Forum Thread
The City and Its People
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The City and Its PeopleOphelia suddenly reached out, blade flying out of Huixin’;s reach, into Ophelia’s hand.
She paused. Her expression slowly shifted back to neutral.
“…Liang Hui Xin.”
She stood up.
“…You’re under arr-“
She was suddenly cut off by a bullet that decided to pierce her shoulder.
She winced, stumbling for a moment.
Aleksandr grabbed her, eyes flashing blue as her abilities were locked away.
“Hey, boss? You good?”
He let Ophelia slump back into the chair, quickly cuffing her to the chair, with ability-restricting cuffs.
Or is it
You decide.
Ophelia was suddenly cut off by a bullet that decided to pierce her shoulder. Huixin nearly jumped out of her skin and turned around
“Yeah, I am. Thanks, Aleks”
Huixin flashed Aleksandr a small smile.
“Thanks. She can’t hurt anyone now. Evacuate the place, you, Shieta, Saeng-i….and anyone else alive. Give everyone a call, check up on where they are and tell them we’re moving. We’ll retreat to our backup base of operations.”
“I’ll handle things from here. Go make sure the rest of us are okay. Bring Shieta first so she can help whoever needs it”
Huixin turns to Ophelia, sitting down in the chair opposite hers
Aleks nodded, making sure the cuffs were secured, before rushing out the room.
Ophelia struggled against her restraints, but seemed to give up after a few minutes.
Her gaze flickered up to Hui Xin.
“…You got me.”
Or is it
You decide.
Huixin smiles softly.
“Don’t struggle. If anything, it will only hurt. I have trust in Aleks that these ability restriction cuffs are effective”
In a more serious tone, she asks “You won’t be punished for your failure, will you? They’ve given you enough time…to eradicate us?”
She reaches out, one hand gently placed on Ophelia’s.
Her gaze was tired- exhausted, really. She was so tired. her skin seemed healthier, now, though,a s her vampirism was locked away.
She looked up at Hui Xin.
“…I’ll probably have to go through a round of Readjustment.”
Torture, essentially.
Or is it
You decide.
Huixin murmurs, placing a gentle hand on Ophelia’s cheek, savouring the moment, before stepping away and gripping the hilt of the blade once more.
As she backs away, Huixin unknowingly kicks a thin metal strip towards Ophelia. Just enough for her to pick the cuffs.
Huixin smiles and closes her eyes, moving the sword’s blade to her neck, a look of near peace on her face
Ophelia pleaded gently.
her eyes locked onto the strip of metal.
She managed to grab it, picking the lock, as she continued pleading.
“Hui Xin. Please.”
The lock clicked open, as the blade flew out of the mafia boss’ hand.
Ophelia’s expressionless facade had completely broken down. She slowly walked over to Hui xin, hugging her.
Or is it
You decide.
She let Ophelia embrace her “I’d rather die than let you get hurt.”
Huixin whispers softly, warm arms wrapping around Ophelia, resting her head on the shorter woman’s.
“But I’m not getting captured either.”
She repeats stubbornly. Huixin was conflicted. To escape would be to hurt Ophelia. But to surrender was another hell in itself
Huixin kissed Ophelia’s cheek tenderly, before she rips into her own skin, smearing the blood on Ophelia’s hands
“Tell them you’re close. That you gave me severe injuries, and are just taunting me. Playing with your prey like a cat”
Huixin smiles, fading away into nothing as a frightened, confused civilian takes her place.
She reached up, blood smearing under his fingers.
She muttered.
“God damn it.”
She took a step bac k from the civilian, then turned, leaving the room.
She’d failed. This was not going to go over well at all.
Or is it
You decide.
“I’m kinda injured, can you help?”
Kinda injured was an understatement. She was bleeding. Badly. She might actually pass from the blood loss
Huixin stumbles into her chair, using her magic to weave a copy of herself, picking pieces from various bodies to assemble the Frankenstien-her.
She wasn’t going to let Ophelia suffer. Not if she could help it. Time to piñata her ‘body’~
to the bossman: I’m fine. I got everyone out. Where are you?
Ophelia felt horrible. Awful. Like pure garbage.
She wanted to cry. But not here. When she got home.
Whenever that would be.
Or is it
You decide.
Her leg was killing her. She felt like it was on fire.
Still, Huixin pushed on, working fast to create her clone……at the cost of her own health, of course. The phone slipped out of her grasp, falling on the carpet
For Ophelia
For her
Anything for her
“Yes Boss everything’s fine, how’s things on your end.”
Xuanji had sent three smoke bombs on a few buildings through the drones and cleared most of Sixth Avenue.
Everything was pretty well on her end.
“Where are you Boss, where do we rendezvous?”
“Things are fine, Xuanji. Your end is good, I presume? Keep an eye on things for a bit, we’ll meet back up at our base. The backup one we sometimes use”
With a groan, she sent her complete clone to the streets. Missing an eye, arm mangled and gory, the clone Huixin was a horrifying sight. And soon enough, one of the ESA members found it, sending a picture to Ophelia.
“Good job, boss” The ESA member sent along with the attachment of the photo. It would stall the ESA for now, but it definitely wouldn’t be permanent. They’d find out about the body’s…mismatch soon enough.
He sighed, picking up his rifle, glancing down at his comms.
She checked her phone.
This picture wouldn’t hold up very long against government experts. They’d tell something was off.
She sighed.
She’d royally screwed herself over. She should’ve gone for force from the beginning.
Or is it
You decide.
Drifting in and out of consciousness, she could faintly see a gorgeous meadow. Littered with Strelitzia flowers, and ponds with lotus flowers. Peaceful, tranquil and idyllic. And a shining figure clad in silk.
Dream Ophelia was beckoning her into Death’s embrace, and Huixin was more than ready to follow
To the lesser harmed members, Shieta could just simply pass out her specially crafted medicine. However simple potions won't be able to wholely heal a few cracked ribs.
By the time she was able to touch her phone again, did she receive the emergency news from Huixin. Her heard almost dropped. The battle was at pause.. but her boss seems to be not in good shape.
"Saeng-i can you handle the rest of the patients? If not, then use the emergency stash that I prepared. I understand you're confused but now is not the time to dawdle, I must attend your boss back at base immediately. Call me if you need anything.. I trust you my prized disciple."
With one final trusting nod towards Saeng-i, Shieta made her way back towards the base. Thankfully the roads weren't blocked at this time so it took less than a few minutes to arrive at their home base. Entering through the secret entrance with her key card, Shieta immediately knew where Huixin was due to the smell of blood. Her heart beating rapidly, she called over any leftover personals of the medical staff and immediately brought the unconscious Huixin over to the operation table.
"Shit.. if you knew you were going to over do yourself like this I'd much rather..." Shieta didn't complete her sentence. She knew that if this women was not reckless at all despite how she seems. If anything, she probably planned the whole scenario out. Down to even her curse words earlier. That was how meticulous the other was.
Shieta shook her head, and put on her gloves. She immediately went to work. Now was not the time to focus on her own emotions. The patients life in front of her was far more important. Each and every second could mean life or death, so it was the medics job to ensure the livelihood of their people.
And Shieta's people includes Huixin too.
'So don't die on me.'
Opening up her phone, Xuanji navigated through the empty alleyways and streets with her map, guiding her safely back to the base. Thankfully, there weren’t much people around and everything was fine.
There were still bodies and people being evacuate from the previous fighting areas, stretchers, bandages, blood and bodies.
Xuanji passed them and arrived at the lobby, which was now a makeshift hospital treatment area, Saeng-i was there but the old lady medic wasn’t.
Skipping through the injured, and popping a piece of bubble gum into her mouth, Xuanji put on hand in her pocket and held her phone in the other, Poe curled around her neck. The girl checked the contacts of the other Mafia members, no new messages, good. If Xuanji was normal she would ask where her Boss or the old medic was, but alas, she didn’t really care.
“I’m going to the basement, I have the report too but I’ll hand it in later. Call/text if need anything” Xuanji sent on the chat and shoved the phone into her pocket, humming like nothing was wrong and that there definitely wasn’t any dying people around her. Xuanji didn’t speak to anyone and went to the elevator down into her room.