacting or a sleep or I just haven't seen it.

3. Do not be afraid to message me if you want to have a chat. Just do not message me about my pokemon or items(see rule 1 for reasons)

4. PLEASE do not send me magikarp plushies. You will get blocked even if it was completely random.



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